Operation Songbird

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Operation Songbird was a large-scale military campaign launched by the Supreme Commune of Qonklaks in October 1950, with the primary objective of dismantling the remaining pockets of imperial resistance scattered across the nation. The Qonklese Revolutionary Grand Army spearheaded this operation, engaging in a series of battles, skirmishes, and sieges to eliminate the imperial holdouts and consolidate the power of the new regime.

The operation was divided into several sub-operations and battles, targeting specific holdouts led by former military officers, warlords, and other anti-kúúlist factions.

Operation Songbird continued until August 5th, 1962, when the last of the imperial holdout forces finally surrendered. The successful conclusion of these campaigns allowed the Supreme Commune of Qonklaks to consolidate its power, eliminate internal threats, and focus on rebuilding the nation's war-torn infrastructure and economy. In the years that followed, Operation Songbird became a symbol of the resilience and determination of the Qonklese people in the face of adversity.