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Oʼhà ("Take five", Hlung: hoja, Ndxiixun: ó¹ha³) is a Xuni board game and the origin of the tanni class of board games.




The game is traditionally played with 3 piles of stones, with one pile of 3 stones, one pile of 4 stones, and one pile of 5 stones. In a 2 player game, players are dealt 6 cards each from the bottom 3 cards of each suit of a [tbd card type name] deck. On their turn, a player can either take a single stone, or play a card. The last player to take a stone wins.

The action of the cards depends on the suit and number:

  • bat: add n stones, either to an existing pile or each as a new pile of 1 stone
  • tapir: take n+1 stones from a single pile
  • snake: take n additional turns (you may not play a snake card on any of those new turns, and all stones that you take must be from the same pile)
  • shark: the opponent discards n cards


The game can be adapted for more players by increasing the number of stones, increasing the size of the deck, decreasing the size of each player's hand, or all of the above.

There is a game variant in which the last player to take a stone loses.


The game tâongio má, a derivative of oʼhà, is popular in Goal. It differs from oʼhà by having four players and being played using a different deck.

See also