Bog brother is watching you

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Bogs (semi-solid swampy land) with trees and ponds
Bogs in Ghaklmbu, said to be home of Bog Brother

Bog Brother is watching you is a classical myth from central Gfiewistan, about how even in nature no one is ever truly alone. The animals are watching, the plants are watching, the spirits in the sky and in the stones and rivers are watching, and above all else, one's ancestors and lost friends will continue to watch over the living, from their last resting place, the bog.

The myth depicts a young man that carelessly and egoistically follows his whims and ignores the needs of his family as well as the demands of nature that make living off the land possible. As his crops start failing due to lack of proper care and his scavenging in forests and bogs becomes a mere token effort, the neglect drives him to ruin, and brings misery and various kinds of hardship to his family.

As his house almost collapsed one night, he is abandoned by his surviving family members. He despairs and feels alone and lifeless, when the voice of his grandfather calling him from the nearby bog becomes too loud for him to ignore. He goes to visit the burial site where his grandfather is buried and listens to the voice, deciding to finally pay heed to the advice and warnings given. The next day, he repairs his house, brings his yard into order, and tries to re-establish contact with his family and community.

However, his change of heart is not believed to be sincere and it takes him years to slowly win back the trust of everyone else. Finding solace in his newly gained sense of duty and work, he manages to persevere and eventually manages to found a new family of his own, passing on his life lessons so his children would not repeat his mistakes, the importance of living in line with nature and one's ancestors, not against them.

One should always assume they, animals, plants, spirits, and the Departed are all present, seeing and silently judging every single behavior. Showing them their respect, following traditions and acting like they would want one to is fundamental for life, one's community and family to prosper and thrive.