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Egerism is a monotheistic religion based on the tradition belief of Egeriac people as well as teachings of several prophets. It is the ethnic religion of Egeriac people, the main ethnic group of Notzel, and most adherents to Egerism are Egeriac people. It has its roots as an organized religion in Ekuosia and Notzelia and has some influence from Iovism.

The book He-Zdarroth is the holy scripture of Egerism, and HeMluddoth, the commandments listed in He-Zdarroth, is widely seen as the social rule of the society by Egeriac people.


Egerism is monotheistic, the centre of the belief is the single supreme God called Hosha Kalktur, the worship of other gods is prohibited; besides, while humans are said to be made in the image of Hosha Kalktur, idolatry or artistic depiction of Hosha Kalktur is proscribed. The belief of Egerism is based on the content of He-Zdarroth, the holy scripture of Egerism.

Beliefs about Muhe exist in Egerism, He-Zdarroth states that Muhe was initially the greatest and most powerful angel of Hosha Kalktur, but when Hosha Kalktur created humans and other sapient beings, Muhe was very angry over the love humans and other sapient beings gained from Hosha Kalktur, so he eventually turned against Hosha Kalktur with a group of angels, trying to deprave humans and other sapient beings and make them desert the teachings of Hosha Kalktur, and attempts of Muhe and his collaborators to deviate humans and other sapient beings from Hosha Kalktur is why immorality exists and spreads among humans and other sapients.

Prophets also play a role in the belief of Egerism, since they are believed to be the worldly messengers of Hosha Kalktur. He-Zdarroth states that Egerism was founded by Veder the prophet and her son Ebith the priest, they taught the people of the tribe of Veneth to abandon idolatry and false gods and venerate Hosha Kalktur as the sole god all their lives. He-Zdarroth also states that He-Zdarroth was bestowed to Veder by Hosha Kalktur directly.

Egeriac people traditionally believe that the world consists of five elements: soil(or ground), water, fire, air(or wind) and soul(or consciousness), but the belief of five elements is not a part of Egerism since it was not mentioned anywhere in He-Zdarroth.


Religious texts

The book He-Zdarroth is the holy scripture of Egerism, it consists three chapters. The first chapter of He-Zdarroth describes the creation of the world, the creation and life of the first human Da-med, some myths of early humans, and the life of Avdachof, the legendary ancestor of the Egeriac people. The second chapter of He-Zdarroth describes the life of Veder the prophet, the creation of Egerism, HeMluddoth and the rituals of Egerism, it also involves secular laws and punishments for crimes. The third chapter of He-Zdarroth describes the formation and rise of the Triple Alliance and the life and achievements of the leaders and important figures of the Triple Alliance.

While He-Zdarroth maintains that all words in He-Zdarroth are directly passed from Hosha Kalktur to Veder the prophet and the book was written by Veder the prophet herself, research shows that He-Zdarroth was not created by one person at once, and has influences from the belief of surronding peoples, and He-Zdarroth also shows some influence from Iovism. It is also suggested that He-Zdarroth was written after the 2rd century but before the 5rd century.

Community leadership

Priesthood plays a significant role in Egerism. Priests in Egerism is not monastic and instead they form families like everyone else; moreover, the priesthood is an inherited position, traditionally, all priests must be direct patrilineal descent of Ebith the priest, and usually the title of priest is passed from the father to the oldest son, but there are no rules against other children of a priest from being a priest; however, due to the waves of feminism, there are voices demanding to open the priesthood to the oldest daughter of existing priests as well. All priests and ther descendants bear the family name Koʽiv.

The main duties of priests in Egerism include directing rituals, praying and giving offerings to God, and interpreting the content of He-Zdarroth and several other things. Traditionally, priests also play the role of religious scholars since the interpretation of He-Zdarroth is a part of their duties.