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Official languages Teru
Recognised regional languages Kaiyyo
Demonym Teru
 -  Prime Minister
 -  High Chieftain
Time zone (SCT+8)
Drives on the right

Teru (Teru: Theru [tʰeɹu]) is a country located on the east coast of Lahan, on the Asura Ocean, bordering Kaiyyo to the south.


'Theru' comes from the name of the native ethnicity of the area which is now Teru. It is believed to be descended from an unknown Proto-Lahiri word, although the origin may predate even this. It was adopted in reference to the people, language and lands of Teru around DATE, when EVENT happened.


For a time, Teru was occupied as a part of the Saruan Empire, between DATE and DATE. During this time, many words were borrowed and several cities sprang up, especially along the eastern coast.




Teru is right on the equator, meaning it is very hot and wet. Inland, it has large areas of rainforest and its beaches are quite large.




Administrative divisions

Foreign relations





Teru is mainly powered by SOURCE. There are also some areas which use SOURCE. In recent years, some wealthy entrepreneurs from the cities have experimented with using heat differentials between the surface and a few meters below ground. In some of the less-developed areas, power extensively comes from renewable, man-made sources, such as in wind-up lamps.

Science and technology


Many parts of Teru receive tourists throughout the year. For example, there are many cities on the coast in which flats are rented out to tourists seeking warmer climates in winter, creating an influx of money twice a year (two hemispheres having their cold season at different times of year). There are also opportunities to take boats out on the ocean and many villages inland showcase the traditional culture to paying tourists by allowing them to stay in their village for a week or two.


Ethnic groups



The main language is Teru.





Teru follows the Lahani gender system, however use different names for the genders. The Tuyan sēyōmo is Teru ɂahaa 'villager'; ñāmo is wii yoi 'gatherer' and lanēmo is phayaa yoi 'wanderer'.








The Teru film industry is very small but has experienced significant growth in recent years, with the introduction of the partially government-funded Hagecuwe Theru (Teru Film) company, which has almost dominated the industry and is looking to reach out internationally.






There are five main gods in Teru religion: Ɂiidux, Wwen, Thoiei, Horii and Dheɂe. (Note that Thoiei and Dheɂe are often transcribed Toiei and Deɂe.) There are also numerous lesser deities, such as Thurei, Yige and Ɂarra.

Although there is no king or leader of the gods, Ɂiidux is sometimes called the Thiyyut, or chieftain and is often drawn the biggest.

Wwen is known as he yoi ('the defender').


The Teru people believe that, upon death, their souls will be ushered on by a figure known as Thurei (often transcribed in other languages as 'Turei'), literally meaning 'dear' or 'beloved'. There is no common consensus as to where Thurei will usher them to, however different regions will often have an unofficial standard belief. Indeed, one may often deduce where an individual is from based on the way they talk about death. For example, if the phrase 'They are with Thurei' is used you are most likely talking to an northerner, who believe that souls move on to reside with Thurei in an endless palace made only of the finest woods and marble. If, however, you hear the phrase 'They are on the silver isle', you are probably speaking with a resident of one of the Teru isles, where it is the belief that souls are taken onto a mystical silver island surrounded by fog and are left to sleep there for all eternity.


In Teru religion it is the job of a yoiee yoi or diviner to tell the future. They use ɂuɂu yoiehaa (divination stones) to make predictions. These stones can be made out of wood, metal or glass, although today they are mostly glass. There are six types, each corresponding to one of the five major gods and made in a different colour: black, blue, red, green and yellow. There is also a white one corresponding to Turei, the Death figure (see above). Each stone is believed to be linked to its god and can thus be used to work out their intentions for the future.

There is a line in Teru law which states that the country cannot go to war unless the leader of the country first consults a diviner, who will ask the gods their will. If there is a negative response the country is unable to declare war.


The Teru people believe that the day is a fully natural occurrence. However, traditionally they believe that the night is the time when the god Wwen throws his shirt over the world, casting it into darkness. They believe he does this in order to let the world sleep. They believe that nocturnal animals are going against Wwen's wishes and thus have no desire to be alive. There are annual hunts nationwide for nocturnal animals, leading to the absence of many of these creatures from Teru wild spaces. Many people see it as a sin to be awake at night and will refuse to wake up for anything while it is dark outside.

See also

Teru Language