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Federal Republic of Tzulhon
He-Nodchafi He-Daxlonan Tzulhon
Official languages Egeriac
 -  350,378 km2
135,282 sq mi
 -  Water (%) negligible
 -  estimate 52,206,269
 -  Density 149/km2
385.9/sq mi
GDP (PPP) estimate
 -  Total 1.57 trillion USD
 -  Per capita 30,002
GDP (nominal) 2019 estimate
 -  Total 1.3 trillion USD
 -  Per capita 25,024
Gini (2019)36
HDI 0.89
very high
Currency xayna

Tzulhon, officially the Federal Republic of Tzulhon, is a country located in the Tzulhon islands of the Dragon Sea. The capital city is Deglis.

Tzulhon was governed by a Kuulist regime during the latter half of the 20th century, but it has become a democratic country since 1985.


The name Tzulhon means "cloud land" in the Egeriac language, the official language of Tzulhon.


Before the 16th century, there were several states in modern-day Tzulhon, and the modern Federal Republic of Tzulhon is a direct successor of the Republic of Egeria, which in turn was a direct successor of a city-state caled the Republic of Deglis.

In the 7th century, Deglis unified the whole area of Egeria, and formed Republic of Egeria. Republic of Egeria unified the Tzulhon main island during the 11th century, and later in the 16th centry, Republic of Egeria unified the Tzulhon islands, creating the fist unified state of Tzulhon islands, and then the government of Republic of Egeria renamed the country to the Federal Republic of Tzulhon, to reflect the fact that the government no longer only governs Egeria but governs the whole area of Tzulhon islands.

Following the expansion of the Republic of Egeria, Egeriac people also spreaded throughout the islands and has become a major ethnic group of Tzulhon since the 16th century. Tzulhon was a neutral state during the Great Ekuosian War, but it had a civil war during the 1940s. The Kuulist party defeated the National party (which were originalky balkist, but later turned to Sannist, and the balkist adherents joined the Kuulist party later) in 1950 and reigned Tzulhon until 1985. Many people nowadays have a mixed opinion on the former Kuulist regime - people maintain that while the Kuulist regime had a large record of human right violations and had strict restrictions on economic activities, it also promoted equity among the people of the country and both of the public hygiene and the literacy rate were greatly improved during the Kuulist times.


Tzulhon is an island country consisting of two main islands and several smaller islands. The largest island of Tzulhon is called the main island(Egeriac: He-Temed He-Tothon), or Tzulhon main island, and the second largest island is called the south island(Egeriac: He-Temdi He-Norem).



The southern parts of Tzulhon have a subtropical climate; the west coast area has a temperate oceanic climate, the east coast has a humid continental climate, and parts of the inland area have a semi-arid climate.


The islands have a variety of climate and varied soils, giving rise to a diverse pattern of vegetation. Animal and plant life is similar to that of the Draconic islands and mainland Soltenna. There are however, fewer numbers of species compared to mainland Soltenna.

Many larger animals have become extinct. However, some species are protected. Other small mammals, such as rabbits, hares, and beavers, are very common in Tzulhon.



Under the 1985 constitution, the government of Tzulhon consists of three branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. The presidents are the leaders of the executive branch, the legislative part of the government of Tzulhon is the parliament, and the judicial part is the Supreme Court of Tzulhon.

Tzulhon has always been a republic since the unification in the 16th century, it has a diarchy system, that is, it has two heads of state, both of them are called presidents and both presidents are elected by the people, and according to custom, the presidents cannot be from the same family. Both presidents can represent the country and may take turns to visit foreign leaders during their terms. The term limits for both presidents is 6 years, and the presidential election is held every 3 years.

Tzulhon has a unicameral parliament with 390 members. The term for a legislator is 4 years.

The Supreme Court of Tzulhon has 9 justices, each justice has lifetime tenure, meaning they remain on the Court until they resign, retire, die, or are removed from office. The 1985 constitution requires a referendum to change the number of justices or the terms of justices of the Supreme Court.

The current constitution was ratified in 1985. In the 1985 Constitution, all compulsory measures based on eugenics, corporal punishment or the death penalty were abolished. The constitution also abolished life imprisonment, with the maximum length of prison sentences being restricted to 25 years.

Firearm ownership continues to be strictly regulated, with citizens being forbidden from owning private firearms.

Before the mid 20th century, Tzulhon was an elitist republic. Before the 1940s, political rights were restricted to the members of the nobility, which constituted about 1.5% of the population in 1940s. Universal suffrage was granted in 1945 by the Kuulist government alongside with the abolition of the nobility class in the law.

Works related to transformative justice, including the prosecution of government officials and civil servants involving atrocities of the government, is still ongoing.

Civil servants is open for everyone, one needs to pass the civil servant exams to become a civil servant; besides, most civil servant positions require applicants to have at least 5 years of full time job experience, the only governmental positions that don’t have the full time job experience requirements are school teachers(which require a degree in normal schools instead), positions requiring a postgraduate degree, positions designated by elections(i.e. mayors, members of the parliament), and positions in the military, police department and fire department.

Administrative divisions

Tzulhon is a federal republic, it is divided into 5 states and a capital district.

Foreign relations

Lhavres is a main import partner of Tzulhon. Almost all crude oil, natural rubber and consumer electronics in Tzulhon, like televisions, telephones, computers, video game consoles, etc., and certain types of foodstuff, are imported from Lhavres.


For all stable societies, it is necessary and fundamental to guarantee the safety of all its members in the sense that virtually all members of the society, regardless of age, sex, gender, social status, etc. will live until the day they die naturally of inevitable causes of death. All laws or social rules that conflict with the need of safety will inevitably be nullified within one or two generations, by either being outwardly abolished or by being highly distorted or ignored to the degree that such rules are practically ineffective.


In Tzulhon, there are much more females than males serving in the military and the police department.

Crime rate


Interpersonal conflicts exist in all societies, conflicts are often destructive and can destabilize the society, therefore resolving conflicts is necessary for the stability of the society, and the fundamental function of the law is to resolve conflicts and to give rules regulating behaviour and regulating the use of resources.

The use of the death penalty, corporal punishments or life imprisonments are unconstitutional since 1985.


All societies have marriage in the sense of culturally recognised union between people, and all countries have laws regulating marriage.

The marriage law of Tzulhon does not recognize any forms of extramarital sex, all forms of extramarital sex, including sex before marriage, are criminal offenses and are punishable by imprisonment.

The minimum age for marriage is 25 years old, but 17 with the consent of parents of both sides.

Drug Laws

Manufacturing, trafficking, distribution, importation and exportation of drugs are forbidden, and are punishable by imprisonment. The minimal penalty for manufacturing, trafficking, distribution, importation and exportation of drugs is 5 years.

The possession and use of drugs, however, is not a criminal offense, but the possession must be licensed, and the use must be under strict supervision, and for people who have drug addiction or are terminally ill, it is legal to possess and use drugs with an appropriate medical certificate. Possessing and using drugs without a license or a medical certificate is punishable by fines or community service.


Since the end of the Kuulist regime, Tzulhon has seen rapid economic growth with an estimated economic growth of around 8% in 2009.

Industrial structure

Most people in Tzulhon nowadays work in secondary and tertiary industrial sectors, about 10% of the population work in the primary industrial sectors and in the mining industry.

Primary Sector

Agriculture in the country is based on small to medium-sized family-owned dispersed units. It was the most significant sector of the economy of Tzulhon, but the importance of agriculture has greatly decreased. Agriculture employs about 10% of the population, and about 25% of the land is used for agricultural purposes.

Secondary Sector

The secondary sector of Tzulhon has undergone many changes and diversification, from electronics, manufacturing, textiles, to food, cement, mining and energy. since the collapse of the communist regime in the country. It has become very diversified; however, metalworking and manufacturing, especially the production of drugs and motor vehicles, are the most important part of the secondary sector of Tzulhon.

The secondary sector employs about 20% of the population.

Tertiary sector


Public transport, such as trains, trams, metro systems, and buses are still the major mean of transport in Tzulhon. Most of the roads and railway lines in Tzulhon were built during the dualist regime, and nowadays Tzulhon has a high density of railroads, to the degree that one can travel to virtually every district of every city and town by train.


Nuclear power is the main source of energy in Tzulhon, nuclear power provides over 80% of all electricity needs in Tzulhon, most of the nuclear power plants were built during the Kuulist era.

Science and technology


There are around 1,000,000 visitors from other countries each year, most of them are business travellers. Domestic tourism is the main form of tourism, and most local services and facilities are aimed for the needs of business travel or domestic tourism. There are few facilities and services available for international tourism.


Tzulhon uses the silver standard, gold and silver are legal tenders in Tzulhon. The unit of currency in Tzulhon is Xayna, 1 Xayna is equal to 23.977 grams of pure silver.


Tzulhon has a rather young population with a median age of around 27 years old, with a fertility rate of around 3 births per woman in 2015.

Ethnic groups

Tzulhon is a multiethnic country with a large diversity of ethnic groups. The Egeriac people is the largest ethnic group in Tzulhon, and the Egeriac language is the de facto official language of Tzulhon.


Deglis, the capital city and the largest city of Tzulhon

Tzulhon has undergone a rapid urbanization in the latter half of the 20th century. In 1950, more than 90% of the population lived in rural areas; in 2000, more than 90% of the population live in urban areas.



Tzulhon has a high literacy rate, the literacy rate is around 99%-100%. Education in Tzulhon is compulsory at the elementary and lower secondary levels; however, most students continue to high school and college, with more than 95% of the population having at least a high school diploma. As a relic of past Kuulist regime, most schools in Tzulhon are public and free, with only a few private schools around the country. Around half of the high school graduates go onto college each year. The mean years of schooling is around 14 years.

Most schools do not use uniforms, though there are some dress codes for students to ensure the modesty of students.

Kindergartens are free but not compulsory, most children, however, go to kindergarten before elementary school.

For tertiary education, all colleges and universities are public; also, all law schools, medical schools, business schools and normal schools(schools for training future elementary school and high school teachers) are postgraduate. Graduate schools, law schools, medical schools, and business schools require applicants to have at least two years of full time full time job experience.


Most hospitals in Tzulhon are public. There is a national healthcare insurance program covering all citizens in Tzulhon.

On average, there are around 10 hospital beds and 3 physicians for every 1000 people.

Medical education is highly prestigious; however, there are virtually no bachelor-level medical education programmes - medical education programmes are postgraduate, and people must obtain a bachelor degree before studying to be a medical doctor. The only bachelor-level medical educations are those related to nursing.

Before 1999, forced sterilisation was practised on people diagnosed with a mental illness, intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities. This included people with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, personality disorders, etc. Criminals who committed violent crimes were required to be castrated in order to be eligible for parole. Forced sterilisation was abolished in 1999 after Tzulhon had became democratic, the rule requiring all parolee to be sterilised was also abolished in 1999; however, the use of sterilisation on newborns with a mental illness, intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities is still very common and widespread. It is estimated that during 1950-1999, about 2,500,000 people in Tzulhon have been subjects of forced sterilization, and even today, as sterilization is still a widespread practice, it is estimated that about 60,000-90,000 children under 12 are still sterilized each year.

Due to the economic growth, the nutritional conditions of Tzulhon have greatly improved, the average height of adults have increased substantially during 1950-1985; however, the growing rate of obesity has become a major health concern in Tzulhon. As of 2019, about 47.5% of the population are either overweight(BMI > 24) or obese(BMI > 30), and about 19% of the population are obese. The obesity rate in females is substantially higher than that in males. Surveys found that about 22% of males and 73% of females over the age of 15 are either overweight or obese; besides, about 9% of males and 29% of females over the age of 15 are obese.


Traditional beliefs in Tzulhon are polytheistic and animistic in nature, deities from Qonklaks, Camic and Dhwer are venerated along with native deities. Monasticism is not practised in Tzulhon in any forms; however Pashaism has become common since the 16th century, due to Terminian influence, though most adherents to Pashaism in Tzulhon still venerate traditional deities, and Pashaists in Tzulhon just don’t see the traditional deities as true gods but just supernatural forces.

Various kinds of rodents, including mice, rats, beavers, etc. are venerated, people prey and give gifts to the King Rat in hope of keeping mice and rats away from barns and growing grain, and golden sculptures of rats and mice are common in Tzulhon.


In general, Qonklese culture has the greatest influence on Tzulhon culture; besides, Mani cultures, Ekuosian cultures, Terminian culture, Shohuanese culture, Kavrinian cultures and Theweric cultures also have recognizable influences on Tzulhon culture.

After the democratization of Tzulhon, so far the mass media contents from Lhavres have the greatest influence on the popular culture in Tzulhon; Shohuanese media and Veridian media also have some influence; media contents from all other countries don’t have much influences on the popular culture of Tzulhon.


Burial is the most common way to dispose of the body of a deceased person. The use of cremation is not common - it is only reserved for criminals, pariahs and people who die from dangerous infections. Having the body dissected or burned in fire was a punishment and nowadays most people still see cremation as an uncomfortable choice for body disposal.

Arranged marriage is still widely practised in Tzulhon, parents still have decisional power on the marriage of their children. It is estimated that more than 80% of the couples are married under arranged marriage each year.

In the past, water was seen as a realm reserved for males, females were strictly banned from fishing or swimming in water, even today, it is still uncommon for females to go to the beach or to do water activities, even swimsuits for females are rarely sold; mountains were also seen as a holy realms for males only, and it is still uncommon for females to climb mountains today.


Like most pre-modern calendars, the Tzulhon calendar is a luni-solar calendar. The length of a month strictly follows the phase of the moon, the length of a year is generally 354 days, and uses leap months to close up the gap between the usual calendar year(354 days) and the solar year(365.24219 days). There is one leap month in every three years, and there are 7 leap months in every 19 years.



Qonklese architecture has a strong influence on the architecture of Tzulhon, public buildings in Tzulhon often show Qonklese influences.

Traditional vernacular buildings are usually made of wood, with a straw roof and a dirt floor, stone and clay are also used in some areas. Before the 20th century, flooring and roof tiles were usually only seen in house of rich people and in public bulidings, flooring only became common in urban areas in the latter half of the 20th century, and even in modern times, most houses in rural areas still have a dirt floor and a straw roof.



Qonklese arts have a deep influence on Tzulhonl arts. Traditional arts often show certain resemblances with Qonklese arts in styles.


Traditioal Qonklese music have an influence on traditional Tzulhon music, many musical instruments used in Tzulhon music can find their roots in Qonklaks.

Pop music from Lhavres, Veridia, Barradiwa, Letzia and Shohuan has gained much popularity in Tzulhon in recent years, pop musics from all other countries have not gained the same level of popularity in Tzulhon.



Animations, films and TV dramas from Lhavres, Veridia, Barradiwa, Letzia and Shohuan have gained much popularity in recent years. Animations, films and TV dramas from all other countries have not gained the same level of popularity in Tzulhon.

Locally-produced films and animations have only gained limited popularity, although locally-produced films and animations enjoy financial subsidies from the government, and there are criticisms that the government has over-subsidised local producers of mass media so local filmmakers and animators have produced many non-market-oriented contents.


Mainstream Tzulhon cuisine is similar to that in other draconic countries. Wheat is the primary cereal grain with about three-quarters of grain products made of wheat flour and many dishes use indigenous ingredients. Potatoes has become a major food source along with wheat and barley.

Tzulhon is not known for delicacy, traditional Tzulhon dishes include fish and chips, sandwiches and vegetable salad.



Beavers are the national animal of Tzulhon

See also