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Hato is the mandatory state religion of Hangai. Its followers believe in the fire god, who is the only god still alive.

Creation myth

Back when Sahar was still young, there were 5 gods: the god of sky, the goddess of earth, the god of fire, the goddess of hunting and the god of fertility. The god of fire was the son of the god of sky and the goddess of earth. The god of sky and the goddess of earth quarreled everyday. Once, one of their quarrels escalated so much that the god of sky ran amok and killed his wife. Once he realized what he had done, he killed himself. The gods of hunting and fertility went into mourning, which they never stopped, leaving the whole universe to the god of fire.

Fire sacrifices

Burning various objects will, according to the followers of Hato, bring them to the god of fire. Hence, every year, a big sacrifice is made: every citizen of Hangai is obliged to bring something that isn't alive nor a human to the nearest sacrificial ground and burn it there. Several cases of arson are linked to these sacrifices every year, although mostly without fatalities, as the god of fire isn't believed to be in need of humans, even though human sacrifices were practiced in the past. As knowledge in Hato is transmitted to the god of fire by burning scrolls and books, it's customary to make one copy of a newly written book to be burned.

Ancestor worship

Ancestor worship is also an integral part of Hato, and the fire god himself is also often portrayed as making small sacrifices to his dead parents. There are two types of ancestor worship: small, symbolic sacrifices to show that one still cares about their ancestors, and big. ritually made statues of ancestors. These can take the look of animals as well, if one believes for his family to be descended from one.