Mieɂteh ŋaavuot

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The sun's return dance (Ngeyv: mieɂteh ŋaavuot) is a traditional Ngeyv dance performed at the vernal equinox to celebrate the return of the sun. The dance is accompanied by a drum, played by the sieŋaan (religious ritual specialist), who enters a trance. The Ngeyv people believe that in this trance, the mobile portion of the sieŋaan's soul travels to the realm of the sun, bringing thanks and celebration from the village. The drumming speeds up gradually and crescendos as the dance progresses. The dancers join hands in a circle, beginning the dance by stomping side to side. Next, the dancers shift to stepping on the balls of their feet. The dancers then follow a repeated pattern of step, touch forward, touch, alternating between the right and left feet. These three steps form the basic footwork for the rest of the dance. As the beat speeds up, dancers begin to move more of their body, including shoulder waves and head shaking. This culminates in very raucous and energetic movement. While dancing, they chant in unison a song to praise the sun's return.