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Great State of Vogia
Vöğaavoo Kodäl
Vöğaavoo Kodäl
Motto: X
Splendor is ours
Official languages Vogian
Demonym Vogian
Government Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
 -  Monarch X
 -  Prime Minister X
 -  1,301,356 km2
502,456 sq mi
 -  20XX estimate 60,300,000
 -  20XX census 60,234,852
GDP (nominal) 20XX estimate
 -  Total $1,267,702,695,192
 -  Per capita $21,046

Vogia (Vogian: Vöğaavoo Vöğaavoo), officially the Great State of Vogia, is a country located in Northern Vaniu.




Ancient history

Predecessors to the Kalkalis migrated into modern-day Vogia circa the 2nd century BCE, and would spread across northern Vaniua, these early peoples were heavily nomadic and often relied on seasonal weather for their migrations, mostly living in tents and establishing very few settlements if any. By the 1st century CE, various tribal confederations began to appear, marking a split between early Kalkalis and giving way to what would be the ethnogenesis of modern-day Vogians, despite these early splits these various groups would still be intelligible until the appearance of Old Common Vogian in the 8th century CE. Further splits would occur with the rise of the Tamir Khanate and the use of Kalkali as a liturgical language. While much of the area came under Tamir rule, little was done to document the Vogian tribes within it. Speakers of Old Common Vogian are often referred as "Old Vogians" and rose to become the majority around the central and eastern plains of the Tamir Khanate.

Medieval Vogia and the Sunrise Horde

By the 13th century, modern-day Vogia would once again fall under the rule of another empire, with the Sunrise Horde taking hold of the northern plains of Vaniua and conquering much of the Tamir Khanate, leading to its disestablishment by 1220 CE. After the fall of the Sunrise Horde in 14XX(?) CE, Northwestern Vogia was under the control of the X Khanate, a Sunrise Horde remnant state. X

Great Horde

(Wow they sure were great huh, probably real Horde-y too)

Breakup of the Great Horde

By the 1630s, the Great Horde’s control of the north began to falter, as many Vogian tributaries stopped paying tribute to the Asharids. This encouraged Vogian peoples under the control of the Great Horde to start local rebellions against their Asharid overlords. By 1632, many northern territories of the horde were under local Vogian control, and although not recognized by the Asharids, were functionally independent until the official breakup of the horde in 1657. By 1660, the Red Vogians had risen to become the most prominent Vogian group. Situated on the northeast coast of the Melkanchuta, and with their well defended seat of power Tülüsoo, the Red Vogians became an indomitable force. In 1672, the Kingdom of Vogia was established after unification with the Blue Vogians and the Green Vogians.

Vogian Royal War

(Vogia has some dynastic problems)

The Vogian Empire

(Vogia declares itself a successor to the Great Horde, probably conquers Baghazan during this time, does a lot of Empire-ing, eventually Baghazan starts giving the Empire trouble) In 1804, the current King of Vogia declared himself and his state to be the true and worthy successors of the Great Horde. With this, he crowned himself as Emperor of Vogia, and proclaimed the Vogian Empire. X

The White War

(Vogia gets owned because they made a deal with Balakia over Baghazan) The aftermath of the White War and the loss of all territories within Baghazan would have disastrous effects on the public image of the monarchy and the government. Vogians increasingly viewed the White War as a pointless affair that wasted thousands of lives in return for nothing. Calls for democratic reform would begin to become increasingly common throughout the early 20th Century as the hatred for the absolute monarchy began to boil over.

The Vogian Revolution

(Vogia has fully lost Baghazan, the economy is in a downturn, some revolutionaries show up and after a civil war they’re defeated)


(Vogia rebrands itself as the Great State, allows for some democratic reforms (no idea to what extent yet)) Following the Vogian Revolution and subsequent reforms to the state, Vogia would pursue a policy of political isolation. Vogia would become “the sleeping empire” as described by X. From the 20th Century onwards, Vogia would focus mainly on internal affairs and security, and cease nearly all forms of foreign intervention. This new Vogia would remain completely neutral in neighboring conflicts, including the Great Ekuosian War and the neighboring civil war in Fukota. X







Administrative divisions

Vogia is divided into 18 provinces, and 1 capital region.




Science and technology



Ethnic groups






Most of Vogia adheres to Zarasaism, more specifically the ??? denomination












See also