Mermelia and Llila

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Confederation of the Principality of Mermelia and Owa and the Iadrajan Kingdom
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: Toghether as one!
Anthem: Sunflower and Rose march
Royal anthemOh thee Monarch
Location of Mermelia on Sahar
Mermelia shown in green
CapitalRiges (de facto)
Largest Opnael
Official languages Mermelian, Owa, Pomelian, Asvian, Celvinian, Avtil, Eos
Recognised regional languages Jutean, Iadraja
Minority Gfiewish, Adzamasi, Lomesuvan, Kaneunish
Ethnic groups Maponics,Owas and Others
Demonym Mermelian (Mermer)
Government Parlamentary Monarchy
 -  Prince Avgvustare Dael Emme Einare Olboros
 -  High Council of Mermelia Alica Mamai, Peos Vio, Clara Óisangur, Olaef Sonson, Luh Deal
Legislature Parliament
 -  Upper house High Council of Mermelia
 -  Lower house Chamber of Prefectures
 -  Riges/Mermelia's independence from the Maponic Empire 12 CE 
 -  2017 estimate 10,050,900
GDP (PPP) 2017 estimate
 -  Total $454,400,422,300
 -  Per capita $48,070
GDP (nominal) 2017 estimate
 -  Total $544,373,029,320
 -  Per capita $57,888
HDI .85
very high
Currency Mermelian Syla (SXL)
Time zone WSXT and ESXT (SCT+6:00, +6:30)
 -  Summer (DST) Used (SCT+7:00)
Drives on the left
Calling code .16
Internet TLD .sx

Mermelia (Mermelian: ---, IPA: /---/), officially the Confederation of the Principality of Mermelia and Owa and the Iadrajan Kingdom is a country located in northern Ystel, bordering South Jute and Gfiewistan.






Most areas of Mermelia have a continental climate(Dfa and Dfb in Koppen classification); however, its north coastal areas have a humid subtropical climate(Cfa in Koppen classification) and are the areas with more population, many major cities of Mermelia, including Riges, its capital city, and Opnael, the largest city of Mermelia, are also located in the areas with humid subtropical climates.


The population density of Mermelia is low, as a result, wilderness is common in Mermelia, and about 65% of the total area is covered with forests; however, owing to its cold climate, the biodiversity is not high compared to many other countries; nonetheless, there are still several kinds of animals living in the wilderness of Mermelia, like Ystel sheep, a kind of animal whose wool can be used to produce a kind of luxurious cloth.



Mermelia is a principality, thus it is a monarch, and it is a parlamentary monarchy.

The current government of Mermelia was founded in 700 CE; however, the surname of the royal family has changed several times during the history, because of the end of bloodlines of past princes caused by the lack of suitable heirs, and as a result, the current prince of Mermelia is Avgvustare Dael Emme Einare Olboros, and the current royal family is from the Einre family.

Administrative divisions

Foreign relations

Mermelian government usually maintains an excellent relationship with foreign countries; however, the government of Mermelia is not recognized by the government of Llila.


Mermelia only has a navy force, and their focus of national defense is focused on preventing any potential invaders from the ocean.

There are proposals for a ground force and an air force, but most of these proposals have been declined by the parliament.


Mermelia has the only known commercial mine of cryolite in Sahar, and the mining of cryolite was once an important part of the economy of Tagel. Nowadays, Tagel has shifted to the production of luxuries, like scarfs made of the woll of Ystel sheep.


Mermelia has a well-developed public transport network, most people in Mermelia travel around by trains, metro systems, trams, etc.


Science and technology



Ethnic groups

Mermelia is a multiracial countries, there are more than 10 native ethnic groups living in the country; besides, there are also lots of immigrants, it is estimated that about 20 percent of the total population in Mermelia are immigrants. The largest immigrant group by 2015 is the ethnic Ebo Nganagam people from Ebo Nganagam.

Mermelia people have a general openness towards foreigners, however, for some reason, they have grown some love-hate attitudes towards people from Ryoku and this attitude has been shown in a recent poll.


Mermelia is not very urbanised compared to other countries, only about 60% of people living in cities and towns, and about 40% of people still live in rural areas nowadays; however, the population density is low, there are on average only 7.4 people of every kilometer of the country, and activities like mushroom picking are common recreational activities in Mermelia.


Mermelia has a high degree of linguistic diversity, there are a lot of languages spoken in Mermelia, the following languages are the official languages of Mermelia: Mermelian, Owa, Pomelian, Eos, Asvian, Celvian; besides, Jutean is a common regional language spoken in Mermelia; moreover, Gfiewish, Adzamasi, Kaneunish and Lomesuvan are important languages spoken by minorities in Mermelia.

The law of Mermelia guarantees the equal right of all languages spoken in Mermelia, any discrimination against anyone based on language is not allowed by the law.



Mermelia has an excellent medical care system, there are 7.1 medical doctors per 1000 inhabitants; besides, there are 16 hospital beds for inhabitants. As a result of excellent medical care system, the life expectancy of Mermelia is 83.2 years.






Throughout the history, Mermelian writers have created a variety of novels, many of them are related to mythologies, folktales, romance between two people and the history of Mermelia, including "A Journal in Kema Mi Amo", "Tales of the white Whale Shark", "The Prince and The Peasant", etc.

Recently, novels aimed at young people are becoming more and more common, and these novels are usually written in a colloquial language so that readers are easy to abosorb the contents of the novel.


Traditionally, Mermelian art values realism and traditional Mermelian artistic creations are very realistic; however, Mermelian people generally appreciate most styles of art, including traditional arts, abstract arts, pop arts, etc., and visual artists in Mermelia are known for their great diversity in terms of styles.

Besides drawing, photography is also a popular form of visual art in Mermelia.







See also