Archive:Ruoŧŧá Rievča
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Ruoŧŧá Čaŋŋahá Šiekčá Jeaksarálbmi Rievča Árrasuibmi, Issohká (Jáhkarrá: [ˈru͡ɔθːaː ˈt͡ʃɑŋːɑhaː ˈʃi͡ekːt͡ʃaː ˈjækːsɑrˌalːpmi ˈri͡eʋːt͡ʃɑ ˈarːɑˌsujːpmi]) (*12. 12. 1988, Duorbmačálvis) is a Jáhka politician. Head of the Ruoŧŧa tribe since 2013, she succeeded her mother Jeaksarru as the High Chieftess (issohká) of Jáhkavarra in 2014.
Early life
Rievča was born in 1988 as the third daughter of Jeaksarru, the eighth High Chieftess of Jáhkavarra. Growing up under the tutelage of various influential women of her inner family, she was one of the first high-ranking Jáhka to benefit from the country's increasing integration into the global community. She spent two years as a student at the University of Tigáatgiaqits in Achiyitqana as part of the Achiyitqan-Jáhkavarra scientific cooperation programme, together with shorter stints as a visiting student in Dachashk, Liosol and Lhavres. She graduated in 2012 with a degree in economics and politics before returning to Jáhkavarra after Jeasksarru's growing inability to govern called for a decision on the succession.
Ascension to the throne
In the wake of Jeaksarru's hospitalisation in early 2013, Rievča asserted her position during the succession crisis against her two elder sisters Deaŋŋa and Vihčija, both of whom were ahead of her in the line of succession according to Jáhkavarra's primageniture laws. Winning the support of a majority of the Ruoŧŧa sub-chiefs, she challenged the succession laws by citing her significant international experience and connections, claiming the throne as the one best suited to lead the country on the path to modernisation. Her mother's public announcement of her support for Rievča as the new High Chieftess in August 2013 and a compromise that secured key cabinet positions for her sisters largely unified the Ruoŧŧa behind her, although Deaŋŋa did not give up her claim until January 2014, mere days before Jeaksarru's death. Rievča was finally inaugurated as the ninth issohká of Jáhkavarra on 7th March, 2014.
Political positions
Rievča is a firm believer in the need for international involvement, having intensified cooperation with neighboring countries, especially Achiyitqana. Since 2014, the number of Jáhka students at Achiyitqan universities has more than tripled, and Jávvravuohtji has become home to an increasing number of Achiyitqan scientists, educators and engineers. One of the first notable projects initiated by the Jáhkavarra government under Rievča was the Jeaksaspiiva nuclear power plant, whose construction began in June 2014.
On the domestic stage, Rievča's rule has been characterised by repeated conflicts with Parliament. The disproportionate concentration of the country's newfound wealth and economic growth in the western provinces, especially Ruoŧŧávarra, continues to cause friction with the regional representatives of the East, who also mostly opposed Rievča's succession to the throne and favoured the more traditionally-minded and much less radical Deaŋŋa. Repeated demands of Parliament for the administration to justify its foreign politics and lay out a plan for the development of the eastern provinces have been left unanswered in what is considered a deliberate snub of the East by its inhabitants, fostering the animosity that has been a constant of Rievča's rule since the succession crisis.
Private life
Besides her native Jáhkarrá, Rievčá is fluent in Achiyitqan and Osveraali and also speaks Tolec and limited Kavrinian.