Species relations in Goal

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Goal is a country with multiple indigenous species, humans, astalvi, and fals, as well as a kav immigrant population.


Prehistoric era

The prehistoric era of Goal was characterized by widespread interspecies and interethnic strife. Raiding for goods and slaves was most common, but there are also records of outright annihilation of camps or villages. Each indigenous species was involved as both aggressor and defender of these raids. It is believed by archaeologists that intraspecies slavery was most common during the early prehistoric era, whereas the majority but not all of slavery during the late prehistoric era became interspecies rather than intraspecies. The archaeological record shows the fals population continually decreasing during the prehistoric era, with the astalvi and human populations both increasing and oscillating in dominance.

City-state era

Beginning in the late prehistoric era and continuing into the early historic era, interspecies alliances began forming based on economic needs. The rise of interspecies polities led to a decrease in interspecies warfare and an increase in organized raiding and warfare between polities. In the early historic era, the majority of indigenous fals became enslaved. Slavery of humans and astalvi continued to be practiced, with increasing proportions of intraspecies slavery and decreasing proportions of interspecies slavery.

Cananganam era


Prra-Blen [TBD] era


Astalvi era

Immigration from kavs and fals (primarily from the Fals Empire and modern-day Faknir Republic) begins during this era, continues through to the modern era (with big gaps during the civil wars).

Civil War era

Emancipation of humans and astalvi. Humans and astalvi get equal civil rights under the first constitution. Fals slavery continues.

Modern era

Emancipation of fals occurs after the first Goal Civil War. Many fals remain domestic servants, some others are in a state of de facto slavery due to being unable to attain legal documents. Rural fals slaves were often kept ignorant and not informed of emancipation, leading to many staying slaves for decades after emancipation. Scarred Scales, a documentary TV series about fals slavery post-emancipation, is aired in 1996. This galvanized a movement for reparations. The Fals Reparations Act was passed after much debate in 2001. Fals rights and anti-slavery activists regarded it as a disappointing compromise, but it did moderately improve the economic situation of many indigenous fals people.

Recent events

Fals immigration increased greatly during the 2017-2019 Fáknir civil war, with a vast majority of those immigrants being refugees. This has complicated the already difficult relationship between immigrant and indigenous fals, with most fals refugees having had higher socioeconomic status in their country of origin but becoming lower socioeconomic status upon immigrating to Goal. Some of these people have formed communities specific to refugees, while others have begun to assimilate into the indigenous fals culture. A few, primarily those with existing connections to pre-2017 fals immigrant communities, have become part of the higher SES fals immigrant communities.