Nuar Kingdom

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The approximate extent of the Nuar Kingdom in 200 BCE.

The Nuar Kingdom was a kingdom in northern Soltenna that existed from 4th millennium BCE until its collapse near the end of the 1st millennium CE. The kingdom began as a disorganized collection of small city-states that were founded during the time of the growing Methinak Empire. These city states developed trade relations and began to form an alliance. By the seventh century BCE, the Nuar Alliance had grown strong enough to repel a Methinak invasion, and by the third century BCE, the balance of power among the Nuar states had shifted such that they all became tributaries to the Nuar state of Kjē̃tlaw.

The strength of the Kjē̃tlaw Kingdom did not last for more than two centuries before internal conflict began to destroy the consolidation of power. Following the fall of the Methinak Empire in the 2nd century CE, Kjē̃tlaw and some other Nuar states expanded southward, invading former Methinak land, but it proved difficult to maintain control over these conquered lands. Around this time, the Nuar kingdom of Yatsi created a schism among the various other Nuar kingdoms.

By the end of the 2nd century BCE, the Qgam people had begun populating the northern coast of Soltenna along the Gelög Sea. The Qgam people were unified by a line of powerful kings who proved too difficult for the Nuar to repel. Much land was lost, and by the 8th century CE, Kjē̃tlaw and other Nuar states had become plagued by political turmoil. In 773, the Yatsi Kingdom fell to the Qgamic Kingdom, and in 978, Kjē̃tlaw (at that time having been renamed Nuar), the last remaining independent Nuar kingdom, was conquered by the Qgamic Kingdom.

The Qgamic Kingdom maintained order over Nuar regions by appointing Nuar people to positions of relative regional power, though this allowed for the Nuar culture and language to remain, and extent its influence into the Qgam language as well. However, linguistic assimilation eventually resulted in the death of the Nuar language in the 16th century. The Nuar remain as an ethnic group in the southern regions of the modern Democratic Republic of Qgam and Herdek, and their cultural traditions are still prominent in these regions.