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Western Federation
: Ceâqar Pacamiâ.
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: . Ge Asåga ukâmis.
Under God We Shine
Largest city Tameyvah
Official languages Vosan, HGSS
Ethnic groups Vos (48%)
Hitagi (30%)
Thelem (10%)
Foreign heritage Residents (12%)
Demonym Vos
Government Federal presidential republic
 -  President Ṣilem Tavinyes
 -  Vice President Ove Duviyes
Legislature Federal Congress
 -  Western Vaniuan tribes 100 CE 
 -  Ohanian rule 255 
 -  Qasam's Kingdom and Citirid Dynasty 520 
 -  Avicisid Dynasty 953 
 -  Bafeid Dynasty 1567 
 -  First Republic 1801 
 -  Bavid Dynasty 1823 
 -  Sannist Takeover 1931 
 -  Second Republic 1999 
 -  1,354,302.72 km2
522,899 sq mi
 -  2020 census 84,102,199
 -  Density 62.1/km2
160.8/sq mi
HDI 0.844
very high
Currency Vos Actan
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .vs

Vosan (Vosan: Afarac), officially known as the Western Federation (Vosan: Ceâqar Pacamiâ), is a sovereign state located in Vaniua. Spanning the northern region of the Golden Plateau and the eastern half of the Gulf of Sharkunen, Vosan borders Komania and Khezan to the east,Lenezan to the north, as well as Siyezan and Qamatudh to the south. With a population of over 84 million citizens and a GDP value over US$2 trillion, the country's economy is the largest in Vaniua.

Vaniuan tribes have inhabited modern Vosan since the late Bronze Age, bringing with it animal husbandry and agriculture. Tribes originating from what is now Khezan, predecessors to the region's Jiuzemic, Mosuli, and Daskannic tribes, first inhabited Vosan in 1000 BCE, with it founding some of the oldest settlements in the country. In 500 CE, Jiuzemic tribes and chiefdoms who dominated much of northern modern Vosan were then unified under the rule of the Holy Ohanian Empire.

The country enjoys a largely diverse urban population, owing to its early adoption of globalist political policies. The nation is run mainly through the service sector, with a hefty manufacturing sector as a close second for economic production.


Vosan has several names it is known by. Its conventional long name, Ceâqar Pacamiâ, comes from "Over-federation in Western Vaniu." The conventional short name, Afarac, comes from Vosan afar pac, meaning "western country." The name Vosan, what most people know the country by, comes from the predominant ethnicity, the Vos, via Bosan (Bos-zan, -zan being a country suffix).


Shetari Kingdom

From a weak Ohanian Empire, Qåsam, disciple of Zarasa and skilled general, would by Zarasa's directions establish the Shetari kingdom, initially stretching from the Melkanchutan coast to the Gulf of Sharkunen, reaching what is now northwest Lenezan by 570 CE. After the death of Qåsam in 592, the kingdom would be split among his four grandsons, with Ṣeviêje getting what is now Khezan, Urijocis getting the Hitagi region, Citiri getting the majority of Vosan, and Êjiri receiving the modern-day Lenezi lands.

Green Kingdom

Upon Qåsam's death, his eldest grandson Citiri assumed control of the Urone valley region, establishing the Green Kingdom. Throughout its lifespan, it was a target of many raids by its northern and southern neighbors, with the South Masic tribes causing the most trouble in the north. This era is significant as it solidified Jiuzemic presence in the country, as Old Vosan displaced Ohanian as the language spoken by the elite thanks to the efforts of Rurivi the Bright (r. 756-779). The kingdom would fall apart as a succession crisis occurred with a king dying without a suitable heir in 948.


The death of the last king Ate IV sparked a civil war across the Green Kingdom, with many regions vying for their candidates to take the empty throne. The civil war would last for 25 years until 973, once the Ceîmir Kingdom from the east took over Ånevem after a long siege.

Holy Shanyedate

The Ceîmiri king Avicis I, upon the taking of Ånevem in 973 and with a blessing from Baje Va III, declared himself the Holy Shanyeda, or emperor, of the Urone. Unlike the kingdom before it, this newly unified Vosan would take after the feudal system the Ceîmir Kingdom had previously. Under this system, power was handed to local lords and their vassals to rule the land, and heirs were elected by a council rather than directly chosen by the monarch, a reflection of what would come later during the Western Republic and Federation.

Shavakhotian Conquest

Around 1390, coming from Lenezan, the X of Shavakhotia invaded and seized Ånevem, taking over the entire Shanyedate by making Emperor Ure II a vassal to Shavakhotian King [Name] in 1392. Shavakhotian rule over Vosan would be mostly hands-off, only taking taxes and sending Vos warriors to fight in northern wars. The vassalage proved very temporary, as after Ure's death, his heir Aḍi I severed ties to Shavakhotia and reinstating the emperor as the highest ruler of Vosan.

Holy Yeshub

Bafeid Reforms

As Bafe I ascended the throne in 1567, he entered Vosan into a personal union with Lenezan, becoming the emperor of both as a result of a royal marriage of Avicis V with the Lenezi princess [Name]. His rule signified stark changes to how the Holy Shanyedate was run. This also became the period which saw the Shanyedate at its greatest extent, with territory at one point stretching as far north as Šatavaňa, Lenezan, to the Bay of Bathania in Southern Vaniu.


The Ṣasverîm, also called the Great Unkingment, signified the end of the Holy Shanyedate and put a pause on Vosan monarchy until 1823. After rampant instability, cries for revolution, and the enthronement of five kings within two years, the last king Coro IV invaded Imperial Lenezan as an attempt to secure legitimacy, reputation, and to prevent republican sentiment from taking over the Shanyedate. While the invasion was successful at first, Coro's luck turned around and his forces were pushed back to the Vos-Lenezi border, with widespread mutiny and trouble back at home; revolution was at full swing, partially due to Lenezi dictator Váňude funding several revolutionary groups. Realizing Coro could not win the war with Lenezan, he signed a treaty in 1798, and a year later, he was publicly executed. Two years of unstable conditions followed, many stepping up to lead Vosan, but none were as successful as the popular general Acoro Gafeverasaḍiyes. A constitution was written, and the country formally transitioned into a republic.

Western Republic

The Western Republic was set up as an outcome of the Ṣasverîm, with a presidential system inspired by the democracies in [somewhere]. The first elections where commoners could vote were held, however voting was only done by men with property who supported the republican cause. It would see three presidents over its lifespan, the first being Acoro and the last being Ṣidantåva Ôyes, who was deposed during the restoration of the monarchy in 1823.

Restoration of Monarchy

During the unpopular reign of Ṣidantåva and general negative opinion of the republic, there were cries for someone that could truly represent the country, and monarchist sentiment unseen since the Ṣasverîm rose again. News came out a legitimate descendant of the previous kings, Bavi, grandson of King A (r. 1781-1795) was alive in exile, and was invited into the republic to reclaim the throne. Disagreements between how the king could rule and if the country needed a king again ultimately lead to the Courtroom Massacre, a killing of republican officials by a monarchist who committed suicide by autodefenestration after. With both sides agreeing the tragedy should never recover, they compromised and let Bavi in as a constitutional monarch. A second constitution was written, and Bavi was given limited power and Vosan could remain a democracy.

New Shanyedate

Bavi and his descendants' rule until Sannism became known as the New Shanyedate, a time of great prosperity for the country.

Colonial Era

Throughout the New Shanyedate, Vosan would pursue and gain several colonies across Sahar. The first established being Kerezh, which is now northern Taanttu in Boroso, settled in 1833 to more securely get Borosan goods. The Shanyedate would then acquire the island clusters of Solama and Žévuzah from the Pavo-Vos Coal War in 1864, the Great Bay from Mwamba in 1868, and after the War of Supremacy in 1889, the Three Straits colony which is now Awating, Manea, and the northern islands of Magali. All the colonies helped to bolster the wealth of Vosan and secure it valuable resources from across Sahar.

Rise of Sannism

In 1917, the biggest economic crash hit Vaniu in what became known as the Tameyvah Troubles. Discord took over the country, and people became radicalized, looking for someone to fix the situation. One man, the nationalist Rus Canayes, quickly rose a following and won the seat of Legislator, the highest electable seat, in the election of that year. For the five years he was Legislator, he and his supporters grew radical and paramilitaristic, seeking to overthrow the Shanyeda himself. In what became known as the Black Morning in 1922, they staged what seemed a peaceful protest at the Ånevem Palace to force Shanyeda Voḍam's abdication and let Rus become the sole ruler of Vosan, turning the country into a Sannist state.

Vos State

The Vos State rose to prominence, ending the New Shanyedate as Rus became the dictator, or Shayuri, of the country. He brought about several reforms and turned Vosan into a pure free market state as inspired by Ove Detsir's ideals. This period would see the end of Vosan's hold on its most valuable colonies, Solama and Žévuzah being handed back to Lenezan in 1939 as per the treaty's conditions, and the invasion of the Three Straits in 1949 by the Qonklese Empire. The state was dragged into the Pangyeoun War as a result of the latter as an allied power, siding with Riyana and Naea. Rus would resign in 1964, leaving Åtåvo in charge as would stay the case until the Great Revolution.

Great Revolution

Åtåvo quickly proved unpopular and unable to carry on with the success of his predecessor. Bad decisions, economic downturn, unchecked monopolies, and oppression of workers led to many rejecting Sannism, some even turning to Kuulism. Anti-Sannist sentiments came to a head in the Riots of 1976, which spurred on a civil war, lasting a year until Åtåvo died in an accident. The Shayuri's death marked the Sannist Front's disorganization as infighting occurred for who would succeed him, allowing the Federalists would win Vosan and transition the country into an asymmetric federation, with borderlands and ethnic minorities gaining autonomous republics within the country.

Western Federation

The Western Federation is how Vosan exists in the modern day, as established by President Rive Duviyes in 1977. Pretty soon after, in [date], disputes between the country and Siyezan over the Republic of Davyosok boiled over into a Davyosok War, which was won by Vosan and secured Davyosok as a Vosan entity. Later on, in 2018, a Sannist coup d'état was attempted, but failed and strengthened the policy of using the military as a domestic peacekeeping force.







Administrative Divisions

Foreign Relations



The GDP of Vosan is estimated to be at around US$2 trillion in recent estimates.



Science and Technology



Ethnic Groups

The recognized ethnic groups of Vosan are the following

  • The Vos, most prominent in the north around the cities of Ånevem and Zurtusaê, making up about 48% of the total population
  • The Hitagi, most prominent in the northwest around the cities of Tameyvah and Saṣoma, composing around 30% of the population
  • The Thelem, a broad umbrella term which composes the following ethnic groups, being around 10% of Vosan's population
    • Dalayuz, being the majority of the Thelemites, altogether being 6% of Vosan's population, making it a very sizeable minority
  • A collection of immigrants and foreign-born residents, composing of the following ethnicities, making up the last 12% of the country's population
    • The Awatese
    • Khezids
    • Lugids



The recognized languages of Vosan are:

  • Vosan, one of two official languages, and is the most widely spoken, with about 61% of the population reported as being native speakers, and 31% of the population as being L2 speakers of the language.
  • Hitagi, the other official language, and is the second most widely spoken, with 20% of the population said to be native speakers, and 68% of the population being L2 speakers.
  • Darlayuz, a regional language spoken mostly in the south of Vosan
  • Bashan, a regional language closely related to Khezian spoken in the east of Vosan, directly south of Khezan

There are many minority languages in Vosan, but the ones that are most prominent are:

  • Khezian
  • Koman
  • Awatese
  • Lugid




A significant portion of the population of Vosan adheres to the Qasamist sect of Zarasaism, however in recent years there has been a surge of irreligion in the urban centers of the country.












See also