Kingdom of Thap

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Kingdom of Thap
Senzá Thapų
Life span? [[Misanet Province of the Saruan Empire|]]
[[Most of Thap Province of Tuyo|]]
Approximate size of the Kingdom of Thap before its dissolution.
Approximate size of the Kingdom of Thap before Neviran arrival (red) and colonization (yellow).
Capital Not specified
Government Monarchy |- style="font-size: 85%;" Warning: Value specified for "continent" does not comply
Historical era Antiquity
 •  Established Enter start year
 •  Disestablished Enter end year
Warning: Value specified for "continent" does not comply

The Kingdom of Thap, also simply called Thap, was a relatively large and highly organized civilization on pre-colonial Lahan whose former territory is entirely contained within modern-day Tuyo. It was founded around NAME BAY in approximately CE 800, and grew inland along the NAME RIVER and its main tributaries. By the time of Neviran arrival in 1?00, it was approximately ¿? km² in size and had ¿?,000 citizens and inhabitants. It enjoyed trade relations with neighbouring tribes and the dynasties of NAME and NAME.

Several distinctinve megalithic structures remain from the Kingdom's early days, including several temples, a palace, and a walled city site called RUINS NAME which may have been the original capital, LEGEND NAME. According to Tuyan oral tradition, the first capital city of Thap sank under the ocean; archaeological evidence from RUINS NAME show that it was subject to multiple torrential floods and/or tsunamis approximately 1,000 years ago, which could have inundated the settlement for multiple years.

After Neviran colonizers of the Saruan Empire arrived in 1?00 CE, Thap was recognized as a "relatively civilized" region, and the newcomers worked to gain favour with its noble and mercantile classes, promising wealth and expansion in return for access to their land and working classes. In the words of one Neviran explorer,

The people of Lahan are mostly dull-witted, naïve, homeless savages who endlessly wander the continent in search of food and freshwater, carrying their lodgings and tools on their back or creating them anew as they go, or stealing them from the few civilized camps they stumble upon [...] The singular exception we have so far encountered are the Ṫap, who have formed an actual (although primitive) society on the southwestern shores of Lahan. They recognize a monarch, NAME, by divine authority, who rules a region nearly as large as the Delta from a monumental palace built of basalt and coral [...] The Ṫap people are clever and organized enough that we have been able to form advantageous trading partnerships with them, lending weapons and technology in return for their chut and the rights to make camp and trade on their lands. The Ṫap monarch was easily convinced that a partnership with us could help to expand the territory and reach of the kingdom, bringing them glory and wealth. [...] Nonetheless when the time comes this small country will, too, be easy to pull under Neviran control.

— Ishenne Ikkushut, Observational logs, CE 1???, translated from Classical Neviran

The Kingdom more than doubled in size with the help of Neviran technology and strategy. At the same time, Nevirans were intermarrying with the locals, including the royal families, and in the next generation, manoeuvred their Ząe children into positions of power. By 1?00 Nevira had de facto control over much of the Thap government, and installed a puppet monarch who helped annex the country into the Saruan Empire as the province of Misanet.

The Ząe lines remained in power until the Shohuanese purchase of Tuyo in 1?00.