Traditional religions of Kasiiralq

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The traditional religions of Kasiiralq are the various spiritual and religious traditions found among the native peoples of Kasiiralq. Despite being a diverse country both ethnically and linguistically, there are many commonalities in beliefs shared across ethnolinguistic lines. These beliefs do not form a single faith - there are many differences in practice even among members of the same group - but the many shared elements highlight common religious traditions that have spread across the There are also many elements in common with the Achiyitqan, Mahavic and Tlukerian religious beliefs.

The vast majority of people in Kasiiralq follow animistic beliefs, with the belief that there are many thousands of spirits or gods that inhabit the natural world. These are known by a variety of different names: kenet (Yucho), kuhmmii (Kasiirala), yoŋduŋ (Tulipik).

Spiritual mediums and healers

A common element in Kasiirala religion is that of the spiritual medium or healer, who is believed to bargain with the spirits that inhabit the natural world.