Archive:Sovereign Order of Hajenired

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The Holy Sovereign Order of the Serene Temple of Tan in Hajenired
CapitalGrand Temple of Tan, Hajenired
Largest Temple
Official languages Upper Baredan
Recognised national languages Norjihani, Sjuun, Szezk
Demonym Serene, Tanhungði
Government Theocracy
 -  Grand Tanhungði Servant Sfaðti IV
 -  Grand General of the Forces of Mahadras Usta Fáró
Legislature Council of the Warriors of Tan
 -  Treaty of Tel Duvemuz 1399 
 -  0 km2
0 sq mi
 -  2017 census 134
GDP (nominal) 2017 estimate
 -  Total $ 360 Billion
 -  Per capita $ 2.68 Billion
Currency Norjihani Famus
Time zone NMT (SCT+1)

The Sovereign Order of Hajenired, officially the The Holy Sovereign Order of the Temple of Tan in Hajenired, is the only sovereign state on Sahar with no official territory, instead controlling a number of businesses and extra-territorial territory, mostly within South Baredina and Istan. It is the official state entity of the Tanhunga Faith, with its 'capital' being the Grand Temple of Tan in the city of Hajenired. It also has stakes in or majority control of many South Baredinan companies, and has served as the main conduit in Szezk-Norjihani peacekeeping efforts. It was founded at the end of Wars of the Three Armies in 1399, when the Order's territories within Norjihan were granted extra-territoriality, and has continued as a sovereign, extra-territorial entity since. The head of the Sovereign Order is the Grand Tanhungði Servant, the top clergyman in Tanhunga, and the population of 134 consists entirely of the members of the Council of the Warriors of Tan, the elite group of clergymen who lead the Tanhunga faith.

The Order is an organ of the Tanhunga Church, as well as being a continuation of the Military Order of the Army of Tan, the army founded by Anlar III in 1302. It currently has 134 citizens, all of them clergy who form the Council of the Warriors of Tan, the body that controls the theocratic structure of the Sovereign Order. It is widely considered a sovereign subject under international law despite having no official territory. It is an official member of United Sahar and issues its own passports and postage stamps, as well as having the right to enter into treaties (although it does use the Norjihani Famus as its currency as prescribed under the 1852 Treaty of Hajenired). The Sovereign Order also has the Corporation of Hajenired as a business quarter, through which it controls a number of businesses, most notably the Bank of Hajenired, and thus is often seen as blurring the lines between a country, a company and a religious body.



The Sovereign Order can trace its origins to the Military Order of the Army of Tan, formed by Anlár III, leader of the Mahadran Reform Movement of the 1300s who brought in sweeping changes, increasing the powers of the Tanhungara and establishing it at the top of the political structures of the Baredan world at the time. Anlár had seeked closer relations with the Szezks in an attempt to spread Tanhunga to them, and so built up the army in order to protect these interests against Govegz Rona, as well as to secure his control against the Orthodox faction within the Tanhungara, eventually leading to the Mahadran/Orthodox split within the church. This military order was made up of religious zealots and was headed by a number of 'generals' who in actuality were the premier clergymen of the church. This idea challenged the supremacy of the crown, and the idea of an independent Tanhungara was unprecedented at the time.

After Anlár's decleration that High Chief Djerev was the 'Mahadran Heir' and thus was blessed by Tan, an idea which sent shockwaves throughout the Baredan world given the Djerev was a Szezk, Govegz Rona led a coup against the High Chief in 1306, during which Anlár was forced to flee to Avdjereg. The order was granted control over the Temple of Tan, where Anlár had been Grand Servant, as a temporary measure which was supposed to allow the order to heal and eventually return to Hajenired. Instead, despite efforts by Anlár and his successors to depose Govegz and later Mahiraz II, the Temple fell out of the juridisction of Szezkia, becoming the first 'extraterritorial territory' of the Order. They still of course claimed control over all Tanhungara property in Norjihan, leading to Mahiraz II engaging in a systematic removal of religious privileges of the Tanhungara. This led to Heri IV declaring war against Norjihan, one of the reasons why Norjihan invaded Szezkia, leading to the Wars of the Three Armies.

Once the war was over, the Treaty of Tel Duvemuz enshrined the extraterritorial control of the Order over all church property in Norjihan as well as in Szezkia, as well as the personal property of the Grand Tanhungði Servant, which included the Castellanship of Tel Duvemuz (the capital of Norjihan at the time) itself. Whilst the Tanhungara had wanted full control of the territory, it was decided it would instead be a seperate legal and sovereign entity with special legal jurisprudence in order to ensure the Norjihanis would agree to the treaty. From this point on, the Order became a seperate sovereign entity, headquarted in the Temple of Tan in Hajenired.

In the 1880s, after the Grand Rebellion which had been aided by the Tanhungara, the Sovereign Order was forced to return most of its church property to Norjihani legal control, but kept the Grand Temple and the Castellanship of Tel Duvemuz. As well as this, the Sovereign Order accepted the Norjihani Famus as its currency and also procurred the military support of Norjihan, which it retains to this day (although Szezkia has also pledged to provide military protection if necessary under the 1952 Avdjereg Agreement). In the 1700s, the Sovereign Order took control of the Corporation of Hajenired when the leadership of the Corporation passed to the Grand Tanhungði Servant as the soul remaining air of the corporation. Thus, the Order is one of the largest business entities in South Baredina, under the title of the Corporation of Hajenired.







The Grand Tanhungði Servant, the head of the Tanhungá church, is the Head of State of the Sovereign Order, and is elected for a life term by the Council of the Warriors of Tan, a council of 133 of the highest ranking Tanhungá clergymen who form the legislative body of the Sovereign Order. Alongside being the Grand Tanhungði Servant, the head of the Sovereign Order is also;

  • Chief Executive of the Corporation of Hajenired
  • Commisioner of Istan
  • Castellan of Tel Duvemuz
  • Secretary General of the Council of Norjihan
  • Guard of the Tannist Order of Szezkia
  • Warden of the Word
  • Knight-Master of the Warriors of Tan

The current Grand Tanhungði servant is Sfaðti IV, formerly the Servant of Ronyg, who succeeded Anlár VII in 2015. As head of the Council of Genn, the GTS selects a Grand General of the Forces of Mahadras, who is the administrative head of the Sovereign Order. Whilst the GTS and the Grand General could theoretically rule on their own according to the constitution of the Grand Order, the Council meets every two months for a review and to vote on motions relating to the day to day running of the order. However, the GTS retains absolute authority on religious rulings, such as the subject of sermons and interpretations of holy texts.

As head of state of the Sovereign Order, the GTS is also the Chief Executive of the Corporation of Hajenired, the business entity connected to the sovereign state which manages the business and charitable organisations affiliated with the Sovereign Order, most notably the Bank of Hajenired, the largest financial organisation in South Baredina. The Council of the Warriors of Genn thus also exists as the board of the Corporation, alongside an advisory body made up of economists and the head of the Norjihani Stock Exchange, none of whom are citizens of the Sovereign Order (as only current members of the Tanhungá clergy can be citizens of the sovereign order).

The Council of the Warriors of Genn is divided into 3 'cycles', as shown below:

  • Grand Masters of the Sovereign Order - the most senior officials of the Council, all ministers of the Sovereign Order are Grand Masters. The 3 "Grand Servantships" of Hajenired, Averenid (Avdjereg) and Tesan - are also automatically members due to their roles within the church, even if they do not hold a ministerial post. The ministerial posts of the Grand Masters include
    • Grand Treasurer - the financial minister, responisble for the organisation of the Sovereign Order's funds
    • Mouth of Tan - minister responsible for ensuring foreign affairs, including religious rulings in other countries
    • Grand Master-Elect - responsible for representing the views of the body of the church in the Council
  • Castellans of the Sovereign Order - responsible for the administration of individual property or businesses, as well as being more senior within the clergy, controlling wider areas. Elected from the Servants when a vacancy appears.
  • Servants of the Sovereign Order - lower level religious figures, chosen from the clergy by the Castellans

Administrative divisions

There are three main administrative divisions within the Sovereign Order as below:

  • Tanhungarisa Larsan

Tangungarisa Larsan, or Sacred Ground is all of the religious 'property' of the Sovereign Order, and represents the Temples that the Sovereign Order has extraterritorial control over. Only those who fall under the Tanhungarisa Larsan can be citizens of the Sovereign Order and thus be part of the government; consequently, this ensures the theological government remains 'religiously pure' (despite its business interests).

  • The Bounty of Derog

This is the other territory which the Sovereign Order enjoys jurisprudence over, including palaces and castles. Named after Derog, the protector of the Baredans in Tanhunga.

  • Corporation of Hajenired

The Business interests of the Sovereign Order are all held under the Corporation of Hajenired.

Foreign relations

The Sovereign Order is recognised as a sovereign state entity by United Sahar, consequently being the only sovereign state with no official territory. It maintains embassies with every nation on Sahar except Xhodiar and Yaina, whose governments the Sovereign Order does not recognise. The Sovereign Order has an official foreign policy of neutrality, and so often acts as a mediator in conflicts.


The Sovereign Order is itself, under the Statutes of GTS Rema I, a military order as originally designed by Anlár III, and therefore states that it provides its own millitary protection. The official millitary of the Sovereign Order is arranged according to the same heirarchy as the structure of the Council of Warriors, and each member is simultaneously a member of the Army (Grand Army of the Forces of Mahadras), Navy (The Sword of Osa) and the Airforce (Protectors of the Kingdom of Nonkay).

In reality, the Sovereign Order has two main sources of protection. The first is the Serene Guard, a private security force under the operation of the Corporation of Hajenired which also operates under the business name 'Securall'. It provides the function of a police force and national guard. The second source is from the militaries of both Norjihan and Szezkia. Norjihan officially provides its protection under the 1881 Declaration of Saghen, whilst Szezkia does under the 1952 Avdjereg Agreement.




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See also