Bymen 7
The Bymen 7 mission, a collaboration between the space agencies of Quaycain, the Helsonian Union, and Shomosvan, was intended as a display of international cooperation in space exploration. However, a series of events led to a tragic incident that would only come to light years later. During the design phase of the lunar lander, government officials secretly waived an oversight that led to insufficient fuel being allocated for making corrections during the landing sequence. The decision was made in haste, as they believed it was necessary to launch before members of the GTO could launch their own mission. The crew members were unaware of this design flaw and the potential consequences it could have for their mission.
Upon reaching the Moon, the crew discovered the initial landing zone was unsafe due to unforeseen terrain challenges. They had to use additional fuel to find a suitable landing site, unwittingly putting the mission in jeopardy. Once the lander touched down on the lunar surface, Ji Gwe and Eratso Lursń were instructed to open a secret protocol, which contained a grave order: they were to dispatch the Shomosvani astronaut, as there was not enough fuel for all three astronauts to return to Sahar.
Lursń was horrified by the order and refused to carry it out. However, Ji Gwe, a former member of the State Security and Investigation Service, was more than willing to execute the order and killed the Shomosvani astronaut.
The tragic event was covered up for years, with the official story being that the Shomosvani astronaut had died in an accident during EVA. However, in 2005, the full transcript of the mission was declassified, revealing the truth behind the incident.
The revelation sparked outrage and a series of investigations. Questions were raised about the ethical implications of the secret protocol, the responsibility of the government officials and the space agencies involved, and the role of the Kyenese astronaut in carrying out the order. This incident served as a sobering reminder of the importance of meticulous planning, collaboration, and transparency in space exploration to prevent similar tragedies in the future.