Languages of Manea

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As a result of the local geography and history, Manea is home to multiple regional and minority languages. The languages of Manea are largely Ngerupic, with some foreign exceptions.

Distribution of languages in Manea

Central Manean Group

The Central Manean group, along with the Pinxan group, makes up part of the Mañic branch of the Ngerupic family and is native to the southern and central islands. Standard Manean is the most widely spoken language in Manea having gained the status of lingua franca for the nation. It is notable for being spoken in and around the capital city of Komanyo. Southern Manean is a separate language from Standard Manean spoken primarily in the southernmost islands. Like many of the Manean languages, its use is becoming increasingly limited as Standard Manean becomes more dominant.

Pinxan Group

The Pinxan languages are another group of Mañic languages spoken in northern Manea. Pinxan proper has two standard forms, Northern and Southern, named for their respective regions. Both these varieties of Pinxan are considered similar enough as to be considered one language. However, Western Pinxan, is a more highly divergent minority tongue spoken one the islands west of the large northern isle and is not considered to be the same language of Pinxan proper.


Vayama is a dialect continuum spoken in southeastern Manea. It forms part of the Ounyu branch of the Ngerupic family. Vayama has comparatively few remaining native speakers, but revitalization efforts have emerged.

Manean Kwang

As its name would suggest, Manean Kwang is a Kwangic language spoken in the northeastern islands of Manea.

Foreign Languages

Languages of neighboring nations such as Awatese and Ndxiixun are commonly heard. Languages from Manea's colonial and satellite state past such as Vosan, Standard Kwang, and Terminian are also common.