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Most areas in Doloz are not geologically active, earthquakes are not common; however, some areas, especially the the north, are more geologically active and are more prone to earthquakes.


Revision as of 10:09, 26 September 2021

Doloz (Language: Country [IPA]), officially the Republic of Doloz, is a country located in central-to-south Baredina.





Most areas in Doloz are not geologically active, earthquakes are not common; however, some areas, especially the the north, are more geologically active and are more prone to earthquakes.


Most area of Doloz have an arid or semi-arid climate.




The government of Doloz claims themselves to be democratic; however, there are no free elections, and the National Party of Doloz has been the only ruling party since the creation of the republic government. Criticisms about the National Party of Doloz can result one be punished with indefinite imprisonment in the name of "national security".

Administrative divisions

Foreign relations


Being a landlocked country, Doloz has no true navy, and they have a relatively large ground force, and also an air force. Besides the army and the air force, Doloz also has a gendarmerie force independent to the army.




Science and technology



Ethnic groups

The vast majority(more than 90%) of the population belong to the Ozomish ethnicity; however, there are Baredan and Alcian speaking minorities.

Non-humans are rare to non-existent in Doloz, due to the general hostility towards non-humans among the population; however, the level of hostility towards non-humans has decreased significantly in recent years.


Doloz has undergone a rapid urbanization in the latter half of the 20th century. Nowadays, more than 80% of the population in Doloz live in cities or other types of urban areas.


The main language of Doloz is Ozomish, an Adzo-Neviric language with an Alcian substrate.


Doloz has a high literacy rate, the literacy rate is around 99%-100%. Education in Doloz compulsory at the elementary and lower secondary levels; however, most students continue to high school and college, with more than 70% of the population having at least a high school diploma. Around 15% of high school graduates go to college each year. The mean years of schooling are around 12 years.

Schools generally do not use uniforms, though there are some dress codes for students to ensure the modesty of students. Kindergartens are not compulsory, however, in recent years, an increasing number of children go to kindergarten before elementary school.

For tertiary education, most colleges and universities are private. Competition for colleges and universities is fierce, the admission rate of college is below 30%. To enter a college or an university, prospective students must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and take the National College Entrance Exam(NCEE). Most high school graduates take the NCEE, but only few of them are admitted into a college or university; besides, the graduation rate of college students is low, less than 50% of college students could earn a college diploma.

There are few graduate schools in Doloz, most graduate school award a doctorate degree to those who finish the course and have a dissertation, and a master's degree to those who can't create a dissertation that satisfies the standard for doctorate degree but have otherwise finished the courses during graduate school studies.


Due to its relatively low cost for medical services compared to surrounding countries, Doloz has become a popular destination for medical tourism in South Baredina; however, there are accusations that the government of Doloz execute prisoner of conscience by procuring their organs for transplant to recipients. The government of Doloz has long denied all accusations of forced organ procurement. However, the failure of Doloz authorities to effectively address or refute the charges by evidence has drawn attention and public condemnation from other governments, human rights groups and medical societies. The parliaments of Notzel has adopted resolutions condemning the forced organ procurement from prisoners of conscience.


Gennism is the official religion in Doloz, it was the religion of the royal family before becoming a republic; however Gennism is only practiced by a minority of people in Doloz. Most people in Doloz adhere to Qurosism, and Qurosism is the most important religion in Doloz.

While the constitution of Doloz guarantees freedom of religion, whether the freedom of religion in Doloz is actually guaranteed is questionable. Some religions, including Egerism from Notzel, are banned in Doloz, people who follow religions other than Gennism or Qurosism often face systematic discriminations, and some religion groups have faced the accusation of being a "cult".


Doloz has a booming popular culture. There's an emerging industry of the production of animation, comics, video games and pop music in Doloz; however, critics think the government of Doloz use popular culture as a bait to divert people from serious political issues, and creations containing dissidant contents often get banned; besides, as some art styles are strongly influenced by those found in foreign countries, there are people mocking Doloz as the "land of wannabes".





Cuteness is a prominent feature in modern popular art of Doloz, and the art style shows substantial influence from some foreign countries. The use of cuteness is widespread, even in erotic arts; however, due to the totalitarian tendency of the Nationalist Party government of Doloz, people who like similar styles have gained notoriety as being "supporters of totalitarianism and oppression" besides being "degenerates" that are "backward" and "weird" and "refuse to grow up".







See also