Treaty of Jema

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The Vosan government and the Houmthry Pwihaimbi, Prince Regent of Quaycain, in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Ëratsó II, recognizing the need to bring an end to the conflict between their nations and to establish a framework for peaceful relations, have agreed to conclude this Treaty of Jema. Mindful of the costs and damages incurred during the Battle for Macyeaq, and desiring to ensure the reestablishment of Kyenese authority over the region of Macyeaq and the expulsion of Vosan from the Xńi-Tan International Municipality, the parties have agreed upon the following provisions:

Now, therefore, the Vosan government and the Houmthry Pwihaimbi, Prince Regent of Quaycain, have agreed to the following articles:

Article I: Recognition of Kyenese Sovereignty over Macyeaq
  • The Vosan government recognizes the reestablishment of Kyenese authority over the region of Macyeaq, which shall henceforth be considered a part of Quaycain.
  • The Vosan government agrees to respect and uphold the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Quaycain over the region of Macyeaq.
Article II: Expulsion of Vosan from the Xńi-Tan International Municipality
  • The Vosan government shall withdraw its forces and officials from the Xńi-Tan International Municipality within 90 days of the signing of this treaty.
  • The Vosan government agrees to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Xńi-Tan International Municipality and to not interfere in its affairs.
Article III: Reparations and Compensation
  • The Vosan government shall pay reparations and compensation to Quaycain for the costs and damages incurred during the Battle for Macyeaq.
  • The exact amount of reparations and compensation shall be determined by a joint commission appointed by Quaycain, and shall be paid in full within one year of the signing of this treaty. The commission shall consist of impartial experts approved by Quaycain and will not involve representatives from the Vosan government.
Article IV: Ratification and Implementation
  • This treaty shall be ratified by the Vosan government and the Houmthry Pwihaimbi, Prince Regent of Quaycain.
  • This treaty shall enter into force immediately upon its ratification by both parties.
  • The Vosan government shall take all necessary steps to ensure the full and complete implementation of this treaty.

Signed on this 10th day of September, 1893, in Jema, Quaycain, in duplicate, in the Vos and Kreng languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Vosan government: Davitî Jelakayes, First Governor of the Three Straits

For Quaycain: Houmthry Pwihaimbi, Prince Regent of Olboros Quaycain