Five Demands to Riyana

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  • A detailed plan for the transfer of administrative control of the Provinces of Sémlivga, Nisancúbhl, and Cuámbhual to the Qonklese Empire must be submitted within 30 days of accepting the ultimatum.
  • All public infrastructure and facilities, including transportation, utilities, and public services, must be handed over to the Qonklese administration within 60 days.
  • Tax revenues from the ceded provinces will be redirected to the Qonklese Empire, with a 10% royalty to be paid to the Riyana government for a period of 10 years.
  • A total of five Qonklese High Advisors will be appointed to the Riyan Parliament, with one advisor assigned to each of the following key areas: foreign affairs, defense, economy, internal affairs, and infrastructure.
  • The Qonklese High Advisors will have veto power over any legislation or policy that is deemed to conflict with the interests of the Qonklese Empire.
  • Regular consultations between the Riyana government and Qonklese High Advisors must be held to review and discuss policy matters, with a minimum of one consultation per quarter.
  • Riyana's government must develop a comprehensive resettlement plan for Riyans being deported from the ceded provinces, ensuring adequate housing, employment, and social services are provided in their new communities.
  • The resettlement process must be completed within 18 months, with progress reports submitted to the Qonklese Empire every three months.
  • The Qonklese Empire will provide financial assistance for the resettlement process, covering up to 50% of the costs, subject to verification of expenses.
  • The Qonklese Empire will be granted a 99-year lease for the land in the city of Cúbhlgabh designated for the naval base and shipyard.
  • Riyana's government must provide all necessary permits and approvals for the construction and operation of the naval base and shipyard within 90 days of accepting the ultimatum.
  • A minimum of 60% of the workforce employed in the construction and operation of the naval base and shipyard must be native Riyan workers. Training programs will be established to ensure that Riyan workers possess the necessary skills for their roles.
  • The Riyan government must publicly endorse and support the Qonklese Empire's positions on international and regional issues when requested to do so by the Qonklese government.
  • Riyana must refrain from entering into any military alliances or treaties that may be detrimental to the interests of the Qonklese Empire.
  • Riyana will provide the Qonklese Empire with preferential access to its natural resources, as well as preferential trade agreements that include reduced tariffs and simplified customs procedures.

Riyan Official Response

We, the Government of Riyana, have examined the outrageous demands set forth in your ultimatum. They are but a brazen attempt to usurp our sovereignty, exploit our resources, and subjugate our people under the oppressive heel of the false Qonklese Empire.

Your insistence on the cession of three of our provinces, the redirection of tax revenues, and the appointment of Qonklese High Advisors with veto powers in our Parliament is a deplorable affront to our nation's autonomy and pride. We refuse to bow to such a disgraceful perversion of our democracy and relinquishment of our citizens' rights and freedoms.

The proposed resettlement plan, leasing of land for a naval base, and the requirement to blindly adhere to the Qonklese Empire's positions on international and regional issues reveal your imperialistic ambitions and utter disregard for our independence. We will not be constrained by your capricious restrictions on forming military alliances or treaties that could protect our national interests.

Your underestimation of the Riyan people's unwavering spirit and determination will be your downfall. The strength of our nation lies in the hearts of our people, who are willing to sacrifice their lives to resist any Qonklese aggression. Our resolve is unyielding, and our forces stand ready to defend our homeland and the liberties for which we have fought tirelessly.

Thus, we vehemently reject your demands and issue a stern warning: any attempt to impose your will upon our nation will be met with fierce resistance, as the Riyan people stand united in their devotion to protect their sovereignty, independence, and dignity.

We implore you to reconsider your actions before plunging our nations into a conflict that will bring untold suffering and devastation upon both our peoples.

President Táoire Sioluíbh The Government of the Republic of Riyana