Yellow Revolution

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Yellow Revolution
Revolutionary soldiers and peaceful protesters pictured in Listosord, 1983
Date5th September 1983- 12th May 1985
CausesEconomic downturn and continued repression under dictator Benyt Vadini, agitation by members of the Revolutionary Kuulist Party, international isolation
MethodsCoup d'etat, nonviolent revolution, assassination
ResultCollapse of the New Norjihani State, assassination of Benyt Vadini, failure of the RKP to seize power, setting up of the Provisional Government and the transition to Democracy
Parties to the civil conflict
Revolutionary Kuulist Party of Norjihan, Provisional Government of Norjihan, Norjihani Union of Students
New Norjihani State
276 people killed

The Yellow Revolution (Norjihani: Poðokansinnalkad), is the name given to the process of the Norjihani transition to Democracy and the end of the New Norjihani State of Benyt Vadini, also sometimes simply called the Norjihani Revolution. Beginning as a nationwide student protest, it soon was infiltrated and exploited by elements of the Revolutionary Kuulist Party of Norjihan (RKP), present amongst both leading student organisers and elements of the Norjihani military, and the attempts of a Provisional Norjihani Government (PNG) made up of political exiles to return to the country. Eventually, disgruntled members of the RKP reached out to the PNG and were able to secure the handing over of the capital and tools of government to the PNG, to which the RKP, at that time renamed to the Kuulist Front of Norjihan (KFN), was invited, in order to create a new constitution and carry out the first democratic election in Norjihan since 1925.

The name of the revolution comes from the involvement of Kuulist elements, both among the original students protests and the involvement of the RKP. It is sometimes called the 'Yellow and Blue Revolution' in Norjihan, partly to reflect the blue colour of the Gennist Union, one of the two parties formed by political exiles and party to the provisional government, as well as being a reference to Vadini's seizure of power, also termed the Blue Revolution in Norjihan, in order to reflect the belief amongst some that the RKP/KFN were betrayed. 12th May is normally celebrated as a public holiday, that being the day of the ratification of the Norjihani Constitution, although the KFN, who are now in power, have recently sought to move it to 5th September to mark the initial beginnings of the revolution.