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Official languages Kaatian
Recognised national languages Wamenan

Kaatkukia (Kaatian: X [IPA]), officially the X, is a country located in eastern Vaniua. The country is bordered to the southwest by Komania, to the south by Balakia, and to the east by Amaia. It is the homeland of the Kaatian people, a Vaniuan ethnic group, as well as the Wamenan people.


The name of the country comes from Proto-Kashisan *kaθʉθa "big" and *kʉk, meaning river.


In 623, a man named Tamengdeng (modern Kaatian Tamiring), an early convert to Zarasaism, united 5 Kaatian tribes, thus founding the Kaatian empire. He was later known as Vúniyikat (great leader in Kaatian) . In 845, the empire was conquered by Baláhak.

The second half of the 20th century

In 1952, Kolhoring [surname], a Kuulist candidate, won the presidential election in Kaatkukia. He slowly began seizing power and steering the country towards Kuulism. In 1957 he announced that Kaatkukia is now fully Kuulist. The 1957 parliament elections were thus only mock-elections - candidates who did not support the new Kuulist regime were only allowed to be in the parliament as a controlled opposition.







The current president is Nüring [surname], elected first in 2012 and currently serving his second term. The current government was established in 2002, after the overthrow of the old Vosan-backed [Sannist] government.

Administrative divisions

Kaatkukia is divided into two divisions: Kaatkukia itself and Wamena.

Foreign relations

Kaatkukia used to have good relations with Shohuan during the Sannist regime. The current government improved the relations with other neighboring states and Cerman.





Science and technology



Ethnic groups

There are two main ethnic groups in Kaatkukia: the Kaatians and the Wamenans. Some Voont people live in the northeastern part of the country, near the Amaian border.



There are two official languages in Kaatkukia, Western Kaatian and Wamenan, and another regional, Eastern Kaatian.




Kaatkukia is majority Zarasaist. During the Kuulist regime, theology was lightly phased out of schools, but this trend quickly reverted during the Sannist regime, which valued Zarasaism and traditional Kaatian and Wamenan culture.

Zarasaist groups and splinter-groups

There is a lot of sects of Zarasaism in Kaatkukia, most of them being small. The most common sect is either the more liberal Zekalemism (mostly in areas closer to Balakia) or Shawadiism in the Koman-influenced east. There are also some splinter cults, most of them small as well.


Tamiringism is the most notable of the small splinter cults. Its followers believe that Tamiring Vúniyikat received several visions of Thagha, who prompted him to unite 5 neighboring tribes and found an empire. It thus places an emphasis on him, his deeds, and the Kaatian Empire in general. It was founded in the early 15th century in the Great Horde, and for the most part of its existence Tamiringists were rather harshly persecuted. It has risen in popularity in the second half of the 20th century during the [Sannist] regime, being seen as the religion that emphasises Kaatian identity the most. Nowadays, Tamiringism is deeply intertwined with various [Sannist] groups longing for a return to the pre-2002 regime.







The most commonly found form of popular music nowadays is [kaat-hop], a genre employing heavy use of sampled percussion sounds, both traditional and non-traditional, other traditional instruments (commonly emulated by electronic keyboards but as the traditional instruments are still common enough, this isn't done very often), and synthesizers. Songs are often in 6/8 rhythm, with chords on the third, fifth and sixth beat, though songs in 4/4 rhythm are more common.




The most famous Kaatkukian food is the [jeyêtam], a kind of dumpling made from unleavened dough filled with cheese. Similar dumplings can also be filled with minced meat. Another similar food is the [X], which is made from leavened dough, filled with cheese or meat, and baked, traditionally under hot coals. The most common cheese in Kaatkukia is a kind of brined cheese aged for one week (similar to feta), though other, harder cheeses (the most popular is a rather salty cheese aged for at least 5 months) can also be found.



The symbol of the Kaatian people (and Eastern Vaniuan people in general) is the simurgh. The symbol of the Wamenan people is composed of two concentric circles. The symbol of Kaatkukia as a whole is a combination of these two - two concentric circles with a simurgh in the smaller one.

See also