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Gennism (/d͡ʒɛ.nɪ.zəm/, Norjihani: djenaibud /d͡ʒɛ.naɪ.bud/, Sjuutsay: jjelnjetewa /j:ɛlnjɛtɛwa/), is a major religion in the region of South Baredina. It's two main branches, Mahadran and Orthodox Gennism, are worshiped by a total of just over 40 million people (not including small worldwide communities). Although believed to have originated from Ekuosia along with the Baredan peoples, the religion itself is believed to have emerged in South Baredina after the last Baredan Migration. The core belief of Gennism is the idea of the 'Path', the route that one travels to become an 'Enlightened One' so that they may live in Duhëhautsuume, or the Eternal Kingdom, and the Quadrumvirate, the grouping of Kalkatur (the Allmother), Genn, Huad and Yte (or Sahar). The religion is known for its rather liberal attitudes on several controversial issues, and for being committed to Stewardship, or protection of Yte.


The Holy Path

The Holy Path are the basic key rules that all Gennists of all denominations must follow if they are to achieve Englightenment. There are two main parts to this, the Six Ideals and the Holy Law. The Six Ideals are as follows:

  • Live for Genn - you must live your life by following the Holy Path and seek Enlightenment in everything that you do
  • Die for Genn - you must die committed to the cause of Gennism, and die when he commands; this is interpreted by some to be against Euthanasia, but it is not generally perceived in this manner
  • Fight for Genn - you must be willing to fight for what is fair and just, even if this is against the law
  • Have Mercy for Genn- you must know when to spare people and to let them see the error of their way, and when there is no hope for them. You must try to reform people unless there is no hope for them
  • Love for Genn - you must be compassionate towards others and care for them
  • Talk for Genn - you must be willing to spread the religion and protect it

The Holy Law is “As Genn saw, you shall see; As Genn did, you shall do; As Genn wanted, you shall want”. These words underpin the entirety of the religion, telling believers that we must try to live how Genn would want us to live, seek out the good things in life within the laws of Gennism and that we should seek to improve ourselves so that we can become Enlightened. This law tells Gennists to be kind, try to find the best in others and fight for justice.

The Curse of Huad

Gennists believe that all humans are the children of Huad and Moreg, the last of the Firstborn, or Great, Men. Uled and Meth were the first, and as the direct descendents of Huad became cursed, and all consequent generation of humans up until the present day suffer from the Curse of Huad. This curse is a predisposition towards evil, and this must be overcome by following the Holy Path. The Gennist definition of 'Evil' is rather vague, but in general it involves taking life, exploiting Yte or other lives and/or not being a Gennist, depending on the denomination. The Curse of Huad as a concept first appears in Norjihani texts whose origin is believed to be around the 1st Century CE by the mysterious figure Oseten. It was cemented into place by the works of Totsmakiflon, and now is one of the central tenents of Gennism. It provides an explanation as to why humans are naturaly born evil.


Enlightenment is the state of 'being in tune with the world and yourself, being one with Genn, with Yte and with Kalkatur herself' (Laws 2:43). In general, Englightenment is the state of having rid yourself of the Curse of Huad by following the Holy Path. Meth will judge you once you die, which is the final stage in achieving Englightenment. Your life is seen as preparation for this final judging, and by achieving wordly Enlightenment you can achieve Enlightenment in the world beyond, and thus your soul will be protected by Meth until the End of Time.


Duhëhautsuume is the name of the Eternal Kingdom, where all those who achieved Enlightenment during their life will live for eternity. Genn will create Duhëhautsuume at the End of Time, after he finally defeats Huad. In the battle Haje and Wekago, the spirits of Time and Eternity, will both die, so Genn will sacrifice himself to create Duhëhautsuume, where the enlightened will live for eternity in peace and prosperity. The goal of a Gennist in life is to achieve Englightenment so that he or she will live in Duhëhautsuume.

In Mahadran Gennism, it is believed that the Eternal Kingdom will be ruled by Mahadras, who Mahadran Gennists view at the Prophet of Genn (‘And Genn will make a kingdom for the enlightned, and Mahadras shall be its King, and it shall be without bound - Prophecies 4:173’)


Gennists believe that they have a duty to protect Sahar as well as possible, as Yte is sacred and must never be exploited. Where possible, Gennists must do what they can to protect the Earth, and to help all those who live on Earth. They believe that we have a duty to use the gifts of the Earth, including using animals for meat as long as they are treated kindly - Gennism completely opposes Factory Farming, for example - and naturally agriculture; these are seen as tools for Gennists to use. What Gennists must not do is pollute the earth, massively quarry vast areas of land and similar activities which cause harm to the environment.

Genn-Huad Dualism

Genn and Huad appear in a somewhat dualistic relationship within the wider concept of the religion. Huad is generally perceived as a representation of man's evil, and Genn of man's god. However, Gennist theologians are generally agreed that it isn't as simple as this. Huad was tricked into killing Kalkatur, and certain sections of the creation myth suggest that by attempting to destroy Sahar Huad was trying to undo his mistake in the hope he could reform Kalkatur. Genn isn't without fault as well, as some theologians believe that he forced Huad into the void knowing what Huad was trying to do. Huad's sense of remorse is what allows Gennists to break the Curse of Huad and become Enlightened; Huad was never truly evil, and so the bonds of the curse are weak enough to be broken.


The Quadrumvirate

At the heart of the Gennist Pantheon lies the Quadrumvirate, the collection of the four most important spirits in Gennism, with them commonly being referred to as 'Gods'.

Kalkatur is the Allmother, the origin of all life. In the origin story of Gennism, she creates the spirits to entertain her, and when she can't truly love them she cries Genn and Huad into existence. Kalkatur is murdered by Huad, driven on by the spirit Yni who loved Kalkatur greatly but bitter at her rejection, as well as by his own personal envy. Her blood become the oceans and her bones the earth, and her skin became the universe itself.

Genn is seen as the protector of mankind and is the most revered spirits in Gennism, being one half of the duality within Gennism along with Huad. It is Genn who shaped Sahar out of the remains of Kalkatur, forming Yte in the process. He fought against Huad who tried to destroy his creation, and eventually banished Hhuad from the universe, before giving the last of his energy so he could watch Sahar eternally as the Moon. At the end of time, Genn will return to fight against Huad once more and will eventually defeat him, and then Genn will sacrifice himself so man may live eternally in Duhëhautsuume. Genn is often represent as a man or a stag, or an amalgamation of the two.

Huad is the other half of the Genn-Huad duality (although the 'duality' will be explained later), the other son of Kalkatur. Huad was tricked into killing Kalkatur by Yni, and when Genn created Sahar afterwards he tried to destroy it. Before he lost, he decided to leave a lasting mark on Sahar by impregnating the last human woman, creating Meth and Uled. These were the first humans born with the Curse of Huad. Although he currently is outside the universe in the void, his servants still follow his will and the Curse of Huad allows him to strike evil amongst humankind. He will return at the end of the universe, and will eventually be destroyed by Genn but not before destroying the spirit of Time. He is often shown as a black nothingness, or a black humanoid figure.

Yte is the conceptualised manifestation of Sahar and the spirits, and is often considered a living thing as well. Yte is sacred and must be respected, and so environmentalism is a core concept within Gennism; Yte's gifts must be used but never exploited. Hence, Gennists must do what they can to limit environmental destruction and to protect animal life. The understanding of Yte is part of the role of the Enlightened.

Primordial Spirits

The primordial spirits were spirits created by Kalkatur or are the children of those spirits. They were the very first spirits - personifications of concepts, but they did not interact with Sahar or anything living on it.

Spirit Purpose Description
Haje Spirit of Time
Hansa Spirit of Reason
Husal Spirit of Knowledge and Memory
Jeimdo Spirit of Sound and Music
Unfwa Spirit of Impulse
Wekago Spirit of Eternity
Yni Spirit of Love and Betrayal The spirit who tricked Huad into killing Kalkatur due to her rejection of him. He is thus seen as both the spirit of Love and Betrayal. His remains are the stars, as an example of the other spirits not to rise up against Yte or Genn.

Other Spirits

Spirit Purpose Description
Derog Spirit of Travellers and Shelter
Protector of the Baredan Peoples
Fuamhe Spirit of Mist and Trickery
Kontrum Spirit of Vanity and Beauty
Lowke Spirit of the Weather
Meth Spirit of Death As the direct descendant of Huad, Meth became a spirit when he died. He was cursed to forever watch mankind die and to be the Judge of Men and the Guard of the Englightened. He will be unable to enter the Eternal Kingdom, so Uled his wife will kill both of them out of mercy.
Nerin Spirit of Nature
Nonkay Spirit of the Mountains
Osa Spirit of the Sea
Regsa Spirit of the Harvest
Tuwa Spirit of the Sun
Uled Spirit of Mercy and Kindness The other child of Huad, Uled is also cursed with being an immortal spirit. She is the spirit of Mercy and Kindness, and will kill herself and Meth at the universe so Meth doesn't have to bear the pain of never being able to enter the Eternal Kingdom.
Utsaf Spirit of the Land

Spirit Family Tree

Kalkatur / Yte


The Uuvumuhëd

The Uuvumuhëd (from PB *uk’umumhas, meaning 'Great Chief') is the main holy text of the Gennist faith. It contains the creation story, the Great Battle (between Genn and Huad), and all of the other major religious beliefs of the system. It is the guide that all Gennists must follow, hence its name as the Great Chief; it is the leader that all Gennists must serve. Below is a list of the Books of the Uuvumuhëd

Name of the Book Description
Creation Covers the creation story of Gennism and the Great Battle
Fall Follows the life of Meth, Uled and their children
Kingdom Discusses a great kingdom under the king Mok'tu, which collapsed due to his greed and lack of faith
Journey Recounts the journey of the Baredans to Bareda, and the challenges they encountered on the way
Refoundation Follows the foundation of the Lesser Kingdom, the land of Genn's people (Bareda)
Lessons A series of 'lessons' from Genn telling the Baredans how to live, delivered on the Great Mount
Prophecies Gives a series of prophecies about the end of time and Genn's ultimate sacrifice

The Mëhërë

The Mëhërë is a text in Mahadran Gennism that follows the life of Mahadras Mahadrin, whom Mahadran Gennists believe is a prophet of Genn

The Anthology of Totsmakiflon

The Letters of Hajenired


The Katumas

The Katumas is the main recognised religion of Gennism, and is used by both the Mahadran and Sjuun Orthodox churches. The crescent moon represents both Genn, who is often depicted as the moon and is believed to have taken that form after the Great Battle of the creation story, and Kalkatur as the cloak around Sahar, which is the red circle. It is a red circle as it represents the blood of Kalkatur which formed Sahar and the rest of space, and as a result represents Yte as well. The blue also represents Huad, and the red Genn, and this coloured based imagery appears both in Mahadran and Orthodox Gennism. Here, Genn is shown to be the protector of the Englihtened and Sahar, whereas Huad is trying to attack and destroy it.

Other symbols of Gennism include the Stag's Head. The deer is a sacred animal in Gennism and it is forbidden to harm the deer as they were created directly by Genn. Genn himself is often represented with the head of a stag and the body of a man. The Stag Head is more closely associated with Mahadran Gennism, as if the Key of Hajenired, which is a symbol held by Mahadras in depictions of him. The current key recides at the Grand Temple, but whilst Mahadrans claim it was a gift to Mahadras, Sjuun Orthodox Gennists claim it was given to the church by Totsmakiflon.



Gennism is believed to have first begun to appear with the Proto-Baredan peoples in southern Ekuosia (modern day Lons), where the Baredan peoples were inspired by other religions and belief systems; for example, it is clear that the Dualism of Iovism and of Genn and Huad in Gennism share a common root. Not much is known of this Proto-Baredan religion, but it is clear a hierarchy existed already with priests and the associated nomenclature. It is believed that the religion had been codified before or during the migratory period, mainly because of the close similarity of the two modern Gennist groups despite the early isolation (although there was greater contact and reimposition of earlier Gennist ideals later on).

Mahadran/Orthodox Split

The major split in Gennism comes from the early history of the religion, and concerns Mahadras Mahadrin. It is accepted that the Holy Mount at Hajenired, on which the modern Grand Temple stands, is the holiest place in Gennism as according to the scripture it is were the spirit Derog led the Baredan peoples to before he let them spread across South Baredina. It is, in Mahadran Gennism, the place were Mahadras established the Lesser Norjihan, or the Kingdom of Genn on Sahar. It is the role of Mahadras within Gennism that is the cause of the split between Orthodox and Mahadran Gennism. The Mahadran Church claims that Mahadras was the prophet of Genn who led the Norjihanis to Norjihan, whereas Orthodox Gennists refuse to believe he was a prophet. There is no real difference in beliefs caused by this, other than the belief that Mahadras will be the King of Duhëhautsuume and several minor disputes, which is why the two religions are still generally classified as one.

Effect and Modern History

Gennism had a major effect on the development of South Baredina, with the Norjihanis using the cause of Gennism as frequent justification for war and practising a strong policy of religious persecution. The idea of 'Knowledge as Duty' also led to the priestly class also become a scholarly class, and helped learning spread amongst the nobility and the clergy at least. The Sjuun High Monk 'Totsmakiflon' is considered one of the most important figures in Gennist Theology and in general Philosophy, with the large volume of his books greatly influencing though in South Baredina for centuries. He was also the creator of the Sjuun Script and the Baredan Calendar, as well as being attributed to the rebirth of Orthodox Gennism. Meanwhile, the office of Grand Gennist (and Mahadran) Servant was founded in Norjihan, with the first Grand Servant Bamrek Ynenu being the most respected theologian of Gennism, even above Totsmakiflon; the two are known to have met in person, with Totsmakiflon writing a book on Mahadran Gennism soon afterwards. Their friendship helped heal the wounds between the two strands, although the dispute surrounding Mahadras remains to the present day.

Gennism remains highly followed in both Norjihan and Sjuu today, and has followings across the rest of South Baredina and Sahar-wide.


Sjuun Orthodox
