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====c. 500 - [[Great Dhweran Empire]] established ====
====c. 500 - [[Great Dhweran Empire]] established ====
As the Dhweran city-states squabble over resources, trade, and wars, Bezlēka, the king of one of the most prosperous city-states, Kəzgāli, takes the opportunity to unify the territories under a single rule. Kəzgāli wins various wars with the local states (470-492), each time expanding with new territory. This position proves strong enough to serve as the basis for Bezlēka’s son, Wenēzēka, to implement a massive conquest of the northern coast, as well as the reclamation of Thewer from the Dulics in 522. After his conquests, Wenēzēka renames himself Karesamnālēka--“conquerer of the old lands.” The subsequent Great Dhweran Empire lasts for almost 700 years.
As the Dhweran city-states squabble over resources, trade, and wars, Bezlēka, the king of one of the most prosperous city-states, Kəzgāli, takes the opportunity to unify the territories under a single rule. Kəzgāli wins various wars with the local states (470-492), each time expanding with new territory. This position proves strong enough to serve as the basis for Bezlēka’s son, Wenēzēka, to implement a massive conquest of the southern and western territories, as well as the reclamation of Thewer from the Dulics in 522. After his conquests, Wenēzēka renames himself Karesamnālēka--“conquerer of the old lands.” The subsequent Great Dhweran Empire lasts for almost 700 years.


Revision as of 04:58, 27 April 2016

The history of the continent of Boroso spans many thousands of years.

Boroso is usually split into two parts, Upper Boroso in the north and Lower Boroso in the south. For most of its history, Upper Boroso has been dominated by the Theweric, Barmeki (or Dulic), and Kavrinian ethnicities. Lower Boroso has been dominated by the Yahara for much of its history.

Human Settlement

The first humans to settle Boroso were the Proto-Bavkir people, about -20,000. Next were the Proto-Thewerics, around -15,000, and the Proto-Upper-Borosans about -10,000.


Ancient history

c. -7,000

The Ramekians develop agriculture in various cities on the northern coast of Boroso.

c. -6,000

Agriculture spreads to the remaining nomadic Theweric peoples, who split into two groups: the Dhwerans, residing in Thewer; and the Qëërlics, who settled the coasts of the Borosan Great Lakes.

c. -3,000 - Proto-Upper Borosan migration

The Proto-Upper-Borosans, who hailed from an area south of modern Vaamek, began migrating and expanding north toward the Thewerics, first by invading and displacing the Qëërlics, and then moving further to push the Dhwerans out of Thewer.

c. -1,000

The Dhwerans, forced into action by impending invasion by the PUBs, move north toward the Ramekian-populated coast. More than a displacement than a conquering, the nomadic Mei and Feng peoples flee to the west, while the remaining settled Ramekians are assimilated into Dhwer (usually as slaves).

Meanwhile, the Czucz Empire, situated in the western part of the continent, rises to the height of its power.

c. -700

The Czucz Empire fractures into several merchant republics due to the rise in interconnected trade in that region of Lhavres.

c. -400

  • Lhav Empire at its peak

Medieval Period


  • Lhavres still divided


Kavrinia united


  • Principality of the Pels does not exist
  • Arrival of dalar on Boroso


  • Principality of the Pels formed


  • Sivrekia taken by Laefevia from Terminia

c. 500 - Great Dhweran Empire established

As the Dhweran city-states squabble over resources, trade, and wars, Bezlēka, the king of one of the most prosperous city-states, Kəzgāli, takes the opportunity to unify the territories under a single rule. Kəzgāli wins various wars with the local states (470-492), each time expanding with new territory. This position proves strong enough to serve as the basis for Bezlēka’s son, Wenēzēka, to implement a massive conquest of the southern and western territories, as well as the reclamation of Thewer from the Dulics in 522. After his conquests, Wenēzēka renames himself Karesamnālēka--“conquerer of the old lands.” The subsequent Great Dhweran Empire lasts for almost 700 years.


  • Principality of the Pels overthrown, becomes Ikolinian Kingdom


  • Ikolinian Kingdom conquered by Pels Kingdom

1215 - Great Dhweran Empire collapses

The assassination of the emperor Nesmaxetēka leads to major civil unrest in Dhwer, allowing Lhavres, in retaliation to losing Lake Yaa, to strike relentlessly. Without a leader, Dhwer quickly loses its western territories. A subsequent revolution stemming from the city of Paɣmāli formally ends the Great Dhweran Empire. In the next few decades, Paɣmāli and the other major Dhweran cities are ruled by a succession of generals and military leaders.


Fádalh, a former Dhweran colony, declares independence as the Dhweran Empire is shattered.


  • Haraku Islands and Skt' Harödz (Tlempark) lost to Terminia after war from 1247-1251.


  • Pels Kingdom disintegrates into city states, ethnic nations and small duchies and kingdoms.


  • Fáknir Empire sets up intensive colonization initiatives for the Fals westland.


  • Ikolinian Kingdom rebuilt, conquers all lands except the Fáknir Empire.


  • Modern-day Union of Independent Tuanmali Republics is formed.


  • Ikolinian Kingdom launches a massive colonization campaign into the Fals westland.

Modern Period

1807 - Dhwer reestablished--again

something something dhwer is back




  • Heoroma does not exist independently


The Mbamigi Islands gain independence from Dhwer.


  • Tuanmali acquires current borders, with Altūnwelēnīn becoming a full state of the union.


  • Fals Empire smaller, Karakat separate nation


  • West Vaamek and the Vaamekian Republic of Central Boroso reunite as the United Republic of Vaamek