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The Zaizung government is structured into the 8 traditional ministries of the pre-Olboros Qonklese system. These are the Ministries of Control, Examination, Justice, War, Finance, Rites, Works, and Personnel. The Central Committee is made up of the 8 heads of the ministries along with a "first among equals" chancellor elected on a 5? year term. The chancellor is mostly there to break ties and greet foreign dignitaries, but retains few powers outside of presiding over the Central Committee. The ministries of Control and Examination are explicity kúúlist, but the other 6 are all open to every citizen, and the ones that are democratic allow all parties to run candidates.
Instead of splitting the govermnet by powers, Zaizung uses the traditional pre-Olboros Qonklese system of splitting by domain. Each ministry has executive and partial legislative powers in their domain, though most legislation needs review by the other ministries before becoming official law.

Zaizung did not adopt the 5 Mè system of modern Qonklaks. The 1902 Zaizung Republic was setting up a government before the 1903 Qonklese Republic, and the post-GEW government was set up by the Helsonians, and with memories of fascist Qonk occupation in everyone's minds.
The Zaizung government is structured into 8 ministries. These are the Ministries of Control, Examination, Justice, War, Finance, Rites, Works, and Personnel.

Because it was a revival of a system that hadn't been in use in Industrial times, there are plenty of weird quirks of where modern departments would go.
The Central Committee is made up of the 8 heads of the ministries along with a "first among equals" chancellor elected on a 5? year term. The chancellor is mostly there to break ties and greet foreign dignitaries, but retains few powers outside of presiding over the Central Committee. The ministries of Control and Examination are explicity kúúlist, but the other 6 are all open to every citizen, and the ones that are democratic allow all parties to run candidates. Democratically elected ministries tend to use Terminian federalism to split into smaller bodies.
Zaizung did not adopt the 5 Mè system of modern Qonklaks. The 1902 Zaizung Republic was setting up a government before the 1903 Qonklese Republic, and the post-[[Pangyeoun War]] government was set up by the Helsonians, and with memories of fascist Qonk occupation in everyone's minds. There were significant differences between the pre- and post-Pangyeoun War governments, but their 8 ministry division was similar.
Because the 8 ministry system was a revival of a system that hadn't been in use in Industrial times, there are plenty of weird quirks of where modern departments would go.

==The 8 Ministries==
==The 8 Ministries==
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Chosen by Kúúlist party
Chosen by Kúúlist party

potentially in charge of:
This ministry is both for regulating other ministries and gathering information, both domestically, and spying abroad. They also are responsible for visas, passports, overseeing elections, and immigration.
information gathering/secret service?
Does yearly audit of each other ministry (staggered) for what laws they enacted, enforced, or amended in the past year. as well as precidents they set.
regulating the other ministries?
regulating industry?
Can propose legislation in any minstry's domain. The ministry they propose it in still needs to enact it.
The Ministry of Control also has the power to bring any other Ministry to a Trial in the Council of 9 if they feel that a duty is being done by the wrong Ministry. The power to call this kind of trial is not explicit in any of the documents or agreements founding the [[1902 Republic|Zaizung Republic (1902)]] but rather implicitly granted to itself in 1909, and stayed around because it kept the boundaries between the ministries firm. The trial itself is judged among the 7 ministries that are not involved in the dispute, and a simple 4 vote majority wins.
Most trials of that type are usually started by the ministry which wants the duty submitting a formal request for the Ministry of Control to review the powers in their current domain. However, in the 1980s, one of the ministries wanted to start ridding itself of certain duties, and tried to use this process to pass certain duties onto other ministries.

==Ministry of Examination==
===Ministry of Examination===
Chosen by Kúúlist party
Chosen by Kúúlist party

in charge of appointing ministers to the Justice and Finance Ministries
In charge of appointing ministers to the Justice and Finance Ministries. They also administer tests that all candidates for elections must pass.
Because of their nature giving standardized tests, in the Kúúlist era, a small program to help poorer students study for tests became the basis for the ministry of education. Only some education?

potentially in charge of:
This also administers licenses for various industries, but not mineral resources or driver's licenses.
must approve candidates for certain votes?
Examination also has the honor of looking over legislation for potential impact and precident and how it fits with other laws.
looking over proposed legislation for precedent, potential impact?

===Ministry of Justice===
===Ministry of Justice===
Members chosen by the Ministry of Examination
Members chosen by the Ministry of Examination
Compiles and keeps list of all laws of all ministries

in charge of running the law courts
in charge of running the law courts

potentially in charge of reviewing foreign treaties?
potentially in charge of reviewing foreign treaties?
Can tag an existing policy for review, and it gets sent to the ministry of control to start the process of formal review

===Ministry of War===
===Ministry of War===
Does this just have the military's hierarchy?
Does this just have the military's hierarchy?
This ministry not only is in charge of the military, but also foreign relations and reviewing treaties.
Because of various historical factors, all intercity travel by land is here, including the highways and intercity rail network (but not regional or urban rail). And, driver's licenses.

Potential duties:
Potential duties:
waging war.
foreign relations?
Also does intercity trains?

===Ministry of Finance===
===Ministry of Finance===
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maybe each region gets a vote to fill half, and examination fills other half?
maybe each region gets a vote to fill half, and examination fills other half?
Could be exam to get lower roles, vote to advance?
Could be exam to get lower roles, vote to advance?
This ministry did tax collection, paying government employees, and all port-related industries in the [[Zaizung Republic (1902)]], but moved to administering a lot of government owned inustry in the modern [[Kúúlism|Kúúlist]] republic. It also is in charge of welfare.
The post-[[Pangyeoun War]] [[Kúúlism|Kúúlist]] government did not have any private income taxes until the [[Vexut Reforms]] of the 1970s, when it started allowing limited private businesses with heavy taxes.
Similarly, the government owned all land 1950-1977 through this department, and made its money from rent, but after the reforms, sold off portions to finance the program of industrialization that went along with it.
Because all other ministries rely on it to allocate resources, this is an extremely important ministry to make anyting work.
When in any of the budgets of any ministries, the Ministry of Finance sees any new duties for any new functions of any other ministries, they could write a directive to any ministry to take on this new duty.
The ministry has historically also taken budget requests from any individual, traditionally requests for public resources. This duty became a process of any citizen sending complains to the Ministry of Finance, and they can propose these as budget additions to any other ministry's budget.

Potential duties:
Potential duties:
tax collection.
port maintenence?
running the trains?
paying the bureaucracy.
allocating size of works?
controlling licenses and mineral rights?
Makes a yearly budget, includes the state bank, keeps the accounts of all other ministries

===Ministry of Rites===
===Ministry of Rites===
Mostly the Iovist State Church (which all citizens are members of, but they can also be members of other groups?)
Vote by region

Vote by region (Iovism has democracy in it, right?)
Mostly the Iovist State Church (which all citizens are members of, but they can also be members of other groups?). Because of Iovism's focus on Muhe in the wilderness, this ministry has evolved to also oversee resource management and the national parks. It is also responsible for large social gatherings, not just public holidays, but also international exhibitions that take place in Zaizung and things like that.
putting out big social gatherings (public holidays, etc.)?
maintaining national parks?
certain tourism?

===Ministry of Works===
===Ministry of Works===
Vote by region
Vote by region

Might split certain duties like the Terminian federal system?
Might split certain duties like the [[Terminian federalism|Terminian federal system]]?

Potential Duties
This ministry is in charge of public works, both building and maintenance. This includes utilities such as the electrical system and urban waste removal. While it does not operate any trains, it is responsible for the maintenance of all track.
public works
running the trains?
only the regional trains?
running the electric system?
managing state parks?

===Ministry of Personnel===
===Ministry of Personnel===
traditionally assembling manpower, becomes an outpost of the labor unions
traditionally assembling manpower, becomes an outpost of the labor unions in the 1902 Republic
This chamber gives each industry or union a proportional number of representatives. Most unions use a vote to choose their representatives
Because of traditional formations of unions, people with tribal status must give it up in order to join a Union
As part of the [[Vexut Reforms]] of the late 1970s, the Zaizung government recognized a union for illegal street food vendors, making this quasi-legal status where getting a government approved union card meant that illegal street food vendors could not be prosecuted if they had it. In exchange, this union card came with a licensing fee paid to the ministry of finance, which the government later extended to other of these privatized industries.
In 1991, "Home workers" got to also be a union for representation. Because of a growing number of women were entering the workforce, the Conservative Party was losing its already small representation in this chamber. This was tied with a new scheme to pay stay-at-home mothers to raise the next generation of Zaizungese, for various nationalistic reasons. The birthrate had been falling prior to this, and this was seen as a way to keep it higher. This "home workers" union also covers people with small businesses of less than 5 people, the disabled who cannot work, and the elderly.

Vote, by industry (each industry chooses their proportional reps, most do it by some type of votes)
Duties of this ministry are varied, including regulating industry and putting together large scale farming initiatives. It is also responsible for certain education? Also, it operates urban and regional transit systems.
Do I want "home workers" (self-employed, stay at home parents) to be an "industry"?
not originally, but becomes part of this?
How about government workers?

Duties include
Duties include
port maintenence?
running the trains?
runs only the urban trains?
farming regulations?
industry regulations?
running state owned media?
running state owned media?
running the census?
running the census?
grain distribution programs?

==Council of Nine==
==Council of Nine==
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==Legislative Process==
==Legislative Process==
Any ministry can propose legislation
Zaizung has two types of laws: those within a specific ministry and those that apply across ministries. They are all kept in a single set of codes by the Ministry of Justice, and subject to review at any later date.
First, it goes through an internal review in its own ministry
Then, it is proposed to the Council of Nine
Any ministry can propose legislation which it can claim is in its domain. At this stage, is not determined which Ministry or Ministries it should belong to, and it is considered a norm to share this proposal with the other ministries before it actually writes up legislation fully. The ministry that proposed it then goes through some sort of internal process to get fleshed out into a first draft of the bill.
Then, it goes through ministries for review?
Then it is voted on by each ministry
This bill is presented to the Ministry of Control, which determines if the bill is in the correct domain, if it belongs in multiple domains, or a shadow veto of not reviewing it officially. In the case of not getting the answer a ministry wants, the ministry sometimes keeps those old bills as non-enforcible norms within the ministry unofficially.
needs review from 6 of the 8?
does the council of 9 have veto power?
If the bill is determined to be ministry internal in the ministry it is proposed by, a draft of the bill is sent to the other ministries to fix irregularities in (Ministry of Finance checks to see if it has the budget, Ministry of Justice sees if it is compatible with current laws, etc.). They can send it back to the initial ministry with comments, and this can go through multiple rounds, with each draft needing to be sent to all ministries to review, etc. When the initial ministry thinks it has enough votes, a final draft is voted on by the council of 9, and with 6 member approval, is put into the law books. It is possible for a ministry to ignore 3 whole other ministries' comments and still get passed, but this is rarely done. If it doesn't get approval, it can continue the drafts or shelve it.
If the bill is determined to be in the wrong ministry, the ministry of control gives the draft to the correct ministry as a proposal, and it then starts the same process.
If a bill is determined to be inter-ministerial, a

==Government Locations==
==Government Locations==
The original 1902 Republic was based in the traditional Northern Capital, using the older national central church and building a gorgeous new supreme court building. After the GEW, the Helsonians moved the capital to the new Southern Capital, including a new council chambers and new supreme court. They had a new building for the Ministry of Rights but it kept performing a lot of them in the national church in the northern capital. After the Helsonian army pulled out in the 1960s, the ministry of rites decided to move its whole operation back to the old national central church, and using their building for some smaller parts of the ministry and donating it as overflow space to the other 7 ministries.
The original 1902 Republic was based in the traditional Northern Capital, using the older national central church and building a gorgeous new supreme court building. After the GEW, the Helsonians moved the capital to the new Southern Capital, including a new council chambers and new supreme court. They had a new building for the Ministry of Rights but it kept performing a lot of them in the national church in the northern capital. After the Helsonian army pulled out in the 1960s, the ministry of rites decided to move its whole operation back to the old national central church, and using their building for some smaller parts of the ministry and donating it as overflow space to the other 7 ministries.

In the 1970s, the government was thinking of demolishing the barely used old northern capital supreme court building and putting in a modern kuulist building instead, and public outcry saved it. The activists were so strongly on board with preservation that they convinced the minsitry of justice to move back to the more spacious and luxurious old supreme court building. This angered the highlands, which didn't have any ministry headquartered there, even though the north and the south did, so the ?? ministry was placed in a new headquarters there.
In the early 1970s, the government was thinking of demolishing the barely used old northern capital supreme court building and putting in a modern kuulist building instead, and public outcry saved it. This sort of local activism was part of the reason to split the government into two halves in 1978.
The activists who preserved the building were so strong they convinced the minsitry of justice to remain in the more spacious and luxurious old supreme court building of the North, and use the unused modern southern supreme court building as a museum and extra offices.
Letting the North have a ministry angered the highlands, which didn't have any ministry headquartered there, even though the north and the south did, so the ?? ministry was placed in a new headquarters there.


Latest revision as of 22:36, 5 December 2023

Instead of splitting the govermnet by powers, Zaizung uses the traditional pre-Olboros Qonklese system of splitting by domain. Each ministry has executive and partial legislative powers in their domain, though most legislation needs review by the other ministries before becoming official law.

The Zaizung government is structured into 8 ministries. These are the Ministries of Control, Examination, Justice, War, Finance, Rites, Works, and Personnel.

The Central Committee is made up of the 8 heads of the ministries along with a "first among equals" chancellor elected on a 5? year term. The chancellor is mostly there to break ties and greet foreign dignitaries, but retains few powers outside of presiding over the Central Committee. The ministries of Control and Examination are explicity kúúlist, but the other 6 are all open to every citizen, and the ones that are democratic allow all parties to run candidates. Democratically elected ministries tend to use Terminian federalism to split into smaller bodies.

Zaizung did not adopt the 5 Mè system of modern Qonklaks. The 1902 Zaizung Republic was setting up a government before the 1903 Qonklese Republic, and the post-Pangyeoun War government was set up by the Helsonians, and with memories of fascist Qonk occupation in everyone's minds. There were significant differences between the pre- and post-Pangyeoun War governments, but their 8 ministry division was similar.

Because the 8 ministry system was a revival of a system that hadn't been in use in Industrial times, there are plenty of weird quirks of where modern departments would go.

The 8 Ministries

Ministry of Control

Chosen by Kúúlist party

This ministry is both for regulating other ministries and gathering information, both domestically, and spying abroad. They also are responsible for visas, passports, overseeing elections, and immigration.

Does yearly audit of each other ministry (staggered) for what laws they enacted, enforced, or amended in the past year. as well as precidents they set.

Can propose legislation in any minstry's domain. The ministry they propose it in still needs to enact it.

The Ministry of Control also has the power to bring any other Ministry to a Trial in the Council of 9 if they feel that a duty is being done by the wrong Ministry. The power to call this kind of trial is not explicit in any of the documents or agreements founding the Zaizung Republic (1902) but rather implicitly granted to itself in 1909, and stayed around because it kept the boundaries between the ministries firm. The trial itself is judged among the 7 ministries that are not involved in the dispute, and a simple 4 vote majority wins.

Most trials of that type are usually started by the ministry which wants the duty submitting a formal request for the Ministry of Control to review the powers in their current domain. However, in the 1980s, one of the ministries wanted to start ridding itself of certain duties, and tried to use this process to pass certain duties onto other ministries.

Ministry of Examination

Chosen by Kúúlist party

In charge of appointing ministers to the Justice and Finance Ministries. They also administer tests that all candidates for elections must pass.

Because of their nature giving standardized tests, in the Kúúlist era, a small program to help poorer students study for tests became the basis for the ministry of education. Only some education?

This also administers licenses for various industries, but not mineral resources or driver's licenses.

Examination also has the honor of looking over legislation for potential impact and precident and how it fits with other laws.

Ministry of Justice

Members chosen by the Ministry of Examination

Compiles and keeps list of all laws of all ministries

in charge of running the law courts

potentially in charge of reviewing foreign treaties?

Can tag an existing policy for review, and it gets sent to the ministry of control to start the process of formal review

Ministry of War

Does this just have the military's hierarchy?

This ministry not only is in charge of the military, but also foreign relations and reviewing treaties.

Because of various historical factors, all intercity travel by land is here, including the highways and intercity rail network (but not regional or urban rail). And, driver's licenses.

Potential duties: policing?

Ministry of Finance

Chosen by Examination. Potentially except for top minister, who is a nationwide vote? maybe each region gets a vote to fill half, and examination fills other half? Could be exam to get lower roles, vote to advance?

This ministry did tax collection, paying government employees, and all port-related industries in the Zaizung Republic (1902), but moved to administering a lot of government owned inustry in the modern Kúúlist republic. It also is in charge of welfare.

The post-Pangyeoun War Kúúlist government did not have any private income taxes until the Vexut Reforms of the 1970s, when it started allowing limited private businesses with heavy taxes.

Similarly, the government owned all land 1950-1977 through this department, and made its money from rent, but after the reforms, sold off portions to finance the program of industrialization that went along with it.

Because all other ministries rely on it to allocate resources, this is an extremely important ministry to make anyting work.

When in any of the budgets of any ministries, the Ministry of Finance sees any new duties for any new functions of any other ministries, they could write a directive to any ministry to take on this new duty.

The ministry has historically also taken budget requests from any individual, traditionally requests for public resources. This duty became a process of any citizen sending complains to the Ministry of Finance, and they can propose these as budget additions to any other ministry's budget.

Potential duties: census?

Makes a yearly budget, includes the state bank, keeps the accounts of all other ministries

Ministry of Rites

Vote by region

Mostly the Iovist State Church (which all citizens are members of, but they can also be members of other groups?). Because of Iovism's focus on Muhe in the wilderness, this ministry has evolved to also oversee resource management and the national parks. It is also responsible for large social gatherings, not just public holidays, but also international exhibitions that take place in Zaizung and things like that.

Ministry of Works

Vote by region

Might split certain duties like the Terminian federal system?

This ministry is in charge of public works, both building and maintenance. This includes utilities such as the electrical system and urban waste removal. While it does not operate any trains, it is responsible for the maintenance of all track.

Ministry of Personnel

traditionally assembling manpower, becomes an outpost of the labor unions in the 1902 Republic

This chamber gives each industry or union a proportional number of representatives. Most unions use a vote to choose their representatives

Because of traditional formations of unions, people with tribal status must give it up in order to join a Union

As part of the Vexut Reforms of the late 1970s, the Zaizung government recognized a union for illegal street food vendors, making this quasi-legal status where getting a government approved union card meant that illegal street food vendors could not be prosecuted if they had it. In exchange, this union card came with a licensing fee paid to the ministry of finance, which the government later extended to other of these privatized industries.

In 1991, "Home workers" got to also be a union for representation. Because of a growing number of women were entering the workforce, the Conservative Party was losing its already small representation in this chamber. This was tied with a new scheme to pay stay-at-home mothers to raise the next generation of Zaizungese, for various nationalistic reasons. The birthrate had been falling prior to this, and this was seen as a way to keep it higher. This "home workers" union also covers people with small businesses of less than 5 people, the disabled who cannot work, and the elderly.

Duties of this ministry are varied, including regulating industry and putting together large scale farming initiatives. It is also responsible for certain education? Also, it operates urban and regional transit systems.

Duties include tourism? running state owned media? running the census? grain distribution programs?

Council of Nine

Consists of the Chancellor and the heads of the 8 Ministries

reviews laws that a ministry proposed more foregin treaties?

Legislative Process

Zaizung has two types of laws: those within a specific ministry and those that apply across ministries. They are all kept in a single set of codes by the Ministry of Justice, and subject to review at any later date.

Any ministry can propose legislation which it can claim is in its domain. At this stage, is not determined which Ministry or Ministries it should belong to, and it is considered a norm to share this proposal with the other ministries before it actually writes up legislation fully. The ministry that proposed it then goes through some sort of internal process to get fleshed out into a first draft of the bill.

This bill is presented to the Ministry of Control, which determines if the bill is in the correct domain, if it belongs in multiple domains, or a shadow veto of not reviewing it officially. In the case of not getting the answer a ministry wants, the ministry sometimes keeps those old bills as non-enforcible norms within the ministry unofficially.

If the bill is determined to be ministry internal in the ministry it is proposed by, a draft of the bill is sent to the other ministries to fix irregularities in (Ministry of Finance checks to see if it has the budget, Ministry of Justice sees if it is compatible with current laws, etc.). They can send it back to the initial ministry with comments, and this can go through multiple rounds, with each draft needing to be sent to all ministries to review, etc. When the initial ministry thinks it has enough votes, a final draft is voted on by the council of 9, and with 6 member approval, is put into the law books. It is possible for a ministry to ignore 3 whole other ministries' comments and still get passed, but this is rarely done. If it doesn't get approval, it can continue the drafts or shelve it.

If the bill is determined to be in the wrong ministry, the ministry of control gives the draft to the correct ministry as a proposal, and it then starts the same process.

If a bill is determined to be inter-ministerial, a

Government Locations

The original 1902 Republic was based in the traditional Northern Capital, using the older national central church and building a gorgeous new supreme court building. After the GEW, the Helsonians moved the capital to the new Southern Capital, including a new council chambers and new supreme court. They had a new building for the Ministry of Rights but it kept performing a lot of them in the national church in the northern capital. After the Helsonian army pulled out in the 1960s, the ministry of rites decided to move its whole operation back to the old national central church, and using their building for some smaller parts of the ministry and donating it as overflow space to the other 7 ministries.

In the early 1970s, the government was thinking of demolishing the barely used old northern capital supreme court building and putting in a modern kuulist building instead, and public outcry saved it. This sort of local activism was part of the reason to split the government into two halves in 1978.

The activists who preserved the building were so strong they convinced the minsitry of justice to remain in the more spacious and luxurious old supreme court building of the North, and use the unused modern southern supreme court building as a museum and extra offices.

Letting the North have a ministry angered the highlands, which didn't have any ministry headquartered there, even though the north and the south did, so the ?? ministry was placed in a new headquarters there.