Archive:Vaha Tamehar

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Vaha Tamehar
1st Khan of Wozan
Vaha Tamehar.JPG
Depiction of Vaha Tamehar
SuccessorNone, subsequent collapse of Wozan
Kişkaman, Rashtun (now in Gushlia)

Vaha Tamehar was the founder of the khanate of Wozan, a predecessor to the modern state of Zinsha-Vogia, with its capital at X. An ethnic Rashtuni and formerly a Rashtuni general, Tamehar was disgraced by the Rashtuni khan X after embezzling funds from the treasury. Following this he gathered an army and seized power in Zinsha and Vogia, unifying the territories as a sovereign state for the first time.

During his six-year reign Tamehar ruled Wozan with an iron fist, and was wildly unpopular with the general populace.

Early Life


Rise to Power

Invasion of Vogia

The collapse of the Great Horde provided Tamehar with the opportunity to make a name for himself in the ensuing chaos. On [Month] [Day], [Year], Tamehar invaded Upper Vogia with X troops. The chaos of the Great Horde's collapse had put Vogia in a state of disarray with minor nobles seizing control of different cities, and with crime rampant outside major ones. Tamehar took advantage of this and defeated force after force of disorganized Vogian militias, he developed a reputation for brutality, sparing no soldier, and decapitating and hanging the heads of defeated commanders on city walls. By [Month] of [Year] he had subdued all of Vogia, and made preparations to invade Zinsha.

Invasion of Zinsha


Invasion of Rashtun

A depiction of Vaha Tamehar while on campaign in Rashtun

Vaha Tamehar commenced his invasion of the neighboring state of Rashtun, ruled by his brother in X.


Vaha Tamehar died in [month] 1663, during the Battle of X. He died after his own soldiers murdered him, as a translator purposefully mistranslated an order in order to agitate his soldiers. Nobody knows what happened to his body, but many have claimed to own either a severed body part of the Khan, or a weapon he carried to battle.


Due to the death of his son a few weeks prior to the Battle of X, there were no heirs to the throne of Wozan, leading to a total collapse of authority in the area.
