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The Republic of Thraquy and the Free Ports of Cnins and Sercns
akyate t'trak a toskiva halta t'knins a t'sercns (Rocnaian)
acyate t∙Trac a toscifa halta t∙Cnins a t∙Sercns
aggyatiw t'hrAk:wa e tuskiva halda t'knIns i.t'sErkens (Tullach)
aggîatiû t:Hráccûa e tusciva halda t:Cníns i-t:Sércens
Official languages Thraquy
Recognised national languages Tullach
Minority languages South Jutean
Demonym Thraquian
 -  2024 Independence from Tullach Chieftaincies 
 -  Total 160,938 km2
62,139 sq mi
 -  estimate 365,520 (2018)
Time zone (SCT+7)
Drives on the left
Internet TLD .tq

Thraquy, officially the Republic of Thraquy and the Free Ports of Cnins and Sercns, sometimes written as Thraquy-Cnins-Sercns, is a country located in northern Ystel. In an anticlockwise direction, it borders Mermelia and Llila, Rocnaia, Varencub, Ancorub and Tullachia. To the north of Thraquy is the Saru Sea. Having seceded from the former Tullach Chieftaincies in 2024, it is one of the youngest nations in Sahar, twinned with the other seven nations to have broken off. Despite Thraquy's recent independence, however, the designated port areas in the cities of Cnins and Sercns form a condominium with Tullachia.

Upon independence, Rocnaia claimed all of the former Rocnaian-speaking territories within its older kingdom, including the areas under condominium. As a result, the Free Ports of Cnins and Sercns are the only places in Sahar under a de jure tripartite condominium.

See also