Walking Mirror Monsters

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Walking Mirror Monsters are mythological creatures in Lufasan mythology.

According to the myth, staying too long in certain cursed locations can make a walking mirror follow behind a person or next to their side, taking on the shape of whatever that person finds the most unsettling showing them a horribly distorted image of themselves all the while whispering undermining words.

Generally they are said to appear sites of great tragedy. which can often be a house or a mansion, or a street, but also any other place. They will start haunting someone especially if they were involved in some way, and once attached, they are very hard to shake off, and destroy a human from the inside with not a single touch, with what can only be described as repeated psychological attacks.

Experts on mythology and folklore often see these as traditional, symbolic depictions of depression and traumatic disorders, something to explain why certain people have such a warped, negative view of themselves, and why it can seem to be triggered by particular places.

Due to their ascribed power they have at times fascinated certain writers and other artists, who have depicted them in their works in various ways, either to explore the human Psyche or to work through their own feelings and help their disordered mind process them with the hope of aiding recovery.