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'''Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan''' or ''''Gfiewistan'''' (IPA: /kwi:w.jəkənsiʊrjəʒɪʊʂ.tan/ or /kwi:wistan/, Native language: ''Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan'', IPA: /gʷɪːʍ.ʒʝɘ.knʂɪʊɹ.jɘ.ʒɪʊʂ.tɐn/), officially the '''Republic of Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostanian''', is a country located on the continent of Ystel, southwest of South Jute.
'''Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan''' or ''''Gfiewistan'''' (IPA: /kwi:w.jəkənsiʊrjəʒɪʊʂ.tan/ or /gɨ'fewɪstæn/, Native language: ''Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan'', IPA: /gʷɪːʍ.ʒʝɘ.knʂɪʊɹ.jɘ.ʒɪʊʂ.tɐn/), officially the '''Republic of Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostanian''', is a country located on the continent of Ystel, southwest of South Jute.


Revision as of 20:32, 1 February 2016

Republic of Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan
Motto: Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan Forever, and After
Largest Capital
Official languages Gfiewish
Recognised national languages Gfiewish
Demonym Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostanian or Gfiewian
Government Federal non-partisan parliamentary republic
Legislature Parliament
 -  United as a monarchy 897 
 -  Abolition of monarchy 1852 
 -  estimate 1,870,000
Currency Gfiewgjknsior (GFW)
Time zone GFST (SCT+8)
 -  Summer (DST) Not observed (SCT)
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .gf

Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan or 'Gfiewistan' (IPA: /kwi:w.jəkənsiʊrjəʒɪʊʂ.tan/ or /gɨ'fewɪstæn/, Native language: Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan, IPA: /gʷɪːʍ.ʒʝɘ.knʂɪʊɹ.jɘ.ʒɪʊʂ.tɐn/), officially the Republic of Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostanian, is a country located on the continent of Ystel, southwest of South Jute.


Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan is etymologically a word compound, which are common in the Gfiewish language. It literally comes from "Land of the People near (the) Rocks in (the) Sea.


Having been inhabited by humans for about three thousand years, it remained a land divided into small agricultural societies until the Siegfried the Pious arrived in Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan in the 9th century and united the nation under the religion of Iovism, and installing himself as the God-sanctioned king of all Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostanians. Reformation attempts failed and the country remains orthodox to these days. With the emergence of the enlightenment, romantic nationalism and the revolutionary movements of the 19th century, the monarchy was abandoned 1852, and feudalism gradually gave way to a mostly free market economy.


Situated in a cold climate, the nation is covered mostly by tundra and boreal forests, home to the Gfiewjknsior beast. The nation is rather mountainous and also has glaciers in the southeast, but the land alongside the western coast is rather flat.






A chancellor is governing the nation with the help of half a dozen ministers, representing the executive branch, elected by the parliament. The members of the parliament, the legislative branch in turn are elected by the population every four years, with seven members coming from each district, resulting in a total of 49, plus speaker of the parliament. The judiciary branch is made up by the supreme court and seven district courts, where the district judges, elected by local politicians concerned with justice and the district's parliamentary members in conjunction.

Administrative divisions

Foreign relations

Non-interventionism and advocating for free trade (including labor) are the pillars of the foreign policy, which can therefore be summed up with "as little as possible, as much as necessary", or free-trade isolationist.


Conscription is mandatory, and everyone aged 18-20 has to serve either in the military or in accredited charity services for a year after completing education. The government keeps a large military purely to defend itself in the case of war and, as already mentioned, is against any sort of intervention on foreign soils for whatever reason.


With the cold, clear water bordering the nation on one side, and lush forests in much of the rest of it, fishing and hunting have traditionally been the strongest sector of the economy, and continue to be to this day. Animal husbandry has been historically important as well, though it has lately been replaced by Tourism as the second most important industry. Recently, the soda industry has been shown to be very successful both domestically as well as abroad, too.


Roads are kept well in shape, as the car is the most common way of transport in the nation. Public transport is only existing in the two biggest cities, the capital Hatariew and the "center of the North", Slakkariew.


Fossil fools are still largely used, though investments in alternate energy forms have been made and an effort to transition to them is underway.

Science and technology



The cold climate and rather inhospitable environment never allowed for the population to grow as high as the one of nations in a warmer climate. Only lately, with the onset of modernization in agriculture, has the population been increasing, from 595,000 in 1852 (first census) to 2,130,000 today.

Ethnic groups

Together with the isolationist policies, this has resulted in it remaining very homogeneous, with most people being able to knowing their ancestors in Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan up to several hundred years ago, but the recent success of the economy has caused a change a trend reversal, with now more and more people from abroad coming to Gfiewgjknsiorjgiostan in search for jobs.


About half of the population lives in the five biggest cities, with the rest living in various smaller towns and rural settlements.

Largest cities:

City IPA Metro area population District
1 Hatariew /Xat:ɐrɪəʍ/ 628,000 Hatariew
2 Slakkariew /ʂlak:ɐrɪəʍ/ 234,000 Slakkariew
3 Tanlariewis 136,000 Tanla
4 Weishriew 67,000 Kauslat
5 Dillariewis 53,000 Hemmswill


Gfiewish, the national language spoken by virtually all people in the land, is a rather isolated language and while several theories about its origin have been put forward, none so far have been widely accepted, and so its relationship with other languages remains a mystery for now. Only a few immigrants speak other languages, mostly at home, but almost everyone of them knows Gfiewish as well.




The overwhelming majority remains Orthodox Iovist, though not as many are practicing Iovians as a hundred years ago. There a few Reformed Iovist communities, and very few people with other religions, mostly in the capital, which has the only Mysticism temple of the nation.


The population is rather devout, but has a largely "help yourself" mentality and is knwon for being stoic and not very talkative. Politically, most people are heavily right-wing libertarianism-leaning, supporting a individualist, capitalistic (that is, right-wing) economy while being sometimes more liberal on social matters, where it doesn't clash too much with their religion.











See also