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|capital =            [[Valeneni]]
|capital =            [[Valeneni]]
|latd= | latm= | latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= <!--capital's latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/direction-->
|latd= | latm= | latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= <!--capital's latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/direction-->
|largest_city =      [[Tynda]]
|largest_city =      [[Vayonden]]
|largest_settlement_type = <!--Type of settlement if largest settlement not a city-->
|largest_settlement_type = <!--Type of settlement if largest settlement not a city-->
|largest_settlement = <!--Name of largest settlement-->
|largest_settlement = <!--Name of largest settlement-->

Revision as of 03:56, 3 July 2016

Kingdom of Yaxarhayut
Yäřlcun ös Yäxärhäyut, Rénozaonjuk Jaksáarhajut
Motto: “Žä, Íläž, äyä Käm”
Anthem: Vlidaik, Renoz, lao Viōlen
God, King, and Fatherland
Royal anthemErë dän Yäřl Zërnø Čënäš
When the King is Calling
National Flower
Largest Vayonden
Official languages Yaharan
Unrecognised National Languages Yennodorian
Unrecognised Regional Languages Qamaatak, Heoroman
Ethnic groups Yennodorians
Demonym Yaxarhayutian
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 -  King Dänÿl V ösYítsmä
 -  Chancellor Hiomaka ösKlísmënþ
 -  Chief Delegate Belel Osfeleosk
Legislature Legislature of Yaxarhayut
 -  Upper house Chancel of Nobles
 -  Lower house Council of Delegates
 -  Dissolution of the Empire of Yahara 12 June 1515 
 -  Independence of the Duchy of Yítsmä 30 June 1515 
 -  Unification 7 June 1677 
 -  Declaration of Kingdom 15 July 1677 
 -  Civil War (Dän Söbëc) 15 July 1837 – 25 December 1842 
 -  Second Treaty of Yítsmä 7 April 1843 
 -  2010 census 25,982,745
Currency Guxëlo (Guxëlösängä) (YAX)
Time zone Yaharan Standard Time (YST) (SCT-3)
Date format dd-mm-yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code +36

Yaxarhayut (IPA: /jakˈsɑɹ.hɑjut/, Síyähärä: Yäksärhäyut IPA: /ˈjɑk.sɑɹ.hɑ.jut/, Jēnódoruk Láounaban Jaksáarhajut IPA: /jɑkˈsɑːr.hɑ.jut/), officially the Kingdom of Yaxarhayut, is a country located along the lower half of the river Yahara. It is bordered by the sea to the south, east, and southwest, by the People's Republic of Heoroma to its north, and by the Kingdom of Yahara to its northwest. The nation by and large is known for its production of copper, iron, and steel, as well as its unusual culture.


The name Yaxarhayut comes from the Province of Yaxarhayut, which was situated along the lower river Yahara. The name itself is believed to have originally been Zikish for Living [along] the river, a name that was applied first to a Zikish settlement along the mid river, and later extended to the entire lower bank of the river. The name was then used as the name of a Celehayar governate, which was transferred to an Imperial Duchy.


The Kingdom of Yaxarhayut began its life as a set of Imperial Duchies under the Empire of Yahara, namely the Duchy of Yítsmä, the Duchy of Yaxarhayut, the Duchy of Sithen, the Duchy of Vayoneni, the Duchy of Terenarth, the Duchy of Tynda, and the Duchy of Klismenth. After a series of internal conflicts amongst the Upper Yaharan and Lower Yaharan Imperial Duchies, the Empire dissolved as the duchies declared their respective independence. While in the Upper Yaharan region, the Duchy of Yërvërg gained prominence, in the Lower Yaharan region, the Duchy of Yítsmä came to power namely by marrying into the Duchies of Klismenth and the Northern Swamps. After a short series of negotiations, the Duchy of Vayoneni agreed to join the union of duchies if its historic rights as the erstwhile capital of the Empire were respected. As such, the capital of the then Duchy of Yítsmä was moved to Vayoneni, where it remained for twelve years, when after a series of protests in Yítsmä, the ducal government returned to Yítsmä. As such, the people of Vayoneni threatened independence, resulting in a hasty declaration of the "[new] Empire of Yahara, the one and only successor to the old Empire of Yahara, with rights to the nations of the Upper and Lower Yahara" and the use of the armed forces of the duchy to put down the push for independence. The aforementioned claim to the Upper Yahara fell on deaf ears, however, and within a year, the Upper Yaharan duchies had unified under Yërvërg's banner, and had declared themselves the "Kingdom of Yahara, the one and only successor to the late Empire of Yahara, with rights to the nations of Upper and Lower Yahara". Faced with this equal and opposing declaration, the "Imperial" government in Yítsmä quietly retracted their previous statement, appeasing the Yaharans to the north, only to issue an almost identical statement immediately after: "We, the people of the Lower Yahara, declare ourselves the Kingdom of Yaxarhayut, an independent nation who is the one and only successor to the old Empire of Yahara, with the rights to the nations of the Upper and Lower Yahara". This resulted in both nations entering a short period of war, ending in a stalemate. Finally, the two nations agreed to recognise the other as the proper claimant to their respective parts of the Yahara. However, neither nation officially dropped their claim to the other half.


Because of Yaxarhayut's southern latitude, the annual variation in temperature in Yaxarhayut is almost non-existent. Temperatures are remarkably consistent, ranging from an average low of 5,3ºC to an average high of 13,8ºC. The record highs and lows for Yaxarhayut are, respectively, 29,5ºC and -21,0ºC. Thanks to said consistency in temperature, it is rare for the waterways of Yaxarhayut to freeze over, since it is rarely below freezing. In general, flora in Yaxarhayut is green year-round, and crops are grown in cycles, taking advantage of the parts of the year where the sun will shine for seventeen hours, and where it will shine for seven. This provides for a wide variety of native produce. In the summertime, the sun will shine, on the longest day, of seventeen hours, likewise in winter, on the shortest day it will shine for seven. Thanks to the warm water current that runs to the south of Yaxarhayut's shores, the bays are also kept relatively ice free, and it snows mostly only during the winter. It is common for it to rain up to one-hundred and twenty days a year, and to snow for twenty-five (thus there is an average of one-hundred and fifty-five days of precipitation of some description). Yaxarhayut is generally very wet, often dealing with waves of fog, and an average realtive humidity of 80%.


There are three major political parties in Yaxarhayut as well as two minor political parties.

Slävøv Fäš tëmë Isënd Väc (People for the Old Way, also SFIV):

  (conservatism, right to far right): 86 seats (majority)
  This is the conservative party of Yaxarhayut. They have close connections with the National Church of Yahara, and tend to vote in favour of the aristocracy. They generally garner their seats from the eastern duchies and the city of Valeneni.

Házonuk Trunáomat (Party of the People, also HzT):

  (progressivism, left): 23 seats (in coalition with GdS)
  This is the liberal party of Yaxarhayut. They generally carry equal amounts of support across the nation, excepting the Duchy of Sithen.

GudädyäösdännSöbëx (Soul of the Revolution, also GdS)

  (pro-capitalism, small government, moderate right): 45 seats (in coalition with HzT)
  This party claims to be the successor to the coalition which swept Queen Alandya out of power during the Civil War (Dän Söbëx). It is extremely popular in the western regions of the nation, and generally votes moderately. It performs poorly in the east.

Kwotó Jumun Filitá újk jenuj Akâjinó (Party for Granting Rights to the People, also KJFA)

  (decentralisation, progressivism, independence, moderate left):16 seats (have not sat)
  This is a party dedicated to the devolution of rights specifically to the Quilaquisoutsians, but the Heöromas and Yaharans as well. They generally vote progressively, as well as in favour of a more representative democracy. They have introduced two bills in the last five years to dissolved the Chancel of Nobles and replace it with a new body whose members would be voted upon. They generally do best in the Duchy of Sithen.

Käös'mënVürgënšø (Party of the Cities, also KmV)

  (Communist Party, far left): 10 seats
  This party generally votes left to far-left. They are most popular in the cities.



The Legislature of Yaxarhayut is comprised of two bodies: the hereditary Chancel of Nobles, and the elected Council of Delegates. Elections for the Council of Delegates occur every three years on 15 September, having started in 1843. As of the 2014 elections, the 57th Council took their seats, with the exception of those delegates whom are apart of the KJFA, who refuse to take the Oath of Loyalty, and thus do not sit. The Chancel of Nobles consists of two nobles each per duchy: the Duke of that duchy (or a substitute), and an Assistant. Each hold voting powers. The Council of Delegates consists of 180 seats, which are divided proportionally, according to population, amongst the duchies. Political parties take seats proportionally as well within their duchy.

Seats are assigned as such to the duchies: Klismenth: 11 Sithen: 24 Terenarth: 30 Tynda: 28 Valeneni: 20 Vayonden: 43 Yítsmä: 24

Administrative divisions

The Kingdom of Yaxarhayut is broken into six duchies and one administrative district. Each duchy receives two representatives in the Chancel of Nobles, their Duke and an Assistant, as well as a proportional amount of Delegates in the Council of Delegates. The duchies are as follows: Yítsmä, Vayonden, Klismenth, Sithen, Tynda, and Terenarth. The administrative district is the capital, Valeneni. It receives one representative in the Chancel of Nobles (the Duke of Yítsmä), as well as a proportional amount of Delegates in the Council of Delegates.



Agriculture dominants much of the Yaxarhayutian economy, taking up 35-45% of its total GDP. A wide variety of crops are grown, ranging from vegetables such as potatoes, turnips, carrots, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower to grasses such as rye, barley, and grass for hay. Livestock such as cattle are common, as well as sheep and goats. Horses too are a common feature of Yaxarhayutian farms, often doing many of the same tasks they have done for centuries, in flagrant defiance of the mechanisation surrounding them.


The energy sector in Yaxarhayut is primarily based on the burning of coal, which is mined in the northern foothills of the country. However, in the duchies of Klismenth, Vayonden, and Terenarth, wind power has also gained popularity (producing 63%, 42%, and 55% of energy in those provinces respectively). The Administrative District of Valeneni is also an exception to the rule, taking 73% of its power from nuclear sources.


Ethnic groups

Within Yaxarhayut, there are three major ethnic groups, the dominant group, the Yennodorians (Trunáomatuk Jēnódor), the Quilaquisoutsians (Qwilákwisótseśa), Heöromas (Hēöróman), and the Yaharans (Síguyähärä). The Yennodorians primarily live along the coast and along the river, as well as being the majority group within the cities of Yaxarhayut. It is in their language, Jēnódoruk Láounaban, that the average person speaks when doing business or, for most, during their personal life. The Quilaquisoutsians live primarily inland, in the foothills and forests, where their language survives as a remnant of its former self. The Heöromas live in a particular area along the coast, having settled there from their original home many years ago. They have primarily adopted Jēnódoruk Láounaban as their mother tongue, though amongst some of the older generation their language survives as well. The Yaharans, however, are a minority group living along the border with the Kingdom of Yahara. They are, in general, Upper Yaharans who ended up in the Kingdom of Yaxarhayut after the Treaty of Oþärväřg. They either speak Síyähärä or Jēnódoruk Láounaban.

Ethnic Percentages: Yennodorians: 61,14% Quilaquisoutsians: 23,11% Heoromans: 12,98% Yaharans: 2,54% Other: 0,23%


The population of Yaxarhayut is split almost exactly in half between rural and urban residents. The large cities of Yaxarhayut, Valeneni, Sithen, Tynda, Terenarth, and Vayonden make up the vast majority of the urban population.


Yaxarhayutians will most likely speak Yennodorian, Qamaatak, or Yaharan. It should be noted that, whilst the vast majority of the population speak Yennodorian, Yaharan is the official language of the nation, as well as the language of government. However, as part of the Second Treaty of Yítsmä, all Yaxarhayutians have the right to use Yennodorian in court, as well as to have all laws and decrees translated into Yennodorian.

Fluent, Native Tongue: Yennodorian: 96,13%, 79,57% Yaharan: 56,09%, 8,13% Qamaatak: 10,65%, 12,21% Heoroman: 0,03%, 0,07% Other: 1,1%, 0,02% Total: 60,98% bilingual


Education in Yaxarhayut is based on a very similar system to its healthcare, also known as the Guild System, it runs in an almost identical fashion, with the exception that it is more heavily regulated by the state.


Healthcare in Yaxarhayut is based on a unique system, best translated into English as the Guild System. The Guild System functions without the use of money, rather functioning on donations and government subsidisation. The Guilds themselves are independent of the government, however, they are non-profit organisations, existing solely to provide healthcare. Each Guild is run by a Guildmaster, who acts as the head of the Guild, making important decisions. Below the Guildmaster are several other Masters, who run a set of departments. Below these Masters may sit other Masters, as well as Apprentices and Journeymasters.


Seventy-six percent of Yaxarhayutians have reported on the census that they are religious, of those, seventy-three percent reported themselves adherents to the state faith of Vadyashon, the traditional faith of Yahara.



The most popular drink in Yaxarhayut is tea, which is imported from nations in warmer latitudes. However, when it comes to locally produced drinks, a rye-alcohol product (similar to kvass) called ígëlstk or íikelsek is the most popular (though it is only second most popular overall).