Archive:Central Republic conflict

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Boroso Conflict
Boroso conflict map.png
Map of the situation toward the end of the conflict
LocationBoroso (Central Boroso, Dhwer, Tuanmali)
Military Participants
Template:Country data Central Republic Central Republic
Tuanmali Tuanmali
Fals Empire Fals Empire
Achiyitqana Achiyitqana
Template:Country data Mettat Mettat
Template:Country data Lesidea Lesidea
Template:Country data Haraku Haraku
File:Fdrk.png FDR Kal
Dhwer Dhwer
Helsonian Union Helsonian Union
Rosland Rosland (Unconfirmed)
File:Nithalosia flag.png Nithalosia

Fals Empire:
1,583,000 infantry
9 armoured divisions
135 ships
147 aircraft
~100,000 infantry
Central Boroso:
10,000 infantry
6,500 infantry
2,500 infantry
5 ships
2,000 infantry
100 dragons
2,000 infantry
14 aircraft

FDR Kal:
20 military elite

Helsonian Union:
10,000 infantry
2,000,000 infantry reinforcements
200 aircraft

Dhwer and Prenkrot:
7,000 infantry
200 peacekeeping infantry

The Central Republic conflict was an armed conflict centered in Thewer Province, the northernmost province in the Vaamekian Republic of Central Boroso, sparked by the invasion of Thewer Province by the United Kingdom of Dhwer and Penkrot.


After months of tensions between the two nations, Dhwer invaded Thewer Province in response to alleged human rights violations by the Vaamekian-dominated Central Republic government against ethnic Dhwer living in the northern Central Republic. In contrast, the Central Republic stated that the only conflict was between the government and Dhwer terrorists seeking to disrupt the region. Tensions heightened further with the release of a video by the organization Ke-Halalth (the Foundation), considered by the Central Republic government to be a terrorist group, showing an Nithalosian journalist, Girem Ektala, who had been abducted by Ke-Halalth. The video called for the Union of Šarkunen Nations to intervene against "Vaamek crimes" and threatened that if they did not intervene, the Ke-Halalath "cannot guarantee that fighting will remain in Boroso".

Supreme Premier Josh Mär of the Helsonian Union declared their support for the Dhwer soon after the conflict began. Not long after, Helsonian military vessels were spotted in Tuanmali waters, and a proclamation was issued by the Helsonian Supreme Command demanding Tuanmali withdraw all troops and allow the UHCR to enter the country and take control of its northern provinces. The Tuanmali government responded by massing troops in the region and stating the proclamation to be a declaration of war and a violation of its rights as a sovereign nation.

Despite widespread international condemnation of Helsonia's threats, Helsonian troops did invade, using the codename Operation Żxar. The Fals Empire and Achiyitqána sent troops in support of the Tuanmali military, but the Fals troops were withdrawn after Helsonia sent significant reinforcements. In an unexpected turn of events, the Supreme Commander of the UHCR Air Force committed suicide not long after, during what was reported to be a temporary fit of insanity involving rants about communism. The Union of Šarkunen Nations ultimately did intervene in the conflict, but solely for the purpose of expelling the Helsonian occupation of Tuanmali, not interfering with the broader Dhwer/Vaamekian war.

The Fals Empire ultimately did declare war on the Helsonian Union, after an explosive device went off in a plane carrying the Fals ambassador to Haraku, killing everyone aboard. They allege that the plane was destroyed to hide intelligence indicating the Helsonian Union had plans to invade the empire, allegations denied by the UHCR.

The Helsonian invasion of Tuanmali was resolved after international pressure and internal unrest forced the withdrawal of Helsonian troops. The overall Central Republic-Dhwer conflict was resolved in an agreement signed by both nations for the VRCB to cede Thewer to Dhwer, with the VRCB receiving "62% of all proceeds from any natural resources extracted from its former province for the next 50 years plus a one time payment of Þ12,406,150,000 Dhwerian Thpelk (about $100,000,000 USD)." The conflict was a major cause of the eventually collapse of the Helsonian and Central Republic governments, leading to the nations Amerhan, PFHR Utol, and New Terminina (from Helsonia]] and the United Republic of Vaamek (formed from the Central Republic and the Republic of West Vaamek).

Violence outside of Boroso

In response to the conflict, violence between Vaamekians and Dhwer has erupted in other parts of Sahar. A 400-person riot in Bosato ended with 43 injuries and over 180 arrests.

A naturalized Riyan citizen originally from the UHCR also assassinated the president of Riyana, Lúhdva Meiguln, apparently in retaliation for the UŠN's actions against the UHCR, before killing himself as well.

Three persons of Dhwer origin were arrested in Nithalosia on charges of terrorism and acts against the state, allegedly for plotting to blow up the Nithalosian parliament. The UKDP and Central Republic have both demanded extradition of the accused terrorists. The UKDP has claimed the men are innocent, while the Central Republic claims that while guilty, they should be tried by the Central Republic rather than any UŠN member.

International reactions


Although initially remaining neutral, Achiyitqána entered the conflict after the Helsonian invasion of Tuanmali, citing Tuanmali's neutrality and "Helsonia's stance on nonhumans". In support of Tuanmali, they sent naval vessels and Special Forces to assist. They have maintained neutrality on the Vaamekian-Dhwer conflict, however.


Aracovix has remained neutral on the conflict, although some progressive members of the Sjörnselveik have advocated for accepting refugees, which conservative groups maintain could lead to racial tensions in Aracovix itself.


Astalva has remained neutral on the conflict.


Bosato very sad to know about war in Boroso. Bosato likes not war of every kind and will not have war with UKDP or VRCB or Helsonia. Any person from those country allowed to move to Bosato to avoid war; doesn't matter your race. Please do not bring war to Bosato or you be removed from Bosato.

Thank you.

Sadly, there have been riots in Bosato between Vaamekians and Dhwer. :(


The Republic of Edievia took a neutral stance in the conflict. Humanitarian aid in the form of food and medical supplies was sent to affected regions of Tuanmali. Prime Minister Osuvde called Helsonian actions in Tuanmali "deplorable", and further commented that "actions against the IUTR are absolutely unjustified."

Fals Empire

The Fals Empire was initially neutral in the conflict, but formally declared themselves allies of Tuanmali after the Helsonian invasion, sending infantry and navy to the region. Soter Armap, spokesperson of the Fals armed forces, stated, "We want to make it so that the Helsonians expect repercussions to their actions abroad. Invading a sovereign nation should be a repercussion in itself, and never be an offensive measures, only defensive."

After the assassination of the ambassador to Haraku, the Fals Empire declared war on the Helsonian Union.

They are accepting all refugees, from all affected nations.


Shortly after the start of the conflict, the FDR Kal sent peacekeeping troops into Thewer. Following threat of invasion by the Helsonian Union, the Democratic Council withdrew to the Kali embassy in Stenhem, Laefevia.

Helsonian Union

The Union of Helsonian Communist Republics were the first to support the Dhwer, both politically and militarily. They were also the aggressors in the invasion of Tuanmali and are currently occupying portions of northern Tuanmali as a staging base for supporting the Dhwer.

In the course of this, they have severed diplomatic ties with the Fals Empire.


Laefevia has formally remained neutral in the conflict, but has called for immediate evacuation of all Laefevian citizens from the UKDP (and a ban on travel to both the UKDP and the Central Republic), Central Republic, and UHCR. The government also recalled ambassadors to all three nations, and has announced an embargo on the UKDP and reduced trade with the Central Republic and UHCR. All UKDP citizens have also been barred from traveling in Laefevia.

Laefevia has sent aid to the region, to be distributed by Nithalosian and Lesidean peacekeepers.


Following the Helsonian invasion of Tuanmali, Queen Edhisagh IV and Queen Ria II of Lesidea announced the sending of humanitarian aid to the affected parts of Tuanmali.

Mbamigi Islands

The Mbamigian navy has been patrolling the region for peacekeeping purposes, although the nation remains neutral. President Iozu Ŋeleb̃e also stated, "We will take any means necessary to protect our own interests."


Ēriko Hang, Minister of Foreign Affairs, declared Ngutan's neutrality not long after the conflict began, as well as announcing an embargo on all countries involved in the conflict to maintain that neutrality.


Nithalosia did not overtly ally themselves with the Central Republic, but President Lađga Vortala announced a cut-off of economic and diplomatic ties with the UKDP, as well as new bans on ethnic Dhwer traveling in Nithalosia waters or airspace. The president also opened the Nithalosian borders to UŠN nationals evacuating from the conflict.

After the abduction of journalist Girem Ektala, Nithalosia has banned all travel to both the UKDP and Central Republic, with violators being treated as enemies of the state, and ordered all Nithalosian citizens in either nation to withdraw immediately.

Nithalosian peacekeepers have also been sent to the Central Republic to aid needy civilians of all nations.

Nithalosia does not support military actions against Dhwer, Central Republic, or Helsonia.


Ohkoria has stayed neutral in the war, but sent financial support to Laefevia and Nithalosia for supporting their humanitarian aid efforts.


In response to the UŠN's actions against the Helsonian Union, the Riyan president, Lúhdva Meiguln, was assassinated by a naturalized Riyan citizen originally from the UHCR.


Supportive of the Dhwer; alleged to be sending troops along with the Helsen troops.


Sanmra began as neutral, but after the Tuanmali (their historical enemies, but of the same non-human species) were invaded by Helsonia, they formally cut off ties to Helsonia and began accepting Tuanmali refugees into their borders.

There are unconfirmed reports that units of the Sanmra Special Forces have been mobilized to support the Tuanmali government in guerilla operations against the Helsonian troops.


Prime Minister Kitse Dzene initially released a statement of Tuanmali neutrality, but the nation was nonetheless drawn into the conflict after the Helsonian Union invaded the northern Tuanmali states. Popular support was initially split between neutrality and the Dhwer, but after the Helsonian invasion, the Vaamekian-Dhwer conflict has largely been forgotten by most Tuanmali.

Despite support by international troops, the Tuanmali military was unable to stand in the face of the Helsonian troops, and many refugees have since fled to the southern states.


Neutral, though there have been public protests in favor of intervention. Humanitarian aid has been sent for distribution by Nithalosian troops. Travel between Vadosia and the Dhwer, Central Republic, and Helsonian Union has been cut off.


Veridia has remained formally neutral, but foreign affairs minister Víntče Badzú released a statement denouncing the conflict, saying it "risks harming the peace and stability of the international community".


Vemou provided limited humanitarian support, primarily in the acceptance of refugees.


President Krystianen Nörðvätge announced that while Xynderland welcomed Xynden refugees, the nation would remain neutral, barring a joint UŠN decision to intervene.


Chancellor Hiomaka released a statement accepting human refugees into the duchies of Klismenth and Sithen, later widened to all duchies. However, the borders have been closed to all non-human refugees. Statements made by the Chancel indicated their support for the UKDP and, in particular, Helsonia.


Ṣyid-Aze Vynn, the Ythnandosian Minister of Foreign Affairs, decried the alleged human rights abuses, but maintained Ythnandosia's neutrality, stating, "Ythnandosia will not give any sort of military assistance to either side." The minister also announced an embargo on the Helsonian Union, UKDP, and Central Republic.