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Cenye (from Old Kothlenic cenye "blood"), alternatively spelled as tsenye, is a central concept in traditional Kothlenic culture and mythology. At its core is the idea that X. [stuff]

Light and dark blood

Kothlenic peoples recognised some form of distinction between arterial and venous blood, known traditionally as light and dark blood respectively. In traditional mythology, the chief deities Yerec and Kalaş were the progenitors of humanity; light blood reflects humanity's descent from Yerec, whereas dark blood reflects descent from Kalaş. X.


A cenyelim (modern Balak çeyêrim), also known as a blood sword, is a form of one-handed, single-edged sword traditionally wielded by Kothlen warriors. Historically it was common practice for a warrior to add a drop of their own blood to the molten steel used in the forging of their cenyelim. This was said to create a spiritual connection between the owner and their blade; the cenyelim was seen as an extension of the owner themself. This act could be performed regardless of whether the blade was forged by the warrior themself or a specialist weaponsmith, and was often accompanied by a ritual known as thwethi "binding" (modern Balak zveş). This ritual had varying degrees of scale depending on the tribe the participant belonged to, as well as their social status; royalty and decorated warriors, as well as descendants of the latter, would typically partake in larger, more grandiose thwethi rituals. The largest of these rituals would often become a social event with festivities celebrating the occasion.

Cenyelims could be passed down through an owner's descendants. In these cases the blade is melted down and reforged using the same steel, with the new owner giving a drop of their own blood (usually light blood X) and typically partaking in the accompanying thwethi ritual. Thus, the blade contains the blood of all of its past and present owners. X.

The strength of a cenyelim was said to indicate something about its owner or their bloodline. For instance, an easily broken blade could imply weakness in the owner, or could serve as a form of karma if they are using another warrior's blade unrightfully, whereas a strong blade X.

Blood oaths


Traditional role in marriage

Impact on modern Balak and Gushli culture

The role of cenye and it's associated rituals is greatly diminished in modern Balak and Gushli society. X.

Couples in Balakia may still opt to take a blood oath during their wedding ceremony, but both partners are legally required to undergo testing for bloodborne diseases such as HIV prior to the occasion.