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The Achiyitqan Association of Explorers and Scientists for Space
kaLaigeilai Atɂonkeya w Liɥɥiaɂonkeya nauHast Aciyitqánaka
Established10 July 1953
Primary spaceportDahqɂon
There is no need to fear the darkness.
Official language(s)Achiyitqan
Manual Vodholk

The Achiyitqan Association of Explorers and Scientists for Space, natively kaLaigeilai Atɂonkeya w Liɥɥiaɂonkeya nauHast Aciyitqánaka (IPA /͡ʒɪla.i atʔonkeja w lɪʃ:i.aʔonkeja na.uhast at͡ʃijɪt̚qánaka/), most often abbreviated to LALHA, or LaALiHaA in the Achiyitqan abugida, is a government-run space program funded both publicly and privately by the citizens of Achiyitqana and is a regular recipient of grants from international bodies. It researches and conducts experiments in aeronotics, astronautics, astrophysis, robotics, and other fields related to exploring and understanding outer space. Originally founded in 1953 it is one of the oldest extant space programs on Sahar.

LALHA's current spaceport, the Dahqɂon ("Orbiter"), launched in 2011 and is the third station maintained and operated by LALHA. It is capable of co-docking with (insert other spaceports here).

LALHA frequently collaborates with other space programs in training, manning, constructing, and funding space projects.


South Territory Aeronautics Association

LALHA was preceded by the South Territory Aeronautics Association (Peégesaaikn Oolqohska Tsaabkulbaaka or POTka) which existed from 1886-1953. This privately-owned company was in direct competition with other aeronautic corporations in other parts of Achiyitqana. POTka researched and developed early small-scale passenger aircraft for use within Achiyitqana and neighbouring nations. POTka organization was quite small and relied on donations at startup. By the 1930s it was developing craft suitable for military reconnaissance and international civilian travel.

In 1942 in collaboration with Mónaqiŋ University in Kiinapsk, POTka began developing outer atmosphere unmanned vehicles for investigating weather phenomena. By 1945 Mónaqiŋ physics students developed theories for achieving extra-atmospheric orbit based on these vehicles [and/or with inspiration from international endeavours by ...] and, by 1949, managed to launch a small payload into orbit. This early satellite (MoɥtóoDiunhnoolai or the Orbiting Broadcaster) was only capable of broadcasting radio signal, thereby proving that it had achieved orbit without incident. Infamously, the radio signal was an unpleasantly loud and grating noise, earning it the nickname Mótlai (Screamer). It lost orbit two years later in 1951 and crashed into Fádalh, breaking apart on reentry and causing only limited damage to the crash site.

Founding of LALHA

In 1952, POTka scientists approached the Achiyitqan government for more funding to launch a second object into space, one that would be able to both send and receive signal. In response, the People's Council offered to buy out the program, and it became a public space agency in 1953, thus founding LALHA.

A full ten years after the launch of Mótlai, another early satellite with much improved function, the well-celebrated Qehŋɂon (Messenger) which now graces the ஞ20 onni bill.

- More advanced satellites
- Manned missions
- Space stations
- International collaborations

- Funding
- Employment
- Peace mandate

- ???