
From CWS Planet
Revision as of 05:25, 5 August 2016 by Avlönskt (talk | contribs) (Fixed genitive plural definite form)
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Usage Notes

There are 4 necessary arguments:
1 = singular indefinite nominative form
2 = singular definite nominative form
3 = grammatical gender
4 = countable (yes/no)

Likewise, there are also some optional arguments which override certain forms:
acc = singular indefinite accusative form (if applicable; otherwise assumed same as nominative)
pl = plural indefinite nominative form (if applicable; otherwise assumed -or)

You can override individual cells by glossing them with the first letter of each term according to the hierarchy number, definiteness, case.
Thus setting the variable pdl will override the contents for the cell plural definite lative form. The variables sin, sdn and pin don't not exist, however, as these variables are already set as 1, 2 and pl respectively. For the vocative case, you would only need to specify the variables sv and pv.



