Tzulhonic cuisine

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Kale Salad, a common dish in Tzulhon

Tzulhonic cuisine consists of the cooking style and traditional dishes prepared in Tzulhon. It has been significantly influenced by Soltennans and many other cultures and traditions.

Mainstream Tzulhon cuisine is similar to that in other draconic countries. Wheat is the primary cereal grain with about three-quarters of grain products made of wheat flour and many dishes use indigenous ingredients. Potatoes has become a major food source along with wheat and barley.

Foods and dishes

Fish and chips has become common in Tzulhon in modern times

Common ingredients include salmon, cod, shellfish, and other fresh seafood, game meats, wild mushrooms, berries, small fruits, potatoes, rice, breads, kale, and wild plants. Smoking fish or grilling seafood on planks are techniques often used in this cuisine, deep fried fish has also become a commonplace in modern times. Eating fish or seafood raw was traiditionally looked down on in Tzulhon, even today, a lot of people in Tzulhon still find eating fish or seafood raw appalling, unhealthy or unimaginable, concerns about parasite infection from raw fish meat is widespread among the public in Tzulhon. Dishes similar to sushi or sashimi were unknown to peoples in Tzulhon before the 20th century. In modern times, luncheon meat has also become a common ingredient of Tzulhonic cuisine.

There is generally an emphasis on fresh ingredients, simply prepared. Unlike other cuisine styles, there are various recipes for each dish with none being considered more or less correct than the others. This has led some food writers to question whether it truly is a "cuisine" in the traditional sense of the word.

Common Tzulhonic dishes include fish and chips, sandwiches, vegetable salad and flatbreads. Rice with luncheon meat has also become common as a breakfast choice in modern times.