Phaswa Mountains

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Phaswa Mountains
View of the Kyenese portion of the Phaswa
Highest point
PeakToun Sain (Quaycain)
Countries Karduv,  Mai Thi and  Quaycain

The Phaswa Mountains are a mountain range separating West and East Soltenna. It extends from northeastern Quaycain to central western Liosol(?) and divides Huy En(?) into two geographically separate regions. Bordering the mountains are the Rapheng Mountains on the south and the Laun Mountains on the east. The Phaswa hosts most of Soltenna's highest peaks and all of the region's six-thousanders except Mount Bevaseiyrna(?), including Soltenna's highest(?) point in Mount Toun Sain whose height above sea level reached 6,493 metres (? ft). Its common name is derived from the Standard Kreng name Phà Swã meaning "shining golden".


The Phaswa's geological history dates back to the (Paleozoic) era when the mountain was formed. It formed largely through collision of the (West Soltennan) and Rietic plates during the Phaswa orogeny, which also formed the Rietic Mountains that is believed to have been the part of the Phaswa before a rift valley comprising Lake Soltenna was formed around 50 million years ago, splitting the Rietic eastwards. This split increased volcanic activity of both ranges. The Phaswa's highest(?) point, Mount Toun Sain, is estimated to move at an annual rate of ? upwards and ? northwards.

Most volcanoes in the region are now dormant, but is still subject to regular strong earthquakes from its tectonic activity. Earthquakes on the mountain range are known to have caused damage indirectly through avalanches.


Cold continental and semi-arid climates dominate the climate of the Phaswa. Average annual temperature in the lakeside ?, in comparison, is ?, while in ?, average annual temperature falls to ?. Furthermore to the Mount Toun Sain slopes, average temperatures reached as low as −5 °C (23 °F)(?).

Snow caps of the Phaswa Range feed three(?) major rivers: the Ji, ?, and ? rivers. Due to the cold climate, the Phaswa highlands are overall scarce in vegetation, with most of the area being above the tree line. The Phaswa populace are thus reliant on these rivers to live and are scarce in numbers. Although minor, rain shadow effects caused by the Ungagon made some areas west of the range—northern Huy En(?) and extreme eastern Karduv—drier than the eastern counterparts, which comprises the western half of the Lake Soltenna basin.


See also