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The Republic of Karduv
Vye Kàrjàvyer Ngòvye Ep
vye k$a j`a vy;e ng`o vye ep
Flag Emblem
Motto: $o v;en k$a j`a vy;e h`eng vye zo
Òr vern Kàrjàvyer hèng vye zo!
"Hail! Great nation of Karduv!"
Anthem: Vye Kàrjàvyer Pet Bing Dvòt Òr
"Karduv Will Never Fall"
Location of Karduv on Sahar
Official languages Karduvic
Recognised regional languages Malasic
Demonym Karduvic
Government Presidential constitutional republic
 -  President Va Jume
Legislature National Assembly
 -  Upper house Short Assembly
 -  Lower house Long Assembly
 -  424,724 km2
163,987 sq mi
 -  2022 census 41,226,274
 -  Density 97/km2
251.2/sq mi
Currency Kyenese Chih (QKC)
Time zone (SCT+0)
Date format yyyy.mm.dd
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .kr

Karduv (IPA: /kɑɹ.ˈdʌv/, Karduvic: k$a j`a vy;e Kàrjàvyer, IPA: /kə᷅ˀd͡ʒə̀vjɛ̄ˀ/), officially the Republic of Karduv, is a country located in West Soltenna. It is bordered by the Liaghwa, the Republic of Malansi, Girjanzadirw, and Remilzadirw. Despite not actually bordering it, the Republic of Karduv has many cultural, historical, and linguistic ties to the Kyenese Federation. The Republic of Karduv maintains a strong relationship with Quaycain. Karduv is the Xth largest nation in Soltenna and the Xth most populous. Due to its position in a temperate area with large amounts of rivers, Karduv has been inhabited fairly continuously since prehistory. The Karduvic people first arrived in the area following its conquest and settlement by the Kingdom of Lorgung, and would begin the slow and gradual assimilation of the native pre-ngerupic peoples. Karduv would be under the rule of various independent states before eventually coming under the rule of the expansionist Quaycain; under the influential Phõ and Mai dynasties, Karduv would see centuries(?) of foreign rule. Following the collapse of the Mai dynasty in Quaycain, a branch of the dynasty would flee to Karduv and re-establish the Mai dynasty in Vordeng. The Mai dynasty would become a powerful Karduvic empire, and would spread across western Soltenna before its decline in the 19th and 20th centuries. Following a series of independence revolts, the Mai dynasty would be reduced to a select area of mostly Karduvic territories, and would begin to succumb to internal corruption. This would lead to the eruption of a republican revolution and monarchist counterrevolution, starting the Karduvic Civil War. Following a monarchist victory in the civil war and a period of reconstruction, Karduv would fall under the iron grip of the dictator Va Bung. Closely allying himself with the Kyenese Empire to the south, Va Bung would bring Karduv into the devastating Pangyeoun War, ending in a defeat for Quaycain and Karduv. The chaotic period following Va Bung’s surrender would see a Kúúlist revolution in Karduv, and the establishment of the Supreme Commune of Karduv. Disputes over an unresolved Pangyeoun-era border conflict between Malansi and Karduv would flare up into the Pomas Conflict, with Naean-backed Malasic separatists fighting Karduvic forces in Pomas. An uneasy peace would be reached in X, but the border dispute still remains unresolved. In 2005, Karduv would peacefully transition from a Kuulist system and established the modern Republic of Karduv.


The name is thought to come from the Proto-Kreng roots *kèʔḍê and *kwaj, meaning "outside land"



Humans arrived in Karduv in {date}.


The Karduvics were originally a subset of the Kreng people living near the Ungagon Mountains during the Wa Dynasty. It is unclear when they started to form a culturally distinct group when compared to the rest of the Kreng peoples. Due to a lack of records from the time period, most information comes from secondhand sources written during the Lya dynasty, or from later Karduvic sources. It is estimated that the Karduvics began to emerge as a distinct group during the mid to late 9th century BCE.

7 kingdoms of Karduv

A map of the 7 kingdoms

While not under the direct rule of the Wa and Mor dynasties, the Karduvics were believed to be tributaries of the Kyenese during this time. According to Lya dynasty records, there were 7 Kingdoms within the Ungagon Mountains that were tributaries of the Wa, and remained as such in the following centuries. While only under tributary status, the 7 kingdoms were not afforded much actual political freedoms, and any diplomatic incidents or expansion done by one of the 7 kingdoms were quickly resolved by Kyenese pressure. As such, the political structure and status of the 7 kingdoms remained relatively unchanged throughout the Wa and Mor dynasties, though tensions and grudges began to build between the families of the respective kingdoms.

Karduvic migrations

A map of Lorgung at its largest extent circa 549 BCE

After the disintegration of authority in the Mor dynasty, the Karduvics found themselves free from the oversight of the Kyenese, and as such the old order of the 7 Kingdoms of Karduv quickly broke down as each king sought to resolve their respective familial grudges. The subsequent wars lead to the unification of the 7 kingdoms under Lorgung under some guy probably idk in 690 BCE. With Quaycain still embroiled in war, the kingdom of Lorgung underwent massive expansion into the west. Under X, the Karduvic small script was adopted, based on the Kyenese seal script used by the Lya dynasty. Kyenese logograms were used in conjunction with the small script.

Karduvic states

A map of the successor states of the Lorgung

After the death of X in 528 BCE, the order in the Kingdom of Lorgung disintegrated as a child heir took the throne. Leaving Karduv a disunified patchwork of smaller states. Karduvic expansion continued throughout this period, though not under a unified Karduvic state.

A map of the warring states in Karduv and Quaycain in 755CE

As the Le Dynasty Quaycain collapsed, the various feuding fiefdoms in Karduv once again started to come into conflict. With the lack of any Kyenese intervention, the 11 states began to fight amongst themselves for power over potentially all of Karduv.

A map of Zìrjìrng at its largest extent circa 1063 CE

For a period of time (791-1123 CE) the Karduvic sphere was mostly unified under the rule of X under the Kingdom of Zìrjìrng.

Pho dynasty rule

By 1310(?) CE, the entirety of the Karduvic states had come under the rule of the Pho dynasty.

??? Invasion


Mai dynasty (Quaycain)


Mai dynasty (Karduv)

The Mai Dynasty during its establishment in 1393

After the overthrow of the Mai dynasty in 1393, descendants and relatives of the Mai Emperor fled and established the Mai dynasty in Karduv. Though the dynasty is descended from Sãļŋàŋ and the original Maithic Khuls, the dynasty has been completely Qonkified, and would eventually integrate itself as Karduvic as they established their new capital in Vordeng. The Mai dynasty would continue to exist for another 5 centuries, though a shadow of its former power. They could not claim ownership of Quaycain without fear of retaliation from the Du dynasty and its later successors. As a result, the Mai dynasty effectively acted as a buffer zone between Quaycain and the powers of northern Soltenna, siding with whichever one was more likely to maintain stability in the region. The Mai dynasty also extracted tribute from various small northern Soltennan groups, and from groups in Huy En(?) that we’re not already under Kyenese hegemony. Despite trying to maintain stability, the Mai dynasty would only continue to decay as the emperors grew less and less concerned with maintaining an already existent stability. This decadence would cause major public discontent throughout the 19th century. With groups such as the Maithics and the Malasics fighting successful independence wars, leaving the Mai dynasty with less and less power and influence. By 1900 the Mai dynasty was left with only core Karduvic territory left, and had become unpopular with both the nobility and the general populace. By 1904, the political revolutionary Zhèr Terve had gained widespread support, leading to a revolution and civil war that would end up being the downfall of the Mai dynasty.

The Karduvic Civil War

During the unstable political rule of the last Mai rulers, various calls for a more modern and representative system of government would become commonplace throughout the nation. These calls would be stirred by local revolutionaries and spokespeople who would call for the removal of the corrupt and inefficient monarchy. Figures such as Zhèr Terve (later known as Yup Zing Pye) and Ngan Nga gained a large public following. These calls for revolution would also be met with strong anti-democratic reactionary movements, endorsed and promoted heavily by the empowered military of the Mai. The reactionaries would form a solid base within eastern rural populations, spreading fear of the revolutionaries confiscating their farmland and replacing them with factories. The tensions came to a head in 1904, when a group of revolutionaries would take up arms and storm government buildings in the capital of Vordeng, lead by Zhèr Terve himself. They captured the current emperor, Mai Chyo Ngò, and held him prisoner as they proclaimed the new Republic of Karduv. The military did not initially try to fight this takeover, but they urged the revolutionaries to instead establish a Constitutional Monarchy, and to not execute or exile the emperor. While they bickered, the emperor was caught in an escape attempt to Rongyo, but was captured. The military, fearing his execution was near, declared the revolutionaries to be enemies of the state. They recaptured Vordeng and the emperor, and forced the republicans to flee west to the city of Pyenget. Chaos would ensue as the military would be divided between those loyal to the high command and the emperor and those who sought the change of the revolutionaries.

Rise of Va Bung

Following the end of the civil war, Karduv would be taken over by a military junta known as the Five Dragons. Though in name Karduv was a constitutional monarchy, it was de facto a dictatorship headed by the military. The Five Dragons would keep on iron grip on all apparatuses of the state, seeking to rebuild Karduv after the devastation caused in the civil war. This period of rebuilding would last over three decades and would see the rise of the military leader and politician Va Bung. Va Bung would institute anti-corruption measures within the semblance of public government, and would push to end the old system of aristocratic land ownership. His positions and promise to make Karduv into a self-sufficient nation would lead to him becoming the most respected and known of the Five Dragons. He was virtually unopposed when he would take over the government on March 16th, 1939. This would bring an end to the Kingdom of Karduv as Va Bung established the new Great State of Karduv.

The Pangyeoun War

Va Bung would quickly ally with the authoritarian Dain Pain in Quaycain. Intending to foster a strong relationship that would deter enemies of Karduv, while Va Bung worked towards making the nation self-sufficient.


Kuulist Karduv

Fall of Kuulism


Karduv is situated in between the X river to the North and the Ungagon Mountains to the east.


Karduv lies on the Soltennan Plate.





Administrative divisions

Karduv is divided into thirteen separate administrative divisions, of which ten are provinces, one a special administrative region, and one a special district. The disputed Pomas Region is officially an autonomous province of Karduv, though it is disputed with X. Karduv is largely a unitary state, with each of the provincial governments being subservient to the national government, though some provinces (such as Pomas and the Dual Provinces) have additional autonomy not afforded to other provinces.

Foreign relations

Karduv maintains a strong relationship with Quaycain, and most of its other neighbors. Relations with Ru and Yachiro have been hostile since the downfall of Kuulism in Karduv, as the the former partners have started to threaten action against each other in recent years. There is also a strained diplomatic situation between Karduv and Malansi, as Malansi still claims ownership over the disputed Pomas region.





Science and technology



Ethnic groups



The Karduvic language is considered a dialect of Kyenese by the Académie Quonclaise, but is officially recognized as a separate language by the {whatever organization regulates Karduvic}.







Karduvic Architecture is essentially the same as Kyenese Architecture.








Karduv is a member of SIFA.


The Kyenese sun is an important symbol of Karduv, however it is not the same as the Kyenese sun in Quaycain. Karduv takes its sun from the Mai Dynasty, whereas Quaycain takes theirs from the X dynasty. In Karduv it is often referred to as the Karduvic sun in order to distinguish it from the Kyenese one..

See also