Koman Civil War

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Koman Civil War
Part of the Tarkhan Wars
Collage Koman Civil War.png
Clockwise from top left:
  • Hantazi forces entering Samadar
  • Kuulist sympathizers during the Zadavani revolt
  • Imperial forces taking position during the First Battle of Shahdar
  • Street after Black Terror campaign
  • State Guards entering Zadavan
  • Bombed Gharam in Samadar
Date15 July 1933 – 19 November 1954
(21 years, 4 months and 4 days / 7797 days)
LocationImperial State of Komania

Anti-Kuulist victory

  • Fall of the Khassamist regime.

Khassam Hazdenli's regime is abolished due to internal pressures, failures in securing authority, and an increase in tribal violence.

  • Start of the Besher regime.

Minister Hayar Besher replaces Khassam as Prime Minister of the new government.

  • Overhaul of the Koman government.

Creation of a Nonpartisan government under supervision of Emperor Fadhamiz.

  • Total dismantling of current political parties.

All political parties dismantled as a result of the new nonpartisan system.

Imprisonment and execution of Kuulists and Kuulist sympathizers.

  • Abolishment of tribal authorities.

The tribal system is abolished. Tribal warlords are either imprisoned, executed, or offered positions in the new government.

Kuulist-majority territories integrated into Shomosvan.

Pro-Sannist Forces:
File:Flag of KIA.png Koman Imperial army
File:Flag of KSG.png State Guards
File:Flag of KM.png Karamanist militia
File:Flag of Koman Government.png Government of Komania (under de facto PM Khassam Hazdenli)
Hantazi Militia

Various pro-Sannist tribes
  • Khashan
  • Bashan (1938-1951)
  • Sashmah
  • Ahar
  • Khashir

Pro-Kuulist Forces:
File:Flag of Hatamist Komania.png Hatamist Provisional Government
Koman Kuulist Party
File:Flag of HKPG.png Hatamist Provisional Government (1938-1951)
Torosh Revolutionary Forces

Various pro-Kuulist tribes
  • Ayma
  • Bashan (1951-1954)
  • Shohshari
  • Najari
Neutral Forces:
Mishar Militias
File:Flag of Koman Anti-Monarchists.png Anti-Royalist Rebels
Casualties and losses


  • 230,000 killed
  • 190,000 wounded
  • 85,000 executed
  • 35,000 missing


  • 260,000 killed
  • 510,000 wounded (Including Opioid overdose)
  • 80,500 executed
  • 20,000 missing


  • 55,000 killed
  • 100,000 wounded
  • 5,000 executed
  • 15,500 missing

The Koman Civil War was fought from 15 July 1933 to 19 November 1954. Increased tensions between the Hantaziist National League Party and the Hatamist Koman Kuulist Party aggravated by the rise of factionalism within the government culminated in a full-blown conflict which brought the ruling Khassamist regime into collapse, with authority eventually being contested by all parties involved. The civil war elevated militant sentiment within the country, triggering the rise of several militias, and further collapse brought by revolting tribal warlords. For around a decade, the country was essentially split between a Sannist-aligned west and Kuulist-aligned east, with portions of the latter eventually being illegally integrated by the Union of Shomosvan.

The conflict not only was a result of almost 3 decades of internal conflicts but brought forth a clear dyscontrol of power by the ruling aristocratic government, causing friction and political dissent in an already dysfunctional government.


Course of the war

War begins (July – August 1933)

Silent War

Pro-Kuulist Front in Torosham

Zadavani revolt

Siege of Sarek

First Battle of Shahdar

Pro-Sannist Front in Samadar

Takeover of Zadavan

Burning of Hadin

Tribal revolts

Rise of tribal factions

Ayma warlords

Nazari revolts

Pro-Monarchist tribes

Hantaziist Coalition (January 1935)

Monarchist alliance

Siege of Shahdar

Hatamist Coalition (1938)

Kuulist disputes

Hatam's Kuulist provisional government (1938-1951)

Kuulist Affiliated tribes

Black Terror campaign

Second Battle of Shahdar

Asharid provisional government (1948-1954)

Asharid takeover of Sannist territories

The Tarkhan Accords (1950)

Assassination of Hatam (1951)

Collapse of Hatam's provisional government

Surrender of Kuulist affiliated tribes (1950)

The Final Front (1952)

Zadavani skirmishes

Division of Bohazad

Total Kuulist collapse


Bohazad dispute

New government

Increased royal intervention

Human rights abuses