Ebo Nganagam

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Confederation of Ebo Nganagam
Nganagam Aga Dighagot
Official languages Ebo Nganagam language
Hux Kham language
Ethnic groups 80% Ebo Nganagam people, 10% Adzamasi people, 1% Hux Kham people(Ebo Nganagam Hux Kham people), 3% mixed(especially Ebo Nganagam-Hux Kham mixture), 6% others.
 -  Confederational President Kambo Dapsa
 -  4,186,262 km2
1,616,325 sq mi
 -  estimate 268339394
 -  Density 64.1/km2
166/sq mi

Ebo Nganagam, officially the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is a country located in North Baredina, or Ekuosia.


The name Ebo Nganagam is the word meaning "village people" in the Ebo Nganagam language, as most people of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam lived(and many of them still lives) in highly autonomous tribes.


Before the arrival of the settlers of the Lakelanders(Hux Kham Mlu in the Hux Kham language; Ebo Ot Kahaga Gahasano in the Ebo Nganagam language) in about 1400 AD, the land of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam was ruled by various sovereign states in different historical stages, and the records about the Ebo Nganagam peoples were only scarcely seen in some records of neighboring peoples.

The first sovereign entity on the land of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam was the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham(Myak Kham means "Sunland" in the Hux Kham language). The Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham was estabished in about 1600 AD by a group of settlers of the Lakelanders, and it is said that the name of the leader of the settlers was E-ar-en-delu. Lakelanders are an ethnic group of himan being in Sahar, and it is said that the Lakelanders are originally a group of semi-nomadic herdspeople of southwestern Miraria. A group of Lakelanders invaded the land of the Ebo Nganagam tribes and built the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham, and the Lakelanders became the ruling class of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham and the Hux Kham language also became the language of government, law and academy in the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham.

The invasion of the Lakelanders and the establishment of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham soon provoked the resistance of the Ebo Nganagam local tribes, in the Northeast, the Ebo Lokngak tribe(Ebo Lokngak was called Ebo Lingai in the local Ebo Nganagam dialect of Ebo Lokngak tribe), which is a tribe of Ebo Nganagam people, formed a tribal union to fight against the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham, but their resistance was futile, the tribal union led by the Ebo Lokngak tribe was finally defeated in around 1750 AD and people of the Ebo Lokngak tribe were massacred, the Ebo Lokngak tribe thus disappeared.

After the defeat of the tribal union led by the Ebo Lokngak tribe, the land all Ebo Nganagam tribes became a part of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham, and the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham to the semi-arid area south of the savanna, however, the government of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham was oppressive to local peoples, which led to revolts of local people, also, people of the ruling class of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham also had many power struggles against each other, which eventually led to a coup d'etat led by General Yu Tak in 1953, General Yu Tak changed the name of the Aristocratic Republic of Myak Kham into the the Republic of Myak Kham(Note: the name "Aristocratic" has been removed) and abolished the aristocrat class, although General Yu Tak is generally seen as an oppressive dictator in the history of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam, local people also acknowledged that General Yu Tak abolished all the privileges of the former ruling class, promoting the equality between peoples in the country, but even in the time of General Yu Tak, the Ebo Nganagam language was continued to be an unwritten language and the the Hux Kham language was still the sole official language.

General Yu Tak died in 1995, which brought a new era to the country, the succeeding government decided to democratize and gave all major tribes full rights of autonomy, the Ebo Nganagam language gained the status of being an official language, and the name of the country was also changed to the Confederation of Ebo Nganakam. Although the Confederation of Ebo Nganakam is still a low developed country, currently, no one tries to challenge the current democratic government, people of the Confederation of Ebo Nganakam believe that they have a bright future, as all potential threats to the current democractic government has been successfully destroyed in the civil war against the Sunland Party of late 1990s.




Most of the country has a Tropical savanna climate, most of the land are grasslands with patches of forest, however, the southwestern area is drier and has a hot semi-arid climate, and the population density of the southwestern area is lower than most of the country.


two triops, triops are a popular food source of local people

The Confederation of Ebo Nganagam has a plenty of wild life, both on land and in water.



Administrative divisions

Administration Division of Ebo Nganagam.png

The Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is divided into 26 states, all states are autonomous, although the confederational government has rights to interfere the decision of the state governments, the name of the states are listed below:

  1. State of the Cape Dip, state capital: Nganagam Aga Dighagot
  2. State of the Eng Nax Islands, state capital: Nganagam Amat Apgong(Old Name: Im Simx Mlak)
  3. State of Si Dasanam Tik, state capital: Nganagam Towan Tasanam(Old Name: Zak Simx Twan Mlak)
  4. State of Nam Tasanam Tik, state capital: Nganagam Go Agoma Ko Ot(Old Name: Hux Nax Mlak)
  5. State of the Cape Kingx, state capital: Cape Kingx City
  6. State of the Amat Tasanam, state capital: Nganagam Amat Tasanam
  7. State of Si Gapa, state capital: Nganagam Si Gapa
  8. State of Amat Kapa, state capital: Nganagam Amat Kapa
  9. State of Tasanam Si Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Tasanam Si Ramak
  10. State of Si Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Si Ramak
  11. State of Sano Si Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Sano Si Ramak
  12. State of Sano Nam Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Sano Nam Ramak
  13. State of Amat Si Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Amat Si Ramak(also called Nganagam Nam Kapa)
  14. State of Nam Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Nam Ramak
  15. State of Amat Nam Ramak, state capital: Nganagam Amat Nam Ramak
  16. State of Sano Si Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Sano Si Kahala
  17. State of Sano Gahala, state capital: Nganagam Sano Gahala
  18. State of Sano Nam Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Sano Nam Kahala
  19. State of Si Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Si Kahala
  20. State of Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Kahala
  21. State of Nam Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Nam Kahala
  22. State of Amat Si Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Amat Si Kahala
  23. State of Amat Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Amat Kahala
  24. State of Amat Nam Kahala, state capital: Nganagam Amat Nam Kahala
  25. State of Adzamasiin, state capital: Nganagam Asamasi
  26. State of North Algador, state capital: Nganagam Let Sangam(Old Name: Ngim Mlux Mlak)

The State of Cape Dip, the State of Eng Nax Islands, the State of State of Si Dasanam Tik and the State of Nam Tasanam Tik are known collectively as the "Old Sunland States"; the State of the Cape Kingx, the State of the Amat Tasanam, the State of Si Gapa, and the State of Amat Kapa are known collectively as "the Midland States"; the State of Tasanam Si Ramak, the State of Si Ramak, the State of Sano Si Ramak, the State of Sano Nam Ramak, the State of Amat Si Ramak, the State of Nam Ramak, and the State of Amat Nam Ramak are collectively known as the "Old Ebo Lokngak states"; the State of Sano Si Kahala, the State of Sano Gahala, the State of Sano Nam Kahala, the State of Si Kahala, the State of Kahala, the State of Nam Kahala, the State of Amat Si Kahala, the State of Amat Kahala, and the State of Amat Nam Kahala are known collectively as "the Kahala States"; the State of Adzamasiin and the State of North Algador are usually known as "the Adzamasiin Land" and "the Algadorian land" respectively, although the State of North Algador is sometimes listed as a part of "the Kahala States", and some people also call "the Kahala States" as "the Old Algadorian States".

Foreign relations

Due to the historical relationship between Republic of Hux Kham and the former elites of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam, Republic of Hux Kham frequently give goods and materials and send professionals of various fields to help the development of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam.


Compared to its enormous population, the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam has a small size of armed force, due to the financial difficulties of the government. Although the size of the military is not small worldwide.

There are about 270,000 active personnels in the military, including the army and the navy, among them, about 200,000 personnels belong to the land army, and the rest 70,000 belong to the navy.

There is currently no Air Force, despite that the government has a plan to send some military personnels to other countries to learn how to operate airplanes.


The Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is not a major economic body of Sahar, the largest part of the economy is subsistence farming. There is only a little industry.

The major produce is grain and tubers, mostly of which are consumed domestically, not much of the agricultural production is sold on the market.

The nominal GDP per capita is 800$ USD, the GNI is roughly the same, the economic growth rate is 2%, which is average compared to the world, it is estimated that Ebo Nganagam will only become a developed country after 130-140 years if the growth rate keeps the same.


most of the roads are unpaved, they are not suitable for cars to use, and even the use of animal is not common, most transportation is done by manpower, and most people travel on foot. It is said that local diseases have disabled the use of animals in the past, especially in the area of Kawa mountains, and all attempts to introduce livestock to the area of Kawa mountains have failed.

There are currently no railroad, however, this is going to be changed, because of the ongoing plan of a Trans-Baredina Railway. Many local people think that Trans-Baredina Railway will bring a new chance to their villages and/or tribes, but many others oppose the plan, they think the build of the Trans-Baredina Railway will enlarge the gap between the rich and the poor, as the line of the railroad will only pass some areas, and the chance for people who live far away from the railroad to make benefits will be diminished, however, it is said that the government is planning to get loans to build more railroads across the country, to give everyone in the country a chance to enjoy the chance and convenience brought by the railroad.


The use of electricity is restricted to major cities, and the power supply is unstable, even the use of animal is not common, in most parts of the country, people rely on manpower to do works.

Science and technology



Ethnic groups

Virtually everyone living in the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is human being, however, there are many ethnicities among the human beings of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam. Among them, the most numerous people living in the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is the Ebo Nganagam people, more than 80% of people living in the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam are Ebo Nganagam people; besides, Lakelanders, also Hux Kham people, consist of 1% of people living in the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam, and it is known that even the modern constitution indicates that every citizen of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is equal, Hux Kham people are still elites of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam.

Besides Ebo Nganagam people and Hux Kham people, there are also Adzamasi people and the Nolros people living in the south, and some Cialnra people living in the east; there are also Hyum Nthang-speaking Hyum Nthang people(Formerly Srmo War Mlu, but the name Srmo War Mlu is now considered to be offensive).


The urbanization rate is low, most people still live in villages.


The Ebo Nganagam language is the most widely spoken language in the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam, and the Ebo Nganagam language is also one of the two official languages of Confederation of Ebo Nganagam.

Besides the Ebo Nganagam language, due to the historical relationship between the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam and the Republic of Hux Kham, the Hux Kham language, more precisely, the Classical Hux Kham language, is also the co-official language of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam, despite the fact that the Hux Kham language and the Ebo Nganagam are linguistically unrelated.

Besides the Ebo Nganagam language and the Hux Kham language, the Adzamasi language, which is mainly spoken in the southern area, is alos a recognized language of the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam.

Originally, many place names are in the Hux Kham language, but in recent decedes, due to the localization movement by the government after the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam had formed, many place names has been changed into the Ebo Nganagam language, including the capital city of the confederation, Nganagam Aga Dighagot.


Currently, the Confederation of Ebo Nganagam is one of the least developed country in Sahar, with the lowest literacy rate in Sahar, however, the government is actively improving this. The government is currently making an orthography for the Ebo Nganagam language, and the first public elementary school has been opened in 2013.














See also