Universal dream
The Universal dream (Adzamasi: Il-Elÿs /ɪlɛlys/) is an important concept in Quurožan belief and philosophy. Its primary tenet is that reality itself (Kēnkenÿn) is actually a shared dream existing perpetually in the sleeping minds of Quuros and the Four. Followers of this religion do not believe that the world is unreal, surreal, or unimportant, solely that it is contained within this dream. Although the name implies that those sharing the dream are cognizant of the same events, it instead simply means that it is one shared reality.
As part of this belief, Quurožiri ascribe great importance to their own dreams, within which they believe that can communicate directly with the gods.
Structure and composition
The universal dream does not have a physical or comprehensible shape; it is amorphous, non-solid, and ephemeral. The fabric of the dream itself, which makes up all matter in existence, is composed of the powers of the great gods, and the souls of the rosönet.
The Dream is sometimes visualized as a sphere, although three dimensions are not adequate to conceptualize its shape or true nature. The innermost layer contains Kēnkenÿn, the waking world of mortals. The next layer is something buffer zone between Kēnkenÿn and the third layer, where the consciousness of Quuros and the Four dwells, along with the rosönet. The buffer zone is where biārevah generally reside, and where their true forms are located: just out of reach of mortals or the gods, but able to communicate with or influence either. The final layer is the physical form of Quuros, within which the dream itself, and the spark of life, is contained. Outside of the dream is Chaos.
The mortal dream, in a way, is an opposite to this. The mortal body is contained with Kēnkenÿn, but when sleeping, the minds of humans traverse the border zone. The untrained mind slips even further away, into Chaos, where typical dreams - senseless, confusing, and quickly forgotten - occur. Quurožiri, on the other hand, are able to keep their minds within the outermost or third layers for at least some of their dreams, therefore enabling communication with the Gods and, on occasion, the rosönet.
The temiārenet exist principally within the courts of the Four, which occupy a space between the third layer of the Dream and Chaos. In this way they are able to go out into the dreams of any mortal who they wish, causing nightmares.
Mythological history
The history of the universal dream, and therefore reality itself, begins with Quuros, who came into being before any other thing, and was followed by the natural force of Chaos. In their mind Quuros could hold great ideas of worlds and beings, time a place, light and dark, but Chaos kept everything disorganized and impermanent. In their sleep, when they dreamed, Quuros that they found they could maintain these ideas, and bring order to their thoughts. So they decided after a time to go to sleep and never again to awaken, thus beginning the universal dream and reality as we know it.
For a very long time Quuros was alone in the dream, until they created the four greater gods. The Four were the population of the universe for a short while, but soon they joined their creator in sleep, and in doing so, joined their minds and powers together. After this, the five great gods were able to populate the world with life.