Archive:Far Western Colonial Helsonian Kúúlist Republic of Via

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Far Western Colonial Helsonian Kúúlist Republic of Via
Védütaa Tullüüvir Helsenir Giltir Flüpir Hengus Viyya Y
Spazec-Ozú Qooní Heelsek Qomõći Jyk Resboƿeek-Ƿi


Flag of the FWCHCRV Coat of Arms of the FWCHCRV
Flag Coat of arms
Flóydi balaur delgag tul!
Du fuurans zõmi ćérz komili!
"With the amber banner across the hills!"
Gótnirstüt Védütaa Tullüüvir Helsenir Giltir Flüpir Hengus Viyya Y Y
"Great Anthem of the Far Western Colonial Helsonian Kúúlist Republic of Via"
Capital Andion
Languages Saavdis, Terminian
Government Folshist Single-party state
 •  1936-1940 Marnia Abirsmaug
Legislature Supreme Müüit
 •  Treaty of Andion 30 August 1936
 •  Re-annexation by Fals Empire 13 March 1940
Currency Helsonian Jiqeƿ
b. ...