Proto-Darimic language

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Proto-Tiengic is the reconstructed proto-language for the Tiengic language family.



Proto-Tiengic is reconstructed as having extensive series of palatalized consonants, labialized consonants, and prenasalized consonants.

Bilabial Coronal Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m mʲ mʷ n nʲ nʷ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ
Prenasalized Stop ᵐb ᵐbʲ ᵐbʷ ⁿd ⁿdʲ ⁿdʷ ᶮɟ ᵑg ᵑgʷ
Stop p pʲ pʷ b bʲ bʷ t tʲ tʷ d dʲ dʷ c ɟ k kʷ g gʷ ʔ
Fricative s z ⁿz
Approximant l j
Rhotic r ⁿɾ


In contrast with Proto-Tiengic's extensive consonant inventory, it is reconstructed as having a minimal vertical vowel system.

High ɨ
Mid ɘ
Low ɐ