Religion in Asesha

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Traditionally Aseshans are animist or polytheist depending on the tribe. Due to colonization, is popular a syncretism with Qurosism and traditional religions, specially animist tribes.


Animistic beliefs are native to Puzimm, and, before colonization, were the major religious tradition in the continent. The major common caratteristic among Aseshans is the ancestor worship, honoring a portector guardian diety, as well as the worship of spirits connected with the nature. Mostly common we can also find Fetishism around the animist tribes.


Oftern rituals are practices to make a contact with ancestors or spirits and are paired with divinetional practices. Archeological reserchers found out, arount XXX cite, totems and amulets, still practiced though the animist tribes.

During the ritual are common in villages where the people are less. They gather around a fire, lead by a Shaman and the drums' music, a force is being evoked (often is compared with a spirit), and everyone goes in a sort of a trance and a closer feeling to the supernatural entities.


Among Aseshan tribes, afterlife is not well-defined. Usually changes more or less among the different culture and often has blurred ridges. The most common belief is the one which after death the body reamins on this world and the spirit goes toe the afterlife world, wanting to come back. Animistic tibes have numerous types of spirits which they worship. Spirits can be divided into two categories: ancestral spirits (ënxō, ünxō) and non-human spirits.

Ancestor spirits

The Ancestral spirits, also known as ënxō,they are spirits of dead ancestors, who through ceremonies could be summoned to ask for help, or predict the future. Often these ceremonies are carried out to request abundant rainfall, fruitful harvest and abundant hunting. This practice was also remedied before a war, a marriage and a journey, to request luck and support from the ancestors.

Mainly people involved in the request to the ancestors, such as farmers or hunters, people who travel, or who get married, must participate in the ritual. Other people close to you, such as family members, are invited to participate to have more power in the invocation. Although it is not mandatory, there is a huge stigma if immediate family such as relatives and siblings do not participate.To them is added the priest who hymns around a fire, bringing the people who participate to a state of semi-consciousness. At the beginning of the ritual, the request is transcribed on a palm leaf; he repeats it out loud to himself and gets burned.

A short phrase summarizing the request is repeated, in a song accompanied by drums and other instruments.This is repeated until the leaf is completely burned and transformed into ash.
