Valley War

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The Valley War, (Khezian: Ha Gedinar, Ha Gedinar) (Vanoshan: S buĺemes S buĺemes) was a war waged from 1741 until 1884 with the peace at Vana between Khezan and Vanosha. It originated from disputed claims over the succession of the Taayimid dynasty, before later expanding into a power struggle between the powers of Western Vaniua.

For 143 years, interrupted by multiple truces, seven generations of kings fought for the throne of Khezan. The war's effect on Western Vaniuan history was lasting. Both nations innovated new tactics and technologies to their advantage in the aim of subjugated the other, permanently changing warfare in the region and ending the system of nobles collecting conscripted levies and the hiring of mercenaries in favor of professional armies. Stronger national identities became prevalent as the last remnants of the feudal system in both nations declined.



See also