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Atsiq Republic of Breuteria
Official languages Breuterian
Recognised regional languages Atsikuantan · Anxunian · Beílan · Zoerjaandhar
Ethnic groups (2015) 73.1% Breuterian
13.7% Anxunian
2.8% Zoerjaandhari
10.4% other
Demonym Breuterian
 -  True Minister {{{leader_name1}}}
 -  Manager Of The Regional Senate {{{leader_name2}}}
 -  Manager Of The Party Senate {{{leader_name3}}}
 -  Manager Of The Cultural Senate {{{leader_name4}}}
Legislature Triple Senate
 -  Upper house Party Senate
 -  Lower house Regional Senate
 -  Total 257,090 km2
99,263 sq mi
 -  2017 estimate 12,854,491
 -  Density 50/km2
129.5/sq mi
GDP (nominal) estimate
 -  Total $52.241 billion
 -  Per capita $4,064
Time zone Atsiq Standard Time (SCT-10)
Drives on the right
Calling code +15

Breuteria (IPA: /bɹytəɹgjotsɪkiə/, Native language: Country, IPA: //), officially the Atsiq Republic of Breuteria, is a country located in Southern Atsiq that borders Zoerjaandhia. The constitutional republic has a tricameral legislation, and Breuterian is the official language.


Breuteria is from the Beílan Ṽitrgos (south) + Atsiq



There's a plain in the northwest area of the country, the southern area and the eastern area are mountainous.



Most parts of Breuteria have a humid continental climate(Dfa and Dfb in Koppen classification), that means, it has a deep contrast between different seasons, with a warm or hot summer and a cold winter, and the precipitation is well distributed, like much of the eastern Europe; however, the coastal areas of Breuteria have an oceanic climate, and the mountain areas in the east area have a dry-summer climate.




The government of Breuteria is split into 3 branches.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch consists of the Triple Senate

The Triple Senate is composed of the Regional Senate, the Cultural Senate, and the Party Senate

The Regional senate is elected by giving a certain number of seats to territories and a few more as region-wide. The Regional senate functions as a lower house, for the most part.

The Cultural Senate is elected by cultural regions. It is the least significant, and only votes on certain categories of laws

The Party senate is elected by every region voting for party coalitions. % of vote in region divided by 2 is the number of seats each party gets from that region. It functions as the upper house.

Administrative divisions

Breuteria is divided into 6 regions

Foreign relations

Breuteria has become a permanent neutral country since 1911, the government does not take sides in international conflicts, but nonetheless the government still provides humanitarian aids to people suffering from natural disasters, conflicts or other humanitarian crisis.


Breuteria is a permanent neutral country, and currently, Breuteria has no standing army, it has abolished its military forces in 1911, and the constitutional law prohibits the re-introdution of military forces in peacetimes, military forces can only be established when Breuteria is facing threats of invasion, which has never happened since 1911.


The nominal GDP per capita of Breuteria is about 4,000$USD; however, the purchasing power parity(PPP) per capita is much higher, which is around 25,000$USD, as a result, import goods are usually much more expensive than goods produced locally.



Science and technology

Despite its distance from major economic areas, Breuteria people still have a reputation in botany and astronomy, and there are several notable botanists and astronomists from Breuteria worldwide.


Death penalty is still a lawful punishment in Breuteria, at least treason that causes the death of people and killing one's own parents are punishable by the death penalty.

In Breuteria , it is extremely hard to accuse someone of treason, there are only two accusations of treason since the formation of the new constitution in 1911, and in both cases, the accusation of treason was found not valid.

Psychoactive drugs are legal in Breuteria, but their sale and use are strictly regulated, alcoholic drinks and most psychoactive drugs can only be bought in government-run shops; on the other hand, unhealthy food, like processed food, food and drink with an excessive amount of sugar and fat(e.g.junk food), is also heavily taxed, unhealthy food is not allowed to be sold in or near places like school, hospital, playground, amusement park or other public facilities, and ads promoting unhealthy food, all-you-can-eat restaurants, psychoactive drugs, alternative medicines, credit cards or financial instruments(e.g. derivatives) are restricted and their risks must be clearly stated.

On the other hand, Breuteria has one of the strictst law on firearm ownership, basically the only people that have guns are police officers and criminals, and only the guns of police officers are legal, and police officers can only bring guns when they are on duty, they can't bring their guns home or bring guns with them while not at work.

Erotic contents, including pornography and sex toys, can be sold, but they must follow specific regulations:

  • They musf be sold in specific stores
  • The stores cannot have obvious signboards and cannot make advertises or have windows displaying their products to the public either
  • Anyone who enter such stores musf show documents that can prove their age
  • Buyers must write an agreement that they will not show these contents to anyone who is underaged and will keep porn contents(including hardcore and softcore ones) in a safebox or storages that are not accessible to children.

As a result, pornography is called "safebox entertainment" by some in Breuteria; besides sexual intercourse and nudity, any action or cloth that is sexually seductive is seen as erotic and is thus regulated.

Anyone who is 16 years old or older can buy contents with softcore erotic contents; but hardcore erotic contents are only available for people who are 21 years old or older. Anything that contains sexual intercourse, nusity, exposure of sex organs or female nipples is seen as hardcore erotic; other sexually seductve contents are softcore.

Producing child [ornography is a criminal offense and is a felony, all players or characters in a pornography must be at least 21 years old and must look mature and cannot wear anything supposed to be worn by children or teenagers(e.g. school uniforms) or do anything that makes them look childish, any content depicting children or people that look like child(the claims that "they are actually adults or non-humans but just look like a child." and that "this is just a drawing, no real child is exploited during the production" are seen as invalid reasons by the court of Breuteria. In response to this, the highest court of Breuteria has stated that "even if no real life child is harmed, any production that features a child-looking figure that does anything related to sex will sexualize children and will make people see children as potential targets for sex, and thus this is still harmful.") or too cute(including any anime-style characters) that does anything related to sex, including sexual intercourse, nudity, or anything sexually seductive, is seen as child pornography; Possessing child pornography without authorization is also considered as a criminal offense, only police officers, detectives or other people may possess them for the purpose of crime prevention(e.g. using them as evidence to prosecute someone for possessing or producing child pornography) and the possession must be authorized and they must give up the possessions once the reasons to possess them do not exist anymore, and the child pornography productions that are confisticated will be destroyed as soon as they are no longer availabe to be used as evidence for prosecution.

In Breuteria, showing anyone who is not an adult erotic contents is a criminal offense, and parents have the duty to lock erotic contents away so that their children will have no chance to see them; besides, showing anyone, be they adults or not, erotic contents without their consent can be accused of sexual harassment.

In Breuteria, one needs to have at least 5 years of full-time work experience and pass the civil servant exams to be eligible for a non-elective civil servant position. Civil servants of Breuteria don't get fired unless they violate the law or rules, but the contracts of non-elective governmental jobs usually only last one year(police officers and firefighters are exceptions, police and fighfighter jobs don't have due dates), and civil servants must take the tests to continue their work contracts, and only those who have worked for the government for 35 years are eligible for the pension for civil servanfs.



Ethnic groups

Breuteria is a multiracial country of human beings, the main ethnic group of Breuteria is Breuterian people, which makes up 60% of the total population; besides, there are Anxunian people, Kúantan people, Makronesian people and people of other ethnicities living in the country.




Education in Breuteria is compulsory for 12 to 14 years; six years in elementary school followed by four years of junior high school and two to four years — depending on type — of senior high school, from ages 6 to 18 or 20. Enrollment rate for secondary education is 88% (2016). Parents can choose for children either public schools, which are free of charge, or private schools, mostly focusing on specialized fields of education not usually covered by public schools, such as arts and music.

Breuterian compulsory secondary education comprises three types. Comprising 63% of high schools in Breuteria is the common high school, which specializes in academic study and comprises four junior and two senior years. Vocational schools specialize in professional craft, in particular specialized industrial and physical craft, and are often accompanied with apprenticeship programs to assist integration of students in a work environment. It has academic study but is less focused than common high schools, and are regarded as complementary.

Unique to Breuteria are labor schools, which is similar to vocational schools in that both specialize in industrial and physical craft. However, unlike vocational schools, there's little to none academic study apart from those necessary for the craft, and specialization is extensive. Labor schools have an extensive entrance exam evaluating and examining the student's occupation of interest, academic skills, and discipline. Labor schools may charge a regulated amount of monthly tuition to cover apprenticeship fees. In the final years of labor school, students are employed to desired cooperating employers through two different options: the default 24 months of part-time work, or 12 months of full-time work, as part of the study and primary prerequisite for graduating. The latter option allows for a three-year labor school period as opposed to the normal four-year period, but demands more requirements on both the school and the employer's sides, and has a lower vacancy rate.

Upon graduating from a common high school, students may continue their education to colleges, separated into three kinds: junior, labor, and common. Junior schools issue an associate degree upon graduation, while the latter two issue bachelor's degree. Labor and academic colleges differ in what they specialize; labor colleges focus on education of industrial and physical craft, while academic colleges focus on other fields of study, in particular academic fields such as mathematics and engineering. After receiving a bachelor's degree, students may continue their education to graduate schools for higher, academic degrees. Graduate schools charge students for tuition on a monthly basis, unless the student has scholarship, which may be acquired through state-run scholarship tests or endowment programs.

On the other hand, graduating from vocational high schools grant students a degree of same level as an associate degree, while in labor schools, students upon graduation are given a degree of same level as a bachelor's degree, and may choose to continue their work full-time with their respective employers, or continue their education to graduate schools. Labor school graduates favor the former option, which is chosen by 82% of graduates according to a 2010 survey by the Ministry of Education.



Breuteria religious data from 2010:

  • 20% Kúantan school Ṽioń
  • 2% Returned (i.e. Heretical) Ṽioń
  • 30% Iovic
  • 9% Foreign religion
  • 4% Native religion
  • 35% Atheist/Agnostic/Non-religious

Ṽioń was introduced to the country with the Kúantan minority, and spread to some Breuterians. Later, members of various Returned Ṽioń groups looked at Breuteria as a good homeland where they would be free to practice their faith how they wanted it. Iovism spread from other Iovic countries, through, trade, immigration, and missionaries. The foreign religions are mostly the other large religions of Sahar. The native religions tend to be concentrated in the mountainous areas, especially Faith Of The Wheel, the oldest of all native religions. The largest native religion, with roughly 1%, is Temple Of The Sky Goat, just larger than Faith Of The Wheel. Many Faith Of The Wheel beliefs have influenced Breuteria, despite the steadily declining number of practicioners.





Breuteria has a strong literal tradition, people there love reading nicely-written novels and poetics.


Realism is highly valued in Breuteria, but abstract arts are also valued; however, Anime-style arts and cuteness are depreciated in Breuteria, and are the only depreciated styles in Breuteria; besides, in Breuteria, regardless of actual contents, all creations with anime-style arts are listed as adult only and must be sold and broadcasted according to the regulations towards creations containing erotic contents.


Breuterian Classical Music






The national flower of Breuteria is yellow stargrass. an iconic representation of the flower is also shown on the flag.

See also