General notice/ outline for plan: Currently the meta-language is mostly based off of Adzamasi which made sense at one point but kind-of not necessarily anymore since that doesn't even represent the most populous sect. (This also applies to the Adzamasiin gender article.)
One option is to replace them with the Proto-Ekuo-Lahiri forms, which have at this point been reconstructed. Orthographic and stylistic preferences have not been decided yet, however. These are the forms (in practical orthography and IPA), for comparison:
- Quuros: Kawegwés [käwəgˈwəs ~ käwəˈgʷəs]
- Amet: Aehemjét [äəhəmˈjət ~ äehəˈmʲət]
- Hathur: Hasdíwge [häsˈdɨwgə ~ häsˈdɨgʷə]
- Karne: Khagénee [khäˈgənə:]
- Tali: Taelíí [täəˈlɨ:]
(The religion affix -arq has not been reconstructed... but frankly we should've just used -ism to begin with. Kawegwesism is pretty ugly though.)
Unfortunately, most of those are pretty ugly no matter how you look at it. Aehemjét and Taelíí at least can be easily improved as Ahemyet and Tali (same!), but the others are a bit trickier.
Another option would be to use the Modern Neviran forms. Neviran represents the largest linguistic group that follows any Quurozarq religion.
- Quuros: Ḳūxos [k'uɣos]
- Amet: Aegget [äɛɢɛt]
- Hathur: Asŧuw [äsθʉɰ]
- Karne: Qāxen [qɒɣɛn]
- Tali: Taeźi [täɛʑi]
Again, these are not the prettiest names, although they're a bit nicer than the PEKL ones. Some simplified alternatives would be Kuxos~Kughos, Aget~Agget, Asthu, Qaxen, and Tazi~Tazhi. (I hate that the Q↔K names end up flipped lmao oh well) (At least Kuxosism isn't... completely file. ...although it starts to look a bit too close to Xhiuism for comfort RIP)
Of course there's also the option to keep 'em all as-is but.... ehhhhh.
- After quick discussion with Mint, we have decided on just a few changes, and I am implementing them now: Quurožarq → Qurosism, and Hathur → Hastur.