Proto-Vaniuan language

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Proto-Vaniuan is a hypothetical common language that has had controversy in regards to the ethnicities involved. It is assumed that the proto language existed around 1,000 BCE before the spread of horseback riding. Main controversies exist in regard to the several languages that exist such as the word "good" in Vaniuan which is assumed to be /k¹it¹/ is ⟨çkhi⟩ /çkʰʲ/ in Ohanian and ⟨vié⟩ /vjé/ in Shohuanese.



Dai Riau's Theory

Bilabial Alveolar Retroflex Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal ⟨m⟩ /m/ ⟨n⟩ /n/ ⟨ñ⟩ /ŋ/
Plosive ⟨p⟩ /p/ ⟨ph⟩ /pʰ/ ⟨t⟩ /t/ ⟨th⟩ /tʰ/ ⟨d⟩ /d/ ⟨š⟩ /t~tʰs/ ⟨c⟩ /c~kʲ/ ⟨cw⟩ /cʷ~kʷʲ/ ⟨k⟩ /k/ ⟨kh⟩ /kʰ/ ⟨kw⟩ /kʷ~kw/ ⟨ks⟩ /kʰʷ~ksw/
Fricative ⟨s⟩ /s/ ⟨hs⟩ /sʰ~hs/ ⟨ss⟩ /sː~ʃ~ç/ ⟨sc⟩ /sʰː~ʃː~çː/ ⟨h¹⟩ /x~sʲ~h/ ⟨h²⟩ /x~xʷ~hʷ~h̪͆/ ⟨h³⟩ /ꭓ~h~ʔ~ʕ/
Lateral app. ⟨l¹⟩ /r~l~ɺ/ ⟨l²⟩ /ɫ~ʟ/


Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e¹ e² o¹ o²
Open ä