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Revision as of 04:44, 28 January 2023

 -  estimate 82,764,000 (2010)
Currency Zhinayak ???, Ekuo (EKU)

Zhinayak (IPA: //, Native language: Country, IPA: //), officially the Something of Zhinayak, is a country located on the northern Argeyazic peninsula in far-western Ekuosia. It is bordered by the Algazi Union and Letzia to the north.


During the Żinǡs' conquests, the Bavkirization of the peninsula resulted in the region becoming forever changed because of the changes enacted by the foreign power. As a result, the current nation of Zhinayak comes from the words 'Żinǡ' (The Żinǡ dynasty) and 'ak' (Place/Nation).

So the nation's name would come to mean "Nation of the Żinǡs". Though, inn Taara when 'ak' is affixed onto the vowel 'ǡ', it shortens to 'ȧ' making the name of the country 'Żinȧak' or "Place of the Albatrosses", despite being a homonym to "Place of the Żinǡ dynasty"



Sometime between 120,000 and 180,000 BCE, the first humans began to settle into the area. Agriculture and permanent residences would not become present in the region until the development of agriculture. Several groups have been identified based on the use of stone tools and weapons. The most prevalent of which was identified around the town of 'Čóhóšdár', so the paleolithic peoples found around Zhinayak have often been referred to as 'star-people'. The weapons used by the 'star people' are almost always pointed, and their use in hunting game has been correlated with the presence of large animals in the region. The tools, however seem to be designed mostly for cleaning animals skins for use in either clothing or for other purposes.


The oldest permanently inhabited populations began to become estabished during the time period of ca. 10000 BCE to 8000 BCE, with the development of agriculture. These villages sprang up throughout what was to become the modern nation, however they were mainly concentrated in the central lowlands. This allowed the population to begin to expand and settle throughout the area.

Eventually, Letsic peoples would come to the region, uprooting and replacing a pre-existing population, establishing their own culture into the area, beginning the first civilizations of the region.

Classical Antiquity

The first cities that sprang up in the region were around the central lowland region. The most notable of which being 'Kjilšderú' which was founded in the region around 1300 BCE, marking the beginning of Zhinayak's classical antiquity period. During this time, the region was divided into a number of city states, each attempting to gain local power over the various villages in the region. The city-states' described two different groups of foreigners, those to the South, and the 'mountain people' who lived on the other sides of the mountain ridges. The classical period is mainly defined by the city-states, however some small kingdoms were able to take control of swaths of territory for short periods of time before breaking apart again into feuding city-states.

While Kjilšderú is often argued as being one of the oldest cities in the nation, its name had changed from the original name given during this period. It was originally referred to as Ketudjer, having been dedicated to the fish god of the old pagan religion that dominated the region prior to the Letsic invasions.

This time period was dotted with small conflicts wherein each of the city-states would fight amongst themselves. However, in ca. 700 BCE, one of the largest wars in the region erupted when the city-state of Ketudjer and her her allies had gone to war with the city-states of the Hinterlands, who for the time had allied themselves with the city-states of the South. This conflict marked a steady increase in technology for the region over the next few decades as each side was embroiled in conflict.

The Vomzi middle classical period came to an end, when the Letsatians invaded, which was also the beginning of the Vomzi late classical period. Some scholars place the date closer to 100 BCE when the Northern-most city-states fell, however others like to place the date closer to between 25 BCE and 25 CE, when the rest of the city-states had been conquered. The Southern states would eventually get conquered during this time as the Hemeshi peoples began colonizing the southern portions of the peninsula, and their fall in around 50 CE is when almost everyone agrees that the Vomzi late classical period began.

Letsatian historians would write 'The [Vomzi] are a curious people. They worship a pantheon of sea-gods and claim that their ancestors were from the sea. It seems they had based their civilization upon a large group of city-states. Their culture is different from the [Hemeshi] to their southwest, and the [Argeyazics] to their northeast.'

The Late classical period would continue until around 450 when the Letsatian empire collapsed, ushering in the Vomzi Medieval period as the first Vomzi kingdoms formed.

Medieval Age

The kingdoms of the region rose and fell over a period of several centuries. Fighting between the Vomusian kingdoms and the outside regions would define this period. Eventually, the region encompassing what would become the modern country came under the dominion of the Vadesian and Hemeshi kingdoms some time in the 8th century, changing the Letsic language to be closer to that of the Vadesians, and the continued expansion of the Hemeshi culture would define the early Medieval Age.

By the late middle ages, three kingdoms had been established when the Vadesian and Hemeshi kingdoms' retracted their influence over the region; referred to as the Inner, Outer, and Land's End kingdoms. This period would begin to sow the seeds of distrust between the three kingdoms as each would begin to covet dominion over the entire peninsula, delaying the unification of the peninsula under a single banner for many years. What was once the inner kingdom would form the basis for [one of the administrative provinces in the modern nation].

Gunpowder Age

After having established themselves as trading states, the Vomzi kingdoms began to swell with foreign imports and gold. This allowed them to hire mercenary armies and bribe off enemy invaders to keep the peninsula safe from outsiders. This would prove useful when the Nevirans began their conquest of Ekuosia, which would lead to a threatening presence just outside of the Vomzi kingdoms. In order to keep themselves safe during the campaigns, they had to sign a number of treaties and make trade deals to make sure the Vomzis would not take advantage of a weakness in the Neviran empire's Eastern flank. This allowed the Vomzi kingdoms to remain independent during the 1400s and into the 1500s.

The acquirement of guns from the Nevirans helped put down rebellions and with staving off invaders for a short time. The Nevirans were fairly restrictive with trading military technology because they wanted to hang onto the technological advantage that they had as long as possible, but since the Vomzi had much fewer trading restrictions, they would eventually come to make trade deals with many nations across the world. During the Midieval age, the Vomzi had made trade contacts with Sharkunen, The Bavkïrs, and even further states such as the Fals and Parshita. These trade contacts allowed the spread of guns to eventually become propagated to the entire world as people began to learn how to make them for themselves.

The greatest mistake, however, was when the Bavkïrs recalled their traders from the Southeastern Peninsula's coastal cities sometime in the year 1549. Current historians believe that recalling the traders from the land was a tactic used by the Bavkïr emperor in order to get tactical information about the area he was to invade. This earned him the respect of many in the trading class who felt that they had been neglected under the rule of the The exact date is not known, because it happened gradually, eventually on September 3, 1549 the Bavkïr navy was directed by Emperor Sasan to invade the Southwestern coast. This was the largest naval excursion in Bavkïr history, involving dozens of their newest cannon vessels, such as the galleon, an early version of the frigate, and caravels. The city of Kelmaru fell in an afternoon, and was repurposed as a Bavkïr forward base.

Over the next few years, the Bavkïrs took over most of the peninsula, and the rest of the gunpowder age was spent under the Bavkïr empire. Notable advancements were a unification of the region, the likes of which had not been seen under previous rulers. Kilšderú was renamed to Żinȧça, and Bavkïr architecture, including temples, were commissioned to be built across the countryside, adding to the impressive list of cultural influences on the city's culture.


Early Industrial

During the political upheaval of the the 1700s and 1800s, the peninsula was undergoing a chaotic period which resembled the warring of the city-states from antiquity. Each rising against the other as new ideas spread like wildfire; many city states would begin to adopt new political ideologies that had been formed.

Historians point to the weakening and collapse of the unifying element the Bavkir Empire had imposed on the area through its dominion, with its collapse setting into motion what would be one of the bloodiest periods for the region. The region destablized as the various lords were no longer obligated to protect each other out of fear of some greater threat. Five nations would stabilize out of the conflict, being what would make up the five provinces of Zhinayak.

The middle of the 1800s


Zhinayak participated in the GEW.

One of the nation's GEW veterans, nicknamed 'Dice' because of his insistence on wearing a necklace containing the cube-shaped objects, ran for president, and was elected president, leading the nation out of it's recession and setting it on the course to stability. As a result, you will be hard-pressed to find someone in the nation who didn't like 'President Dice'.








Administrative divisions

Foreign relations





Science and technology



Ethnic groups

















Hand of Kyal

One of the most prevalent symbols is the left-hand of the Bavkïr god Kyal. It represents unshackling oneself from oppressions and obligations to do that which is right and just. A symbol of freedom.

The story goes that Kyal cut of his hand in defiance of the elder god Jet who had at one point created the universe. Jet became corrupted by his own creation as he was from the outside and became unable to survive in the universe. According to the old Bavkïr texts, Kyal originally went along with the plan that Jet had envisioned: To create life and use its spiritual energy to resurrect himself as he would be unable to survive for much longer without going into some kind of stasis. And so, Jet has been in stasis since 'time immemorial', and it is prophesied that the 'end of all things' corresponds to the re-awakening of Jet.

At some point, Kyal realized what he was doing, and as he was attached to his creations, cut off his left hand, which is rumored to have dropped to the planet, and formed the Great Borosan lakes.

It is on the current flag of the nation.

See also